< Proverbs 27 >

1 Boast not of to-morrow; for you know not what the next day shall bring forth.
Saanmo nga ipaspasindayag ti maipapan inton bigat, ta saanmo nga ammo ti mabalin a maiyeg ti maysa nga aldaw.
2 Let your neighbor, and not your own mouth, praise you; a stranger, and not your own lips.
Bay-am a sabali ti mangidayaw kenka ket saan a ta bukodmo a ngiwat; maysa a ganggannaet ket saan a dagiti bukodmo a bibig.
3 A stone is heavy, and sand cumbersome; but a fool's wrath is heavier than both.
Panunotem ti kinadagsen ti maysa a bato ken ti dagsen ti darat, ket nadagdagsen ngem kadagitoy a dua ti parikut nga ipaay ti maysa a maag.
4 Wrath is merciless, and anger sharp: but envy can bear nothing.
Adda kinaranggas iti pungtot ken layus iti unget, ngem siasino ti makatakder iti sangoanan ti imon?
5 Open reproofs are better than secret love.
Nasaysayaat ti nabatad a panangtubngar ngem iti nalimed a panagayat.
6 The wounds of a friend are more to be trusted than the spontaneous kisses of an enemy.
Napudno dagiti sugat nga impaay ti maysa a gayyem, ngem mabalin nga agkannaka iti kasta unay ti maysa a kabusor.
7 A full soul scorns honeycombs; but to a hungry soul even bitter things appear sweet.
Ti tao a napnek a nangan ket saannna a pagan-ano uray ti diro, ngem iti mabisin a tao, agbalin a nasam-it dagiti amin a napait.
8 As when a bird flies down from its own nest, so a man is brought into bondage whenever he estranges himself from his own place.
Ti billit nga umadayo manipud iti umukna ket maiyarig iti tao a maiyaw-awan manipud iti pagnanaedanna.
9 The heart delights in ointments and wines and perfumes: but the soul is broken by calamities.
Ti bangbanglo ken insenso ket pagrag-oenda ti puso, ngem nasay-sayaat ti kinadungngo ti gayyem ngem iti balakadna.
10 Your own friend, and your father's friend, forsake not; and when you are in distress go not into your brother's house: better is a friend [that is] near than a brother living far off.
Saanmo a baybay-an ti gayyemmo ken ti ama ti gayyemmo, ken saanka a mapmapan iti balay ti kabsatmo iti aldaw ti panagrigatmo. Nasaysayaat ti kaarruba nga adda iti asidegmo ngem iti kabsatmo nga adda iti adayo.
11 Son, be wise, that your heart may rejoice; and remove you from yourself reproachful words.
Agbalinka koma a masirib, anakko, ket pagrag-oem ti pusok; ket sungbatakto ti tao a manglalais kaniak.
12 A wise man, when evils are approaching, hides himself; but fools pass on, and will be punished.
Ti naannad a tao ket makitana ti riribuk ket aglemmeng isuna, ngem agtuloy dagiti awanan kapadasan a tattao ken agsagabada gapu iti daytoy.
13 Take away the man's garment, (for a scorner has passed by) whoever lays waste another's goods.
Mangalaka iti kawes no ti makinkukua iti daytoy ket mangpatalged iti kuarta nga utang ti maysa a ganggannaet; ken alaem isuna no patalgedanna ti babai a mannakikamalala.
14 Whosoever shall bless a friend in the morning with a loud voice, shall seem to differ nothing from one who curses [him].
No adda mangbendision iti kaarrubana babaen iti napigsa a timekna iti bigbigat, maibilangto a lunod dayta a pamendision!
15 On a stormy day drops [of rain] drive a man out of his house; so also does a railing woman [drive a man] out of his own house.
Ti mannakiapa nga asawa a babai ket maiyarig iti saan nga agressat a panagtedted ti tudo iti matutudo nga aldaw;
16 The north wind is sharp, but it is called by name propitious.
ti panangan-anawa kenkuana ket kasla panangigawgawid iti angin, wenno panangpadpadas a mangtaya iti lana babaen iti kannawan nga ima.
17 Iron sharpens iron; and a man sharpens his friend's countenance.
Ti landok, patademenna ti landok, kasta met a sursurroan ti maysa a tao ti gayyemna.
18 He that plants a fig tree shall eat the fruits of it: so he that waits on his own master shall be honored.
Kanento ti tao ti bunga ti aywananna a kayo ti igos, ken maidayaw ti tao a mangsalsalaknib iti amona.
19 As faces are not like [other] faces, so neither are the thoughts of men.
Mabalin a makitam iti danum ti rupa ti maysa a tao, kasta met mabalin a makita kadagiti aramid ti maysa a tao no ania ti adda iti pusona.
20 Hell and destruction are not filled; so also are the eyes of men insatiable. [He that fixes his eye is an abomination to the Lord; and the uninstructed do not restrain their tongue.] (Sheol h7585)
Saan a pulos a mapnek ti lubong ti sheol ken ni Abadon, kasta met a saan pulos a mapnek dagiti mata ti tao. (Sheol h7585)
21 Fire is the trial for silver and gold; and a man is tried by the mouth of them that praise him. The heart of the transgressor seeks after mischiefs; but an upright heart seeks knowledge.
Ti pagguguran ket para iti pirak, ti hurno ket para iti balitok, ken mapadpadas ti tao no maidayaw isuna.
22 Though you scourge a fool, disgracing him in the midst of the council, you will [still] in no wise remove his folly from him.
Urayno tumekem ti maysa a maag babaen iti al-o — karaman dagiti bukbukel-saan latta isuna a panawan ti kinamaagna.
23 Do you thoroughly know the number of your flock, and pay attention to your herds.
Siguradoem nga ammom ti kasasaad dagiti arbanmo ken kailalaam ti maipapan kadagiti tarakenmo,
24 For a man [has] not strength and power for ever; neither does he transmit it from generation to generation.
ta saan nga agnanayon ti kinabaknang. Adda aya met korona nga agpaut iti amin a henerasion?
25 Take care of the herbage in the field, and you shall cut grass, and gather the mountain hay;
Awanen dagiti ruot ken agparparang dagiti baro a nagtubo ken naurnong kadagiti banbantay dagiti kanen dagiti taraken.
26 that you may have [wool of] sheep for clothing: pay attention to the land, that you may have lambs.
Ipaayto dagiti karnero ti kawesmo, ken ipaayto dagiti kalding ti bayad ti talon.
27 [My] son, you have from me words very useful for your life, and for the life of your servants.
Addanto gatas dagiti kalding nga agpaay a taraonmo—taraon para iti bumalaymo—ken taraon para kadagiti adipenmo a babbai.

< Proverbs 27 >