< Proverbs 10 >

1 A wise son makes [his] father glad: but a foolish son is a grief to his mother.
Ohabolan’ i Solomona. Ny zanaka hendry mahafaly ny rainy; Fa ny zanaka adala mampalahelo ny reniny.
2 Treasures shall not profit the lawless: but righteousness shall deliver from death.
Ny harena azo amin’ ny tsy marina dia tsy mahasoa na inona na inona; Fa ny fahamarinana no mamonjy amin’ ny fahafatesana.
3 The Lord will not famish a righteous soul: but he will overthrow the life of the ungodly.
Tsy avelan’ i Jehovah ho mosarena ny fanahin’ ny marina; Fa foanany ny fanirian’ ny ratsy fanahy.
4 Poverty brings a man low: but the hands of the vigorous make rich. A son who is instructed shall be wise, and shall use the fool for a servant.
Ho tonga malahelo ny miraviravy tanana amin’ ny asany; Fa mampanan-karena ny tanan’ ny mazoto.
5 A wise son is saved from heat: but a lawless son is blighted of the winds in harvest.
Izay manangona amin’ ny fararano no zanaka hendry; Fa izay sondrian-tory amin’ ny taom-pijinjana no zanaka mampahamenatra.
6 The blessing of the Lord is upon the head of the just: but untimely grief shall cover the mouth of the ungodly.
Fitahiana no ho ao amin’ ny lohan’ ny marina; Fa loza no mandrakotra ny vavan’ ny ratsy fanahy.
7 The memory of the just is praised; but the name of the ungodly [man] is extinguished.
Hankasitrahana ny fahatsiarovana ny marina; Fa ho lò ny anaran’ ny ratsy fanahy.
8 A wise man in heart will receive commandments; but he that is unguarded in his lips shall be overthrown in his perverseness.
Izay hendry am-po no handray ny didy; Fa ho lavo ny adala maro vava.
9 He that walks simply, walks confidently; but he that perverts his ways shall be known.
Izay mandeha tsy misy tsiny no mandeha matoky; Fa izay maniasia amin’ ny alehany dia fantatra.
10 He that winks with his eyes deceitfully, procures griefs for men; but he that reproves boldly is a peacemaker.
Izay mami-maso manome alahelo; Fa ho lavo ny adala maro vava.
11 [There is] a fountain of life in the hand of a righteous man; but destruction shall cover the mouth of the ungodly.
Loharanon’ aina ny vavan’ ny marina; Fa loza no mandrakotra ny vavan’ ny ratsy fanahy.
12 Hatred stirs up strife; but affection covers all that do not love strife.
Ny fankahalana dia manetsika ady; Fa ny fitiavana manarona ny ota rehetra.
13 He that brings forth wisdom from his lips smites the fool with a rod.
Amin’ ny molotry ny manan-tsaina no ahitam-pahendrena; Fa tsorakazo no ho amin’ ny lamosin’ ny tsy ampy saina.
14 The wise will hide discretion; but the mouth of the hasty draws near to ruin.
Ny hendry mirakitra fahalalana; Fa ny vavan’ ny adala eo akaikin’ ny fandringanana.
15 The wealth of rich men is a strong city; but poverty is the ruin of the ungodly.
Ny haren’ ny manan-karena no vohiny mafy; Fa ny tsi-fananan’ ny ory no fandringanana azy.
16 The works of the righteous produce life; but the fruits of the ungodly [produce] sins.
Ho fiainana ny asan’ ny marina; Fa ho ota ny fitomboan’ ny haren’ ny ratsy fanahy.
17 Instruction keeps the right ways of life; but instruction unchastened goes astray.
Izay mino anatra dia ho tonga eo amin’ ny lalan’ ny fiainana; Fa mivily izay mandà anatra.
18 Righteous lips cover enmity; but they that utter railings are most foolish.
Izay mitahiry lolompo dia manana molotra mandainga, Ary izay mampiely endrikendrika dia adala.
19 By a multitude of words you shall not escape sin; but if you refrain your lips you will be prudent.
Ny teny maro tsy ilaozan’ izay ota; Fa izay mahatana ny molony no hendry.
20 The tongue of the just is tried silver; but the heart of the ungodly shall fail.
Volafotsy voafantina ny lelan’ ny marina; Fa ny fon’ ny ratsy fanahy tsy misy vidiny.
21 The lips of the righteous know sublime [truths]: but the foolish die in lack.
Ny molotry ny marina mamelona ny maro; Fa maty ny adala noho ny tsi-fananany fahalalana.
22 The blessing of the Lord is upon the head of the righteous; it enriches [him], and grief of heart shall not be added to [it].
Ny fitahian’ i Jehovah no mampanan-karena, Ary tsy azon’ ny fisasarana ampiana izany.
23 A fool does mischief in sport; but wisdom brings forth prudence for a man.
Toa laolaon’ ny adala ny fanaovan-dratsy Fa raha ny manan-tsaina, dia fahendrena kosa.
24 The ungodly is engulfed in destruction; but the desire of the righteous is acceptable.
Ny tahotry ny ratsy fanahy hihatra aminy; Fa ny irin’ ny marina no homena azy.
25 When the storm passes by, the ungodly vanishes away; but the righteous turns aside and escapes for ever.
Rehefa mipaoka ny tafio-drivotra, dia tsy ao intsony ny ratsy fanahy; Fa ny marina voaorina ho mandrakizay.
26 As a sour grape is hurtful to the teeth, and smoke to the eyes, so iniquity hurts those that practise it.
Toy ny vinaingitra amin’ ny nify sy ny setroka amin’ ny maso. Dia mba toy izany koa ny malaina amin’ izay maniraka azy.
27 The fear of the Lord adds [length] of days: but the years of the ungodly shall be shortened.
Ny fahatahorana an’ i Jehovah no mahela velona; Fa ny taonan’ ny ratsy fanahy hohafohezina.
28 Joy rests long with the righteous: but the hope of the ungodly shall perish.
Ny fanantenan’ ny marina dia fifaliana; Fa ny fanantenan’ ny ratsy fanahy ho foana.
29 The fear of the Lord is a strong hold of the saints: but ruin [comes] to them that work wickedness.
Ny lalan’ i Jehovah dia fiarovana mafy ho an’ izay tsy misy tsiny, Fa fandringanana kosa ho an’ ny mpanao ratsy.
30 The righteous shall never fail: but the ungodly shall not dwell in the earth.
Ny marina tsy hangozohozo mandrakizay; Fa ny ratsy fanahy tsy honina amin’ ny tany.
31 The mouth of the righteous drops wisdom: but the tongue of the unjust shall perish.
Eo amin’ ny vavan’ ny marina no itsimohan’ ny fahendrena; Fa ny lela fandainga hofongorana.
32 The lips of just men drop grace: but the mouth of the ungodly is perverse.
Ny molotry ny marina mahalala izay ankasitrahana; Fa ny vavan’ ny ratsy fanahy dia feno fitaka.

< Proverbs 10 >