< Proverbs 23 >

1 If you sit to sup at the table of a prince, consider attentively the things set before you:
Unapoketi kula pamoja na mtawala, angalia kwa uangalifu kilichopo mbele yako,
2 and apply your hand, knowing that it behoves you to prepare such [meats]: but if you are very insatiable,
na kama ni mtu unayependa kula chakula sana weka kisu kooni.
3 desire not his provisions; for these belong to a false life.
Usitamani vinono vyake maana ni chakula cha uongo.
4 If you are poor, measure not yourself with a rich man; but refrain yourself in your wisdom.
Usifanye kazi sana ili kupata mali; uwe na busara ya kutosha ili ujue wakati wa kuacha.
5 If you should fix your eye upon him, he will disappear; for wings like an eagle's are prepared for him, and he returns to the house of his master.
Je utaruhusu macho yako yaangaze juu yake? Itaondoka, maana itawaa mabawa kama tai na kuruka angani.
6 Sup not with an envious man, neither desire you his meats:
Usile chakula cha yule mwenye jicho baya- na usiwe na shauku ya vinono vyake,
7 so he eats and drinks as if any one should swallow a hair, and do not bring him in to yourself, nor eat your morsel with him:
maana ni mtu mwenye kuhesabu gharama ya chakula. “Kula na kunywa!” anakuambia, lakini moyo wake haupo pamoja nawe.
8 for he will vomit it up, and spoil your fair words.
Utatapika kiasi kidogo ulichokula na utakuwa umepoteza sifa zako njema.
9 Say nothing in the ears of a fool, lest at any time he sneer at your wise words.
Usiongee katika usikivu wa mpumbavu, maana atadharau hekima ya maneno yako.
10 Remove not the ancient landmarks; and enter not upon the possession of the fatherless:
Usihamishe jiwe la mpaka wa kale au kunyang'anya mashamba ya yatima,
11 for the Lord is their redeemer; he is mighty, and will plead their cause with you.
maana Mkombozi wao ni imara na atatetea kesi yao dhidi yako.
12 Apply your heart to instruction, and prepare your ears for words of discretion.
Elekeza moyo wako katika mafundisho na masikio yako kwenye maneno ya maarifa.
13 Refrain not from chastening a child; for if you beat him with the rod, he shall not die.
Usizuie kuadilisha mtoto, maana ukimchapa kwa fimbo, hatakufa.
14 For you shall beat him with the rod, and shall deliver his soul from death. (Sheol h7585)
Ni wewe unayepaswa kumchapa kwa fimbo na kuikoa nafsi yake kuzimu. (Sheol h7585)
15 Son, if your heart be wise, you shall also gladden my heart;
Mwanangu, kama moyo wako una busara, basi moyo wangu utafurahi pia;
16 and your lips shall converse with my lips, if they be right.
sehemu zangu ndani kabisa zitafurahi sana midomo yako inaponena haki.
17 Let not your heart envy sinners: but be you in the fear of the Lord all the day.
Usiruhusu moyo wako kuwahusudu wenye dhambi, lakini endelea kumcha Yehova siku zote.
18 For if you should keep these things, you shall have posterity; and your hope shall not be removed.
Hakika tumaini lako halitaondolewa na siku zako za hapo baadaye.
19 Hear, [my] son, and be wise, and rightly direct the thoughts of your heart.
Sikia- wewe! - mwanangu, na uwe mwenye busara na uelekeze moyo wako katika njia.
20 Be not a wine-bibber, neither continue long at feasts, and purchases of flesh:
Usishirikiane pamoja na walevi, au pamoja na walaji wa nyama walafi,
21 for every drunkard and whoremonger shall be poor; and every sluggard shall clothe himself with tatters and ragged garments.
maana mlevi na mlafi wanakuwa masikini na usingizi utawavika kwa matambara.
22 Listen, [my] son, to your father which begot you, and despise not [your mother] because she is grown old.
Msikilize baba yako ambaye alikuzaa na usimdharau mama yako wakati akiwa mzee.
Inunue kweli, lakini usiiuze; nunua hekima, nidhamu, na ufahamu.
24 A righteous father brings up [his children] well; and his soul rejoices over a wise son.
Baba yake mwenye haki atafurahia sana, na yule amzaaye mtoto mwenye busara atamfurahia.
25 Let your father and your mother rejoice over you, and let her that bore you be glad.
Mfurahishe baba yako na mama yako na yule aliyekuzaa afurahie.
26 [My] son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways.
Mwanangu, nipe moyo wako na macho yako yachunguze njia zangu.
27 For a strange house is a vessel full of holes; and a strange well is narrow.
Maana malaya ni shimo refu, na mke wa mume mwingine ni kisima chembamba.
28 For such a one shall perish suddenly; and every transgressor shall be cut off.
Anavizia kama mnyang'anyi na huongeza idadi ya wadanganyifu miongoni mwa wanadamu.
29 Who [has] woe? who trouble? who [has] quarrels? and who vexations and disputes? who [has] bruises without a cause? whose eyes are livid?
Nani mwenye taabu? Nani mwenye huzuni? Nani mwenye mapigano? Nani mwenye malalamiko? Nani mwenye majeraha bila sababu? Nani mwenye macho mekundu?
30 Are not those of them that stay long at wine? [are] not [those] of them that haunt [the places] where banquets are? Be not drunk with wine; but converse with just men, and converse [with them] openly.
Ni wale ambao huzengea kwenye mvinyo, wale wanaojaribu kuchanganya mvinyo.
31 For if you should set your eyes on bowls and cups, you shall afterwards go more naked than a pestle.
Usiutazame mvinyo ukiwa mwekundu, wakati unametameta kwenye kikombe na kutelemka kwa uraini.
32 But at last [such a one] stretches himself out as one struck by a serpent, and venom is diffused through him as by a horned serpent.
Mwisho wake unauma kama nyoka na sumu yake kama kifutu.
33 Whenever your eyes shall behold a strange woman, then your mouth shall speak perverse things.
Macho yako yataona vitu vigeni na moyo wako utatamka vitu vya ukaidi.
34 And you shall lie as in the midst of the sea, and as a pilot in a great storm.
Utakuwa kama anayelala kwenye bahari au anayelala juu ya mlingoti. “
35 And you shall say, They struck me, and I was not pained; and they mocked me, and I knew it not: when will it be morning, that I may go and seek those with whom I may go in company?
Wamenipiga,” utasema, “lakini sikuumia. Wamenichapa, lakini sikuwa na hisia. Nitaamka lini? Nitatafuta kinywaji kingine.”

< Proverbs 23 >