< Proverbs 10 >

1 A wise son makes [his] father glad: but a foolish son is a grief to his mother.
Ko nga whakatauki a Horomona. He tama whakaaro nui, ka koa te papa: tena he tama kuware, he utanga nui mo tona whaea.
2 Treasures shall not profit the lawless: but righteousness shall deliver from death.
Kahore he rawa o nga taonga o te kino: ma te tika ia te oranga ake i te mate.
3 The Lord will not famish a righteous soul: but he will overthrow the life of the ungodly.
E kore a Ihowa e tuku i te wairua o te tangata tika kia hemokai: ka pana atu ia e ia te hiahia o te hunga kino.
4 Poverty brings a man low: but the hands of the vigorous make rich. A son who is instructed shall be wise, and shall use the fool for a servant.
He rawakore te tukunga iho o te ringa ngehe: ma te ringa kakama ia ka hua te taonga.
5 A wise son is saved from heat: but a lawless son is blighted of the winds in harvest.
He kohi raumati ta tama ngakau mahara: he whakama ia te rawa a tama moe ngahuru.
6 The blessing of the Lord is upon the head of the just: but untimely grief shall cover the mouth of the ungodly.
He manaaki kei te tumuaki o te tangata tika: he arita ia kei te waha o te tangata kino, taupoki ai.
7 The memory of the just is praised; but the name of the ungodly [man] is extinguished.
Ka manaakitia te maharatanga ki te tangata tika; ka pirau ia te ingoa o te hunga kino.
8 A wise man in heart will receive commandments; but he that is unguarded in his lips shall be overthrown in his perverseness.
He ngakau whakaaro, ka tahuritia te whakahau: he ngutu wairangi, ka hinga.
9 He that walks simply, walks confidently; but he that perverts his ways shall be known.
Ko te tangata haere tika, e haere ora ana: ko te tangata parori ke ona ara, ka mohiotia ia.
10 He that winks with his eyes deceitfully, procures griefs for men; but he that reproves boldly is a peacemaker.
Ma te whakakini o te kanohi ka puta ai te pouri: ko te ngutu wairangi ia, ka hinga.
11 [There is] a fountain of life in the hand of a righteous man; but destruction shall cover the mouth of the ungodly.
He puna ora te mangai o te tangata tika; tena ko te mangai o te hunga kino, ka taupokina tera e te mahi nanakia.
12 Hatred stirs up strife; but affection covers all that do not love strife.
Ko to te mauahara he whakaoho i nga totohe; ko te aroha he hipoki i nga he katoa.
13 He that brings forth wisdom from his lips smites the fool with a rod.
E kitea te whakaaro nui ki nga ngutu o te tangata matau; ko te rakau ia te mea mo te tuara o te ngakaukore.
14 The wise will hide discretion; but the mouth of the hasty draws near to ruin.
Rongoa ai te hunga whakaaro nui i te matauranga: he whakangaromanga ia kei te hori tonu, te mangai o te wairangi.
15 The wealth of rich men is a strong city; but poverty is the ruin of the ungodly.
Ko ona rawa te pa kaha o te tangata taonga: tena ko te hunga kore taonga, hei whakangaromanga to ratou rawakore.
16 The works of the righteous produce life; but the fruits of the ungodly [produce] sins.
Ko te mahi a te tangata tika e ahu ana ki te ora: ko nga hua o te kino ki te hara.
17 Instruction keeps the right ways of life; but instruction unchastened goes astray.
Kei te ara ki te ora te tangata e pupuri ana i te kupu ako; ko te tangata ia e kore e pai kia riria tona he, ka kotiti ke.
18 Righteous lips cover enmity; but they that utter railings are most foolish.
Ko te tangata e huna ana i te mauahara he ngutu teka: a he kuware te tangata e whakapuaki ana i te ngautuara.
19 By a multitude of words you shall not escape sin; but if you refrain your lips you will be prudent.
E kore nga kupu maha e hapa i te kino; he mahara nui ia te tangata he ngutu kokopi nei ona.
20 The tongue of the just is tried silver; but the heart of the ungodly shall fail.
He hiriwa pai rawa te arero o te tangata tika; ko te ngakau o te hunga kino, he hauwarea rawa.
21 The lips of the righteous know sublime [truths]: but the foolish die in lack.
He tokomaha e whangaia ana e nga ngutu o te tangata tika; ka mate ia te hunga kuware, he kore no te ngakau mahara.
22 The blessing of the Lord is upon the head of the righteous; it enriches [him], and grief of heart shall not be added to [it].
Ka hua te taonga i ta Ihowa manaaki: kahore hoki e kinakitia e ia ki te pouri.
23 A fool does mischief in sport; but wisdom brings forth prudence for a man.
Hei takaro ma te wairangi te mahi he; ma te tangata matau ia ko te whakaaro nui.
24 The ungodly is engulfed in destruction; but the desire of the righteous is acceptable.
Ko ta te tangata kino i wehi ai ka tae ano ki a ia; a, ko ta te hunga tika i hiahia ai, ka homai.
25 When the storm passes by, the ungodly vanishes away; but the righteous turns aside and escapes for ever.
Pahure rawa ake te tukauati kua kore te hunga kino: tena ko te tangata tika he turanga pumau tera.
26 As a sour grape is hurtful to the teeth, and smoke to the eyes, so iniquity hurts those that practise it.
He winika ki nga niho, he paowa ki nga kanohi: koia ano te mangere ki ona kaiunga.
27 The fear of the Lord adds [length] of days: but the years of the ungodly shall be shortened.
Ko te wehi ki a Ihowa e whakaroa ana i nga ra: ka whakapotoa mai ia nga tau o te hunga kino.
28 Joy rests long with the righteous: but the hope of the ungodly shall perish.
Tumanako atu te hunga tika, koa iho; tumanako atu te hunga kino, ngaro iho.
29 The fear of the Lord is a strong hold of the saints: but ruin [comes] to them that work wickedness.
He kaha mo te tangata tika ta Ihowa ara; he whakangaromanga ia mo nga kaimahi i te kino.
30 The righteous shall never fail: but the ungodly shall not dwell in the earth.
E kore te tangata tika e whakangaueuetia a ake ake; e kore ia e nohoia e te hunga kino te whenua.
31 The mouth of the righteous drops wisdom: but the tongue of the unjust shall perish.
Ko te mangai o te tangata tika hua ana te whakaaro nui; ka tapahia ia te arero whanoke.
32 The lips of just men drop grace: but the mouth of the ungodly is perverse.
E mohio ana nga ngutu o te tangata tika ki nga mea ka manakohia; he whanoke ia e whakapuakina ana e te mangai o te hunga kino.

< Proverbs 10 >