< Proverbs 30 >
1 These things says the man to them that trust in God; and I cease.
Maneno ya Aguri mwana wa Yake - mausia: Mtu huyu alimwambia Ithieli, kwa Ithiel na Ukali:
2 For I am the most simple of all men, and there is not in me the wisdom of men.
Hakika nipo kama mnyama kuliko mwanadamu na sina ufahamu wa wanadamu.
3 God has taught me wisdom, and I know the knowledge of the holy.
Sijajifunza hekima, wala sina maarifa ya Mtakatifu.
4 Who has gone up to heaven, and come down? who has gathered the winds in his bosom? who has wrapped up the waters in a garment? who has dominion of all the ends of the earth? what is his name? or what is the name of his children?
Je ni nani amekwenda juu mbinguni na kurudi chini? Je ni nani aliyekusanya upepo kwenye mikono yake? Je ni nani aliyekusanya maji kwenye kanzu? Je ni nani aliyeziimarisha ncha za dunia yote? Jina lake ni nani, na jina la mtoto wake ni nani? Hakika unajua!
5 For all the words of God are tried in the fire, and he defends those that reverence him.
Kila neno la Mungu limejaribiwa, yeye ni ngao kwa wale wanaokimbilia kwake.
6 Add not to his words, lest he reprove you, and you be made a liar.
Usiyaongezee maneno haya, au atakukemea, na utathibitishwa kuwa mwongo.
7 Two things I ask of you; take not favor from me before I die.
Vitu viwili ninakuomba, usivikatalie kwangu kabla sijafa:
8 Remove far from me vanity and falsehood: and give me not wealth [or] poverty; but appoint me what is needful and sufficient:
Majivuno na uongo viweke mbali nami. Usinipe umasikini wala utajiri, nipe tu chakula ninachohitaji.
9 lest I be filled and become false, and say, Who sees me? or be poor and steal, and swear [vainly] by the name of God.
Maana nikipata vingi zaidi, nitakukana wewe na kusema, “Yehova ni nani?” Au kama nitakuwa masikini, nitaiba na kukufuru jina la Mungu wangu.
10 Deliver not a servant into the hands of his master, lest he curse you, and you be utterly destroyed.
Usimkashifu mtumwa mbele ya bwana wake, au atakulaani na utapata hatia.
11 A wicked generation curse their father, and do not bless their mother.
Kizazi ambacho kinachomlaa baba yao na hakimbariki mama yao,
12 A wicked generation judge themselves to be just, but do not cleanse their way.
kizazi hicho ni safi katika macho yao wenyewe, lakini hawajaoshwa uchafu wao.
13 A wicked generation have lofty eyes, and exalt themselves with their eyelids.
Hicho ni kizazi- jinsi gani macho yao yanakiburi na kope zao zimeinuka juu! -
14 A wicked generation have swords [for] teeth and jaw teeth [as] knives, so as to destroy and devour the lowly from the earth, and the poor of them from among men.
kuna kizazi ambacho meno yao ni upanga, na mifupa ya taya zao ni visu, ili waweze kumrarua masikini wamtoe duniani na mhitaji atoke miongoni mwa wanadamu.
15 The horse-leech had three dearly beloved daughters: and these three did not satisfy her; and the fourth was not contented so as to say, Enough.
Ruba anamabinti wawili, “Toa na Toa” wanalia. Kuna vitu vitatu ambavyo havitosheki, vinne ambavyo havisememi, “Inatosha”:
16 The grave, and the love of a woman, and the earth not filled with water; water also and fire will not say, It is enough. (Sheol )
Kuzimu, tumbo tasa, nchi yenye kiu kwa maji, na moto usiosema, “Inatosha.” (Sheol )
17 The eye that laughs to scorn a father, and dishonors the old age of a mother, let the ravens of the valleys pick it out, and let the young eagles devour it.
Jicho ambalo linamdhihaki baba na kudharau utii kwa mama, macho yake yatadonolewa na kunguru wa bondeni, na ataliwa na tai.
18 Moreover there are three things impossible for me to comprehend, and the fourth I know not:
Kuna vitu vitatu ambavyo vinanishangaza, vinne ambavyo sivifahamu:
19 the track of a flying eagle; and the ways of a serpent on a rock; and the paths of a ship passing through the sea; and the ways of a man in youth.
njia ya tai angani; njia ya nyoka juu ya mwamba; njia ya meli kwenye moyo wa bahari; na njia ya mtu pamoja mwanake kijana.
20 Such is the way of an adulterous woman, who having washed herself from what she has done, says she has done nothing amiss.
Hii ni njia ya mzinzi- anakula na kufuta kinywa chake na kusema, “sijafanya ubaya wowote.”
21 By three thing the earth is troubled, and the fourth it can’t bear:
Chini ya vitu vitatu dunia hutetemeka na vinne haiwezi kuvivumilia:
22 if a servant reign; or a fool be filled with food;
mtumwa anapokuwa mfalme; mpumbavu anaposhiba vyakula;
23 or if a maidservant should cast out her own mistress; and if a hateful woman should marry a good man.
mwanamke anayechukiwa anapoolewa; kijakazi anapochukua nafasi ya mkuu wake.
24 And [there are] four very little things upon the earth, but these are wiser than the wise:
Vitu vinne duniani ni vidogo na bado vinabusara:
25 the ants which are weak, and [yet] prepare [their] food in summer;
mchwa ni viumbe ambao sio imara, lakini huandaa chakula chao wakati wa hari,
26 the rabbits also [are] a feeble race, who make their houses in the rocks.
Wibari siyo viumbe wenye nguvu, lakini hutengeneza makazi yake kwenye miamba.
27 The locusts have no king, and [yet] march orderly at one command.
Nzige hawana mfalme, lakini wote wanamwendo wa mpangilio.
28 And the eft, which supports itself by [its] hands, and is easily taken, dwells in the fortresses of kings.
Kama mjusi, unaweza kumkunja kwa mikono yako miwili, lakini wanapatikana katika majumba ya wafalme.
29 And there are three things which go well, and a fourth which passes along finely.
Kuna vitu vitatu ambavyo ni fahari katika mwendo na vinne ambavyo ni fahari katika namna ya kutembea:
30 A lion's whelp, stronger than [all other] beasts, which turns not away, nor fears [any] beast;
simba, aliyeimara miongoni mwa wanyama- wala hajiepushi na kitu chochote;
31 and a cock walking in boldly among the hens, and the goat leading the herd; and a king publicly speaking before a nation.
jogoo anayetembea kwa mikogo; mbuzi; na mfalme ambaye askari wapo kando yake.
32 If you abandon yourself to mirth, and stretch forth your hand in a quarrel, you shall be disgraced.
Kama umekuwa mpumbavu, jitukuze mwenyewe, au kama umekuwa ukisimamia vibaya- weka mkono wako juu ya kinywa chako.
33 Milk out milk, and there shall be butter, and if you wing [one's] nostrils there shall come out blood: so if you extort words, there will come forth quarrels and strifes.
Kama kusuka maziwa hufanya siagi na pua ya mtu hutoa damu kama imepigwa, basi matendo yanayofanywa kwa hasira huzalisha mafarakano.