< Proverbs 16 >

Ninia hidadea ninia hawa: hamomusa: ilegesa. Be Gode Ea hanai hamobe fawane fa: no ba: mu.
2 All the works of the humble [man] are manifest with God; but the ungodly shall perish in an evil day.
Di da dia hamobe huluane da moloiwane dawa: sa. Be Hina Gode Hi fawane da dia asigi dawa: su hanai hou amoma fofada: sa.
Dia hanai hamomu liligi huluane hahawane fidima: ne, Hina Godema sia: ne gadoma. Amasea, dia hamobe huluane, di da hahawane hamone dagomu.
Hina Gode da Ea hahamoi liligi huluane amo ea hamobe amola dagosu ilegei dagoi. Be wadela: i hamosu dunu huluane E da wadela: lesimusa: ilegei dagoi.
5 Every one that is proud in heart is unclean before God, and he that unjustly strikes hands with hand shall not be held guiltless. The beginning of a good way is to do justly; and it is more acceptable with God than to offer sacrifices. He that seeks the Lord shall find knowledge with righteousness: and they that rightly seek him shall find peace. All of the works of the Lord [are done] with righteousness; and the ungodly [man] is kept for the evil day.
Hina Gode da gasa fi dunu huluane higasa. Ilia da se iasu amo fisima: ne hobeamu da hamedei ba: mu.
Dilia Gode Ea hou dafawaneyale dawa: ma amola mae yolesima. Amasea, E da Dilia wadela: i hou gogolema: ne olofomu. Hina Gode Ea sia: noga: le nabasea, Dilia da se hame nabimu.
Dilia da Hina Gode Ea hanai hamosea, dilima ha lai amola da sinidigili, bu Dilia na: iyadowane esalumu.
Moloiwane hamobeba: le, liligi fonobahadi gaguiwane ba: mu da defea. Be ogogolewane hamobeba: le, liligi bagade gagumu da defea hame galebe.
Di da dia fa: no hamomu amo ilegelala. Be Gode Hi fawane da dia hamobe ouligisa.
10 [There is] an oracle upon the lips of a king; and his mouth shall not err in judgment.
Osobo bagade hina bagade da Gode da olelebeba: le fawane sia: sa. Ea hamomu sia: da giadofasu hame dawa:
11 The poise of the balance is righteousness with the Lord; and his works are righteous measures.
Hina Gode da bidi lasu hou amo ganodini, dioi defesu amola hou huluane moloidafa fawane ba: mu hanai gala.
12 An evil-doer is an abomination to a king; for the throne of rule is established by righteousness.
Osobo bagade hina bagade ilia da wadela: i hou huluane higasa. Bai moloidafa hou fawane da eagene fi ilima gasa iaha.
13 Righteous lips are acceptable to a king; and he loves right words.
Osobo bagade hina bagade da moloidafa sia: fawane nabimu hanai gala. E da moloidafa sia: dasu dunu ilima asigisa.
14 The anger of a king is a messenger of death; but a wise man will pacify him.
Noga: i dawa: su dunu da hina bagade hina: nodoma: ne hamosa. Be hina da ougi ba: sea, dunu afae da bogosa: besa: le, hou noga: le ouligimu da defea.
15 The son of a king is in the light of life; and they that are in favor with him are as a cloud of latter rain.
Hina bagade ea dogolegei da agoane. Muagadodili gibu sa: ili, denesibi agoai hahawane esalusu diala.
16 The brood of wisdom is more to be chosen than gold, and the brood of prudence more to be chosen than silver.
Di da Bagade Dawa: su Hou hogoi helema. Amo hou ea lasu defei da gouli amola silifa amo lasu defei bagadewane baligisa.
17 The paths of life turn aside from evil; and the ways of righteousness are length of life. He that receives instruction shall be in prosperity; and he that regards reproofs shall be made wise. He that keeps his ways, preserves his own soul; and he that loves his life will spare his mouth.
Noga: i dunu da logo amo da wadela: i hou amoma afafai dagoi, amoga ahoa. Amaiba: le, dia logo ahoasu noga: le dawa: ma. Di da giadofale ahoanu, bogosa: besa: le, noga: le dawa: ma!
