< Proverbs 15 >
1 Anger slays even wise men; yet a submissive answer turns away wrath: but a grievous word stirs up anger.
Jawabu la upole huondoa ghadhabu, bali neno la ukatili huchochea hasira.
2 The tongue of the wise knows what is good: but the mouth of the foolish tells out evil things.
Ulimi wa watu mwenye hekima husifu maarifa, bali kinywa cha wapumbavu humwaga upuuzi.
3 The eyes of the Lord behold both the evil and the good in every place.
Macho ya Yehova yapo kila mahali, yakiwatazama juu ya waovu na wema.
4 The wholesome tongue is a tree of life, and he that keeps it shall be filled with understanding.
Ulimi unaoponya ni mti wa uzima, bali ulimi wa udanganyifu huvunja moyo.
5 A fool scorns his father's instruction; but he that keeps his commandments is more prudent. In abounding righteousness is great strength: but the ungodly shall utterly perish from the earth.
Mpumbavu hudharau marudi ya baba yake, bali yeye anayejifunza kutokana na masahihisho ni mwenye hekima.
6 In the houses of the righteous is much strength: but the fruits of the ungodly shall perish.
Katika nyumba ya wale watendao haki kuna hazina kubwa, bali mapato ya watu waovu huwapa taabu.
7 The lips of the wise are bound by discretion: but the hearts of the foolish are not safe.
Midomo ya wenye hekima husambaza maarifa, bali mioyo ya wapumbavu haifanyi hivyo.
8 The sacrifices of the ungodly are an abomination to the Lord; but the prayers of them that walk honestly are acceptable with him.
Yehova anachukia sadaka za watu waovu, bali maombi ya watu waadilifu ndiyo furaha yake.
9 The ways of an ungodly [man] are an abomination to the Lord; but he loves those that follow after righteousness.
Yehova anachukia njia ya watu waovu, bali anampenda yule ambaye huandama haki.
10 The instruction of the simple is known by them that pass by; but they that hate reproofs die disgracefully.
Marudi ya ukatili hungojea kwa yeyote ambaye huiacha njia na yule ambaye huchukia masahihisho atakufa.
11 Hell and destruction are manifest to the Lord; how shall not also be the hearts of men? (Sheol )
Kuzimu na uharibifu vipo wazi mbele za Yehova; je si zaidi sana mioyo ya wana wa wanadamu? (Sheol )
12 An uninstructed person will not love those that reprove him; neither will he associate with the wise.
Mwenye mzaha huchukia masahihisho; hatakwenda kwa wenye hekima.
13 When the heart rejoices the countenance is cheerful; but when it is in sorrow, [the countenance] is sad.
Moyo wenye furaha husababisha uchangamfu wa uso, bali huzuni huvunja moyo.
14 An upright heart seeks discretion; but the mouth of the uninstructed will experience evils.
Moyo wa mwenye ufahamu hutafuta maarifa, bali kinywa cha wapumbavu hujilisha kwenye upuuzi.
15 The eyes of the wicked are always looking for evil things; but the good are always quiet.
Siku zote za watu waliokandamizwa ni taabu, bali moyo wenye furaha unakaramu daima.
16 Better is a small portion with the fear of the Lord, than great treasures without the fear [of the Lord].
Bora kitu kidogo pamoja na kumcha Mungu kuliko hazina kubwa pamoja na ghasia.
17 Better is an entertainment of herbs with friendliness and kindness, than a feast of calves, with enmity.
Bora mlo wenye mboga kukiwa na upendo kuliko kuandaliwa ndama aliyenona kwa chuki.
18 A passionate man stirs up strife; but [he that is] slow to anger appeases even a rising one. A man slow to anger will extinguish quarrels; but an ungodly man rather stirs [them] up.
Mtu mwenye hasira huchochea mabishano, bali mtu ambaye hukawia kukasirika hutuliza ugomvi.
19 The ways of sluggards are strewn with thorns; but those of the diligent are made smooth.
Mapito ya mtu goigoi ni kama sehemu yenye uwa wa miiba, bali mapito ya mtu mwadilifu ni njia kuu iliyojengwa imara.
20 A wise son gladdens [his] father; but a foolish son sneers at his mother.
Mwana mwenye busara huleta furaha kwa baba yake, bali mtu mpumbavu humdharau mama yake.
21 The ways of a foolish man are void of sense; but a wise man proceeds on his way aright.
Upuuzi humfurahia mtu ambaye amepungukiwa akili, bali mwenye ufahamu hutembea katika njia nyofu.
22 They that honor not councils put off deliberation; but counsel abides in the hearts of counselors.
Mipango huharibika ambapo hakuna ushauri, bali washauri wengi wanafanikiwa.
23 A bad man will by no means attend to counsel; neither will he say anything seasonable, or good for the common [weal].
Mtu anapata furaha wakati anapotoa jibu la kufaa; je ni zuri kiasi gani neno kwa wakati muafaka!
24 The thoughts of the wise are ways of life, that he may turn aside and escape from hell. (Sheol )
Njia ya uzima huwapeleka juu watu wenye hekima, ili waondoke kutoka chini kuzimu. (Sheol )
25 The Lord pulls down the houses of scorners; but he establishes the border of the widow.
Yehova hurarua urithi wa mwenye kiburi, bali huzilinda mali za mjane.
26 An unrighteous thought is abomination to the Lord; but the sayings of the pure are held in honor.
Yehova huyachukia mawazo ya watu waovu, bali maneno ya upole ni safi.
27 A receiver of bribes destroys himself; but he that hates the receiving of bribes is safe. [By alms and by faithful dealings sins are purged away; ] but by the fear of the Lord every one departs from evil.
Mporaji huleta shida kwenye familia yake, bali yeye ambaye huchukia rushwa ataishi.
28 The hearts of the righteous meditate faithfulness; but the mouth of the ungodly answers evil things. The ways of righteous men are acceptable with the Lord; and through them even enemies become friends.
Moyo wa yule atendaye haki hutafakari kabla ya kujibu, bali kinywa cha watu waovu humwanga ubaya wake wote.
29 God is far from the ungodly; but he hearkens to the prayers of the righteous. Better are small receipts with righteousness, than abundant fruits with unrighteousness. Let the heart of a man think justly, that his steps may be rightly ordered of God. The eye that sees rightly rejoices the heart; and a good report fattens the bones.
Yehova yupo mbali na watu waovu, bali husikia maombi ya wale watendao haki.
Nuru ya macho huleta furaha moyoni na habari njema ni afya kwenye mwili.
Kama utazingatia wakati mtu anapokurekebisha jinsi ya kuishi, utabaki miongoni mwa watu wenye busara.
32 He that rejects instruction hates himself; but he that mind reproofs loves his soul.
Yeye anayekataa karipio hujidharau mwenyewe, bali yule asikilizaye masahihisho hujipatia ufahamu.
33 The fear of the Lord is instruction and wisdom; and the highest honor will correspond therewith.
Kumcha Yehova hufundisha hekima na unyenyekevu huja kabla ya heshima.