< Proverbs 12 >

1 He that loves instruction loves sense, but he that hates reproofs is a fool.
Namni adabamuu jaallatu kam iyyuu beekumsa jaallata; kan sirreeffamuu jibbu garuu gowwaa dha.
2 He that has found favor with the Lord [is made] better; but a transgressor shall be passed over in silence.
Namni gaariin Waaqayyo biratti fudhatama argata; Waaqayyo garuu nama hammina malatutti ni mura.
3 A man shall not prosper by wickedness; but the roots of the righteous shall not be taken up.
Namni tokko hamminaan jabaatee hin dhaabatu; qajeelaan garuu hin buqqifamu.
4 A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband; but as a worm in wood, so a bad woman destroys her husband.
Niitiin amala gaarii dhirsa isheetiif gonfoo dha; niitiin qaanessitu garuu akkuma tortora lafee isaa keessaa ti.
5 The thoughts of the righteous [are true] judgments; but ungodly men devise deceits.
Karoorri qajeeltotaa qajeelaa dha; gorsi jalʼootaa garuu gowwoomsaa dha.
6 The words of ungodly men are crafty; but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them.
Dubbiin hamootaa dhiiga dhangalaasuuf riphee nama eeggata; haasaan tolootaa garuu duʼa jalaa nama baasa.
7 When the ungodly is overthrown, he vanishes away; but the houses of the just remain.
Namoonni hamoon ni garagalfamu; deebiʼaniis hin argaman; manni qajeeltotaa garuu jabaatee dhaabata.
8 The mouth of an understanding [man] is praised by a man; but he that is dull of heart is had in derision.
Namni tokko akkuma ogummaa isaatti jajama; namni yaada jalʼaa qabu immoo ni tuffatama.
9 Better is a man in dishonor serving himself, than one honouring himself and lacking bread.
Namni tuffatamaan hojjetaa qabu tokko, nama of kabaju kan waan nyaatu iyyuu hin qabne caala.
10 A righteous man has pity for the lives of his cattle; but the bowels of the ungodly are unmerciful.
Namni qajeelaan lubbuu horii isaatiif yaada; hojiin jalʼootaa garuu tolaan isaa iyyuu hammina.
11 He that tills his own land shall be satisfied with bread; but they that pursue vanities are void of understanding. He that enjoys himself in banquets of wine, shall leave dishonor in his own strong holds.
Namni lafa isaa qotatu nyaata guddaa argata; kan yaada faayidaa hin qabne duukaa buʼu garuu hubannaa hin qabu.
12 The desires of the ungodly are evil; but the roots of the godly are firmly set.
Hamoonni boojuu jalʼootaa hawwu; hiddi qajeeltotaa garuu ni lalisa.
13 For the sin of [his] lips a sinner falls into snare; but a righteous man escapes from them. He whose looks are gentle shall be pitied, but he that contends in the gates will afflict souls.
Namni hamaan cubbuu afaan isaatiin qabama; namni qajeelaan garuu rakkoo jalaa miliqa.
14 The soul of a man shall be filled with good from the fruits of his mouth; and the recompence of his lips shall be given to him.
Namni waan afaan isaatii baʼuun waan gaariin guutama; hojiin harka namaas isumaaf deebiʼa.
15 The ways of fools are right in their own eyes; but a wise man hearkens to counsels.
Nama gowwaa karaan isaa qajeelaa itti fakkaata; namni ogeessi garuu gorsa dhagaʼa.
16 A fool declares his wrath the same day; but a prudent man hides his own disgrace.
Aariin gowwaa yommusuma isa irraa beekama; namni hubataan garuu arrabsoo tuffata.
17 A righteous man declares the open truth; but an unjust witness is deceitful.
Namnii dhugaa dubbatu ragaa amanamaa kenna; dhuga baatuun sobaa garuu soba dubbatti.
18 Some wound as they speak, [like] swords; but the tongues of the wise heal.
Dubbiin of eeggannaa hin qabne akkuma goraadee nama waraana; arrabni nama ogeessaa garuu nama fayyisa.
19 True lips establish testimony; but a hasty witness has an unjust tongue.
Afaan dhugaa dubbatu bara baraan jiraata; arrabni soba dubbatu garuu yeroo gabaabaa qofa jiraata.
20 [There is] deceit in the heart of him that imagines evil; but they that love peace shall rejoice.
Garaa warra waan hamaa malatanii keessa gowwoomsaatu jira; warri nagaa buusan garuu gammachuu qabu.
21 No injustice will please a just man; but the ungodly will be filled with mischief.
Qajeeltotatti miidhaan tokko iyyuu hin dhufu; hamoonni rakkinaan guutamu.
22 Lying lips are a abomination to the Lord; but he that deals faithfully is accepted with him.
Waaqayyo arraba sobu ni jibba; warra dhugaa dubbatutti garuu ni gammada.
23 An understanding man is a throne of wisdom; but the heart of fools shall meet with curses.
Namni hubataan beekaa taʼuu isaa dhokfata; gowwoonni garuu gowwummaa isaanii labsu.
24 The hand of chosen men shall easily obtain rule; but the deceitful shall be for a prey.
Harki nama jabaatee hojjetuu ni moʼa; dhibaaʼummaan garuu garbummaatti nama geessa.
25 A terrible word troubles the heart of a righteous man; but a good message rejoices him.
Garaan yaaddaʼu gad nama deebisa; dubbiin tolaan immoo nama gammachiisa.
26 A just arbitrator shall be his own friend; but mischief shall pursue sinners; and the way of ungodly men shall lead them astray.
Namni qajeelaan ollaa isaa karaa argisiisa; karaan hamootaa garuu karaa irraa nama jalʼisa.
27 A deceitful man shall catch no game; but a blameless man is a precious possession.
Namni dhibaaʼaan waan adamsee ajjeese hin waaddatu; kan jabaatee hojjetu immoo qabeenya gatii guddaa argata.
28 In the ways of righteousness is life; but the ways of those that remember injuries [lead] to death.
Karaa qajeelummaa irra jireenyatu jira; daandii sana irra duuti hin jiru.

< Proverbs 12 >