18 Pride goes before destruction, and folly before a fall.
Dunu da gasa fi hou amola hihi hou hamosea, da wadela: lesi dagoi ba: mu.
19 Better is a meek-spirited [man] with lowliness, than one who divides spoils with the proud.
Dia hou fonoboiwane hame gaguiwane esalumu da defea. Be gasa fi hamone, wamolai liligi mogili labeba: le, bagade gaguiwane ba: mu da defea hame galebe.
20 [He who is] skillful in business finds good: but he that trusts in God is most blessed.
Dima olelei liligi amo noga: le dawa: ma. Amasea, dia hou huluane da hahawane ba: mu. Hina Godema dafawaneyale dawa: le, di da eso huluane hahawane ba: mu.
21 [Men] call the wise and understanding evil: but they that are pleasing in speech shall hear more.
Nowa da asigi dawa: suga asigilai galea, eno dunu da ema nodosa. E da sia: noga: idafa sia: beba: le, eno dunu da ea fada: i sia: ne iasu amoma fa: no bobogesa.
22 Understanding is a fountain of life to its possessors; but the instruction of fools is evil.
Bagade Dawa: su Hou da noga: i asigi dawa: su dunu ilima esalusu hano bubuga: su agoaiwane gala. Be amo moloi hou hame hamobe dunuma olelesea da udigili helesa.
23 The heart of the wise will discern the [things which proceed] from his own mouth; and on his lips he will wear knowledge.
Bagade dawa: su dunu da dadawa: lalu fawane sia: sa. Amasea, ilia da dawa: iwane sia: beba: le, eno dunu da ilia sia: amoga fa: no bobogesa.
24 Good words are honeycombs, and the sweetness thereof is a healing of the soul.
Asigi sia: da agime hano ea hedai defele ba: sa. Amo da hedaidafa amola dima gasa iaha.
25 There are ways that seem to be right to a man, but the end of them looks to the depth of hell. (questioned)
Di da logo dialebe ba: sea amola amo da logodafa di dawa: lala. Be amo logo da bogosu doaga: sa: besa: le, dawa: ma!
26 A man who labors, labors for himself, and drives from [him] his own ruin.
Hawa: hamosu dunu da ha: i manu hanaiba: le, baligili hawa: hamonana. Bai e da ha: i galebe amola sadimu hanai gala.
27 But the perverse bears destruction upon his own mouth: a foolish man digs up evil for himself, and treasures fire on his own lips.
Wadela: i hamosu dunu da eno dunu se nabima: ne, logo hogoi helesa. Ilia sia: amolawane da gia: i bagade wadela: i sia: fawane gala.
28 A perverse man spreads mischief, and will kindle a torch of deceit with mischiefs; and he separates friends.
Wadela: le hamosu dunu ilia da baligidu sia: be amo gaguli laha. Ilia da ilia na: iyado fi da: i dioma: ne amola afafama: ne wadela: lesisa.
29 A transgressor tries [to ensnare] friends, and leads them in ways [that are] not good.
Nimi bagade gasa fi dunu da ilia na: iyado ilima ogogosa amola ili wadela: lesisa.
30 And the man that fixes his eyes devises perverse things, and marks out with his lips all evil: he is a furnace of wickedness.
Nowa dunu da hohonomusa: si begini gasea o udigili onigisia, amo dawa: ma! Bai ilia da wadela: i hou hamomusa: dawa: lala.
31 Old age is a crown of honor, but it is found in the ways of righteousness.
Moloidafa dunu da ode bagohame esalumu. Amo da bidi Gode da ilima iaha. Momali hinabo da ilima hadigi habuga agoane gala.
32 A man slow to anger is better than a strong [man]; and he that governs [his] temper better than he that takes a city.
Hahawane, mae fisili, ouesalebe hou da gasa bagade hou baligisa. Dina: da: i hodo amola asigi dawa: su amoga ouligisu hou da moilai bai bagade bagohame amoga ouligisu hou, bagadewane baligisa.
33 All [evils] come upon the ungodly into [their] bosoms; but all righteous things [come] of the Lord.
Osobo bagade dunu da Gode Ea hanai dawa: musa: , ululuasa. Be Gode Hi fawane da adole iasu ilegesa.

< Proverbs 16 >