< Proverbs 20 >

1 Wine is an intemperate thing, and strong drink full of violence: but every fool is entangled with them.
Ko ta te waina he whakahi, ko ta te wai kaha he ngangau: a, ko te hunga katoa e whakapohehetia ana e tera, kahore o ratou whakaaro nui.
2 The threat of a king differs not from the rage of a lion; and he that provokes him sins against his own soul.
Ano he raiona e hamama ana te wehi o te kingi: ko te tangata e whakaoho ana i a ia kia riri, e hara ana ki tona wairua ake.
3 [It is] a glory to a man to turn aside from railing; but every fool is entangled with such matters.
He whakahonore mo te tangata te noho watea mai i te ngangare: engari ko nga wairangi he kowhetewhete tonu.
4 A sluggard when reproached is not ashamed: so also he who borrows corn in harvest.
Kahore te mangere e parau, he mea ki te hotoke; no reira ka pakiki kai mana i te kotinga witi, a kahore e whiwhi.
5 Counsel in a man's heart is deep water; but a prudent man will draw it out.
He wai hohonu te whakaaro i roto i te ngakau o te tangata; e utuhia ano ia e te tangata matau.
6 A man is valuable, and a merciful man precious: but [it is] hard to find a faithful man.
Ko ta te tini o te tangata he kauwhau i tona atawhai ake; ko wai ia e kite i te tangata pono?
7 He that walks blameless in justice, shall leave his children blessed.
Ko te tangata tika, e haere ana i runga i tona tapatahi, ka manaakitia ana tamariki i muri i a ia.
8 Whenever a righteous king sits on the throne, no evil thing can stand before his presence.
Ko te kingi e noho ana i runga i te torona whakawa, titaritaria ana e ona kanohi nga he katoa.
9 Who will boast that he has a pure heart? or who will boldly say that he is pure from sins?
Ko wai e mea, Kua ma i ahau toku ngakau, kua tahia atu oku hara?
10 A large and small weight, and various measures, are even both of them unclean before the Lord; and [so is] he that makes them.
Ko nga pauna huhua, ko nga mehua huhua, he rite tahi taua rua, he mea whakarihariha anake ki a Ihowa.
11 A youth [when in company] with a godly man, will be restrained in his devices, and [then] his way will be straight.
He tamariki nei ano ka mohiotia ki ana hanga, he ma ranei, he tika ranei tana mahi.
12 The ear hears, and the eye sees: even both of them are the Lord's work.
Ko te taringa rongo, ko te kanohi titiro, na Ihowa raua ngatahi i hanga.
13 Love not to speak ill, lest you be cut off: open your eyes, and be filled with bread.
Kaua e matenuitia te moe, kei rawakoretia koe; titiro ou kanohi, a ka makona koe i te taro.
Ehara ehara, e ai ta te kaihoko: tona haerenga atu ia, kei te whakamanamana.
He koura tena me te tini o te rupi; engari he taonga utu nui nga ngutu o te matauranga.
Tangohia te kakahu o te kaiwhakakapi mo te tangata ke; puritia hoki te tangata i taunahatia hei whakakapi mo nga tangata ke.
He reka ki te tangata te taro o te teka; muri iho ka ki tona mangai i te kirikiri.
Ma te runanga ka u ai nga whakaaro; kia pai hoki te ngarahu ina anga ki te whawhai.
Ko te tangata e kopikopiko ana ki te kawekawe korero, ka whakina e ia nga korero ngaro: na reira kaua e raweke atu ki te tangata ngutu hamama.
20 The lamp of him that reviles father or mother shall be put out, and his eyeballs shall see darkness.
Ko te tangata e kanga ana i tona papa, i tona whaea, ka tineia tona rama i roto i te pouri kerekere.
21 A portion hastily gotten at first shall not be blessed in the end.
I te timatanga e hohoro mai pea te taonga; e kore ia tona mutunga e whakapaingia.
22 Say not, I will avenge myself on my enemy; but wait on the Lord, that he may help you.
Kaua e mea, Ka utua e ahau te kino: taria ta Ihowa, a kei a ia he oranga mou.
23 A double weight is an abomination to the Lord; and a deceitful balance is not good in his sight.
He mea whakarihariha ki a Ihowa nga taimaha rere ke; a e kore hoki te pauna tinihanga e pai.
24 A man's goings are directed of the Lord: how then can a mortal understand his ways?
Na Ihowa nga haereerenga o te tangata: na ma te aha te tangata ka matau ai ki tona ara?
25 It is a snare to a man hastily to consecrate some of his own property: for [in that case] repentance comes after vowing.
Hei rore ki te tangata te oho noa ake ki te mea, He tapu! a, i muri i nga ki taurangi, kia uiui.
26 A wise king utterly crushes the ungodly, and will bring a wheel upon them.
Ka titaritaria e te kingi whakaaro nui te hunga kino, a ka hurihia hoki e ia te wira patu witi ki runga ki a ratou.
27 The spirit of man is a light of the Lord, who searches the inmost parts of the belly.
He rama na Ihowa te manawa o te tangata, e rapu ana i nga mea katoa i roto rawa i te kopu.
28 Mercy and truth are a guard to a king, and will surround his throne with righteousness.
Hei kaitiaki mo te kingi te atawhai me te pono; e tautokona ake ana hoki tona torona e te atawhai.
29 Wisdom is an ornament to young men; and grey [hairs] are the glory of old men.
Ko te kororia o nga taitama ko to ratou kaha: a, ko te ataahua o nga kaumatua ko te upoko hina.
30 Bruises and contusions befall bad men; and plagues [shall come] in the inward parts of [their] belly.
E tahia atu ana te kino e nga karawarawa o te patunga; a e tae rawa ana nga whiu ki nga wahi o roto rawa o te kopu.

< Proverbs 20 >