< Numbers 5 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Markaasaa Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
2 Charge the children of Israel, and let them send forth out of the camp every leper, and every one who has in issue of the reins, and every one who is unclean from a dead body.
Waxaad reer binu Israa'iil amar ku tidhaahdaa, Xerada ka saara mid kasta oo baras qaba, iyo mid kasta oo dheecaan ka dareera, iyo mid kasta oo meyd ku nijaasoobay.
3 Whether male or female, send them forth out of the camp; and they shall not defile their camps in which I dwell among them.
Oo waa inaad rag iyo dumarba bixisaan, oo aad xerada dibaddeeda geeysaan si aanay u nijaasayn xeradooda aan anigu dhex deggan ahay.
4 And the children of Israel did so, and sent them out of the camp: as the Lord said to Moses, so did the children of Israel.
Oo reer binu Israa'iilna sidaasay yeeleen, oo iyagii xerada dibaddeeday geeyeen, oo sidii Rabbigu Muuse kula hadlay ayaa reer binu Israa'iil yeeleen.
5 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Oo haddana ayaa Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
6 Speak to the children of Israel, saying, Every man or woman who shall commit any sin that is common to man, or if that soul shall in anyway have neglected the commandment and transgressed;
Reer binu Israa'iil la hadal oo waxaad ku tidhaahdaa, Haddii nin ama naagu ay galaan dembi ay dadku galaan, oo ay Rabbiga ku xadgudbaan, oo ay naftaasu sidaas eed ku lahaato,
7 [that person] shall confess the sin which he has committed, and shall make satisfaction for his trespass: he [shall pay] the principal, and shall add to it the fifth part, and shall make restoration to him against whom he has trespassed.
markaas waa inay qirtaan dembigoodii ay sameeyeen. Oo wixii uu ku xadgudbay waa inuu dhammaan u magdhabaa, oo weliba ku sii daraa shan meelood meesheed, oo siiyaa kii uu ku xadgudbay.
8 But if a man have no near kinsman, so as to make satisfaction for his trespass to him, the trespass-offering paid to the Lord shall be for the priest, besides the ram of atonement, by which he shall make atonement with it for him.
Laakiinse ninku hadduusan lahayn xigto xadgudubkii mag laga siiyo, markaas magta xadgudubka ee Rabbiga loo bixiyo waxaa lahaan doona wadaadka; oo weliba waxaa wehliya wanka kafaaraggudka oo isaga aawadiis loogu kafaaro gudo.
9 And every first fruits in all the sanctified things among the children of Israel, whatever they shall offer to the Lord, shall be for the priest himself.
Oo qurbaan kasta oo sare loo qaado oo ah waxyaalaha quduuska ah oo dhan ee ay reer binu Israa'iil wadaadka u keenaan waa in isagu lahaadaa.
10 And the hallowed things of every man shall be his; and whatever man shall give [any thing] to the priest, the gift shall be his.
Oo nin walba waxyaalihiisa quduuska ah waa in wadaadku lahaadaa, oo wax alla wixii nin wadaadka siiyana isagu waa inuu lahaadaa.
11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Oo haddana ayaa Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
12 Speak to the children of Israel, and you shall say to them, Whosesoever wife shall transgress against him, and slight and despise him,
Reer binu Israa'iil la hadal oo waxaad ku tidhaahdaa, Haddii nin naagtiis isaga ka tagto oo ay ku xadgudubto,
13 and [supposing] any one shall lie with her carnally, and the thing shall be hid from the eyes of her husband, and she should conceal it and be herself defiled, and there be no witness with her, and she should not be taken;
oo haddii nin kale la jiifsado oo waxaas ninkeedii laga qariyo oo qarsoodi loo haysto, oo ay naagtaasu sidaas ku nijaasowdo, laakiinse markhaati loo waayo iyada, amase aan iyada lagu qaban samayntii,
14 and there should come upon him a spirit of jealousy, and he should be jealous of his wife, and she be defiled; or there should come upon him a spirit of jealousy, and he should be jealous of his wife, and she should not be defiled;
oo markaas haddii masayr ku soo dego ninka oo uu naagtiisa ka masayro oo ay iyadu nijaasowday, amase haddii masayr ku soo dego oo uu naagtiisa ka masayro oo ayan iyadu nijaasoobin,
15 then shall the man bring his wife to the priest, and shall bring his gift for her, the tenth part of an ephah of barley-meal: he shall not pour oil upon it, neither shall he put frankincense upon it; for it is a sacrifice of jealousy, a sacrifice of memorial, recalling sin to remembrance.
markaas ninku waa inuu naagtiisa wadaadka u keenaa, oo iyada aawadeed qurbaan ugu keenaa eefaah toban meelood loo qaybiyey meeshiis bur shaciir ah. Isagu waa inuusan saliidna ku shubin amase foox saarin, waayo, taasu waxa weeye qurbaankii masayrka, waana qurbaan xusuuseed oo dembiga lagu soo xusuusto.
16 And the priest shall bring her, and cause her to stand before the Lord.
Markaas wadaadku waa inuu iyada soo dhoweeyaa oo Rabbiga hortiisa keenaa.
17 And the priest shall take pure running water in an earthen vessel, and he shall take of the dust that is on the floor of the tabernacle of witness