< Proverbs 12 >

1 He that loves instruction loves sense, but he that hates reproofs is a fool.
Ani naani anofarira kuzvirovedza anoda zivo, asi uyo anovenga kudzorwa ibenzi.
2 He that has found favor with the Lord [is made] better; but a transgressor shall be passed over in silence.
Munhu akanaka anowana nyasha kubva kuna Jehovha, asi Jehovha anotuka munhu ane mano akaipa.
3 A man shall not prosper by wickedness; but the roots of the righteous shall not be taken up.
Munhu haangasimbiswi nezvakaipa, asi mudzi womunhu akarurama haungadzurwi.
4 A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband; but as a worm in wood, so a bad woman destroys her husband.
Mudzimai ane unhu hwakanaka ikorona kumurume wake, asi mudzimai anonyadzisa akafanana nokuora mumapfupa omurume wake.
5 The thoughts of the righteous [are true] judgments; but ungodly men devise deceits.
Urongwa hwomunhu akarurama hwakarurama, asi kurayira kwavakaipa kunonyengera.
6 The words of ungodly men are crafty; but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them.
Mashoko owakaipa anovandira ropa, asi kutaura kwavakarurama kunovanunura.
7 When the ungodly is overthrown, he vanishes away; but the houses of the just remain.
Vanhu vakaipa vanobviswa pachigaro uye havazovapozve, asi imba yowakarurama icharamba yakasimba.
8 The mouth of an understanding [man] is praised by a man; but he that is dull of heart is had in derision.
Munhu anorumbidzwa maererano nouchenjeri hwake, asi vanhu vane pfungwa dzakatsauka vanozvidzwa.
9 Better is a man in dishonor serving himself, than one honouring himself and lacking bread.
Zviri nani kuva munhu anoninipiswa asi iwe une muranda, pane kuzviita munhu wapamusoro iwe usina zvokudya.
10 A righteous man has pity for the lives of his cattle; but the bowels of the ungodly are unmerciful.
Munhu akarurama ane hanya nechipfuwo chake, asi zviito zvakanaka zvowakaipa utsinye.
11 He that tills his own land shall be satisfied with bread; but they that pursue vanities are void of understanding. He that enjoys himself in banquets of wine, shall leave dishonor in his own strong holds.
Uyo anoshanda mumunda wake achava nezvokudya zvakawanda, asi uyo anongotevera zvisina maturo anoshayiwa zivo.
12 The desires of the ungodly are evil; but the roots of the godly are firmly set.
Vakaipa vanopanga zvakapambwa zvavanhu vakaipa, asi mudzi woakarurama unobereka zvibereko.
13 For the sin of [his] lips a sinner falls into snare; but a righteous man escapes from them. He whose looks are gentle shall be pitied, but he that contends in the gates will afflict souls.
Munhu akaipa anobatwa nokutaura kwake kwakaipa, asi munhu akarurama anopunyuka padambudziko.
14 The soul of a man shall be filled with good from the fruits of his mouth; and the recompence of his lips shall be given to him.
Kubva pazvibereko zvemiromo yake munhu anozadzwa nezvinhu zvakanaka, zvirokwazvo sokupiwa mubayiro kwaanoitwa nebasa ramaoko ake.
15 The ways of fools are right in their own eyes; but a wise man hearkens to counsels.
Nzira yebenzi inoita seyakanaka kwaari, asi munhu akachenjera anoteerera kurayira.
16 A fool declares his wrath the same day; but a prudent man hides his own disgrace.
Benzi rinoratidza kutsamwa pakarepo, asi munhu akachenjera anoshayira hanya kutukwa.
17 A righteous man declares the open truth; but an unjust witness is deceitful.
Chapupu chezvokwadi chinopa uchapupu hwezvokwadi, asi chapupu chenhema chinoreva nhema.
18 Some wound as they speak, [like] swords; but the tongues of the wise heal.
Mashoko anotaurwa nokusarangarira anobaya somunondo, asi rurimi rwomunhu akachenjera runoporesa.
19 True lips establish testimony; but a hasty witness has an unjust tongue.
Miromo yezvokwadi ichasimbiswa nokusingaperi, asi rurimi runoreva nhema runogara kwechinguva chiduku.
20 [There is] deceit in the heart of him that imagines evil; but they that love peace shall rejoice.
Mune kunyengera mumwoyo yaavo vanoronga zvakaipa, asi rufaro rwuri kune avo vanokurudzira rugare.
21 No injustice will please a just man; but the ungodly will be filled with mischief.
Akarurama haangatongowirwi nezvakaipa, asi vakaipa vachava namatambudziko akavafanira.
22 Lying lips are a abomination to the Lord; but he that deals faithfully is accepted with him.
Jehovha anovenga miromo inotaura nhema, asi anofadzwa navanhu vanotaura chokwadi.
23 An understanding man is a throne of wisdom; but the heart of fools shall meet with curses.
Munhu akachenjera anovanza zivo yake, asi mwoyo yamapenzi inotaura zvoupenzi.
24 The hand of chosen men shall easily obtain rule; but the deceitful shall be for a prey.
Maoko anoshingaira achatonga, asi usimbe hunopedzisira mukushanda somuranda.
25 A terrible word troubles the heart of a righteous man; but a good message rejoices him.
Mwoyo unopunyaira unoremedza munhu, asi shoko nyoro rinomufadza.
26 A just arbitrator shall be his own friend; but mischief shall pursue sinners; and the way of ungodly men shall lead them astray.
Munhu akarurama anochenjerera ushamwari, asi nzira yavakaipa inovatungamirira mukurasika.
27 A deceitful man shall catch no game; but a blameless man is a precious possession.
Munhu ane usimbe haagochi mhuka yaabata, asi munhu anoshingaira anokoshesa pfuma yake.
28 In the ways of righteousness is life; but the ways of those that remember injuries [lead] to death.
Munzira yokururama mune upenyu; kwainoenda hakuna rufu.

< Proverbs 12 >