< Proverbs 19 >

Gara matalauci wanda yake marar laifi da wawa wanda leɓunansa masu ƙarya ne.
Ba shi da kyau ka kasance da niyya babu sani, ko ka kasance mai garaje ka ɓace hanya.
3 The folly of a man spoils his ways: and he blames God in his heart.
Wautar mutum kan lalatar da ransa, duk da haka zuciyarsa kan ba wa Ubangiji laifi.
4 Wealth acquires many friends; but the poor is deserted even of the friend he has.
Wadata kan kawo abokai da yawa, amma abokin matalauci kan bar shi.
5 A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that accuses unjustly shall not escape.
Mai ba da shaidar ƙarya ba zai tafi babu hukunci ba, kuma duk wanda ya baza ƙarairayi ba zai kuɓuta ba.
6 Many court the favor of kings; but every bad man becomes a reproach to [another] man.
Kowa na ƙoƙari ya sami farin jini wurin mai mulki, kuma kowa na so a ce shi abokin mutumin nan mai yawan kyauta ne.
7 Every one who hates [his] poor brother shall also be far from friendship. Good understanding will draw near to them that know it, and a sensible man will find it. He that does much harm perfects mischief; and he that used provoking words shall not escape.
’Yan’uwan matalauci sukan guje shi, balle abokansa, su ma za su guje shi. Ko da yake matalaucin yana binsu yana roƙo, ba zai sam su ba.
8 He that procures wisdom loves himself; and he that keeps wisdom shall find good.
Duk wanda ya sami hikima yana ƙaunar ransa; duka wanda yake jin daɗi fahimi kan ci gaba.
9 A false witness shall not be unpunished; and whoever shall kindle mischief shall perish by it.
Mai shaidar ƙarya ba zai tafi babu hukunci ba, kuma duk mai baza ƙarairayi zai hallaka.
10 Delight does not suit a fool, nor [is it seemly] if a servant should begin to rule with haughtiness.
Bai dace da wawa ya yi rayuwa cikin jin daɗi ba, haka ya fi muni bawa ya yi mulki a kan sarki!
11 A merciful man is longsuffering; and his triumph overtakes transgressors.
Hikimar mutum kan ba shi haƙuri; ɗaukakarsa ce ya ƙyale laifi.
12 The threatening of a king is like the roaring of a lion; but as dew on the grass, so is his favor.
Fushin sarki yana kama da rurin zaki, amma tagomashinsa yana kama da raba a kan ciyawa.
13 A foolish son is a disgrace to his father: vows [paid out] of the hire of a harlot are not pure.
Wawan yaro lalacin mahaifinsa ne, mace mai yawan faɗa tana kama da ɗiɗɗigar ruwa.
14 Fathers divide house and substance to [their] children: but a wife is suited to a man by the Lord.
Ana gādon dawakai da wadata daga iyaye ne, amma mace mai basira daga Ubangiji ne.
15 Cowardice possesses the effeminate [man]; and the soul of the sluggard shall hunger.
Ragwanci kan jawo zurfin barci, mutum mai sanyin jiki kuma yana tare da yunwa.
16 He that keeps the commandment keeps his own soul; but he that despises his ways shall perish.
Duk wanda ya bi umarnai kan tsare ransa, amma duk wanda ya ƙi binsu zai mutu.
17 He that has pity on the poor lends to the Lord; and he will recompense to him according to his gift.
Duk wanda yake kirki ga matalauta yana ba wa Ubangiji bashi ne, zai kuwa sami lada game da abin da ya yi.
18 Chasten your son, for so he shall be hopeful; and be not exalted in your soul to haughtiness.
Ka hori ɗanka, gama yin haka akwai sa zuciya; kada ka goyi baya lalacewarsa.
19 A malicious man shall be severely punished, and if he commit injury, he shall also lose his life.
Dole mai zafin rai yă biya tara; in ka fisshe shi sau ɗaya, to, sai ka sāke yin haka.
20 Hear, son, the instruction of your father, that you may be wise at your latter end.
Ka kasa kunne ga shawara ka kuma yarda da umarni, a ƙarshe kuwa za ka yi hikima.
21 [There are] many thoughts in a man's heart; but the counsel of the Lord abides for ever.
Da yawa ne shirye-shiryen zuciyar mutum, amma manufar Ubangiji ce takan cika.
22 Mercy is a fruit to a man: and a poor man is better than a rich liar.
Abin da mutum yake sha’awa shi ne ƙauna marar ƙarewa; gara ka zama matalauci da ka zama maƙaryaci.
23 The fear of the Lord is life to a man: and he shall lodge without fear in places where knowledge is not seen.
Tsoron Ubangiji yakan kai ga rai. Sa’an nan mutum ya sami biyan bukata, ba abin da zai cuce shi.
24 He that unjustly hides his hands in his bosom, will not even [bring] them up to his mouth.
Rago kan sa hannunsa a kwano ba ya ma iya ɗaga shi ya kai bakinsa!
25 When a pestilent character is scourged, a simple man is made wiser: and if you reprove a wise man, he will understand discretion.
Ka bulale mai ba’a, marasa azanci kuwa za su yi la’akari; ka tsawata wa mai basira, zai kuwa ƙara sani.
26 He that dishonors his father, and drives away his mother, shall be disgraced and shall be exposed to reproach.
Duk wanda ya yi wa mahaifinsa fashi ya kuma kori mahaifiyarsa ɗa ne da kan kawo kunya da wulaƙanci.
27 A son who ceases to attend to the instruction of a father will cherish evil designs.
In ka daina jin umarni, ɗana, za ka kuwa kauce daga kalmomin sani.
28 He that becomes surety for a foolish child will despise the ordinance: and the mouth of ungodly men shall drink down judgment.
Mai shaidar da yake malalaci yana wa shari’a ba’a ne, bakin mugaye kuma na haɗiye mugunta.
29 Scourges are preparing for the intemperate, and punishments likewise for fools.
An shirya tara saboda masu ba’a ne, dūka kuma saboda bayan wawaye.

< Proverbs 19 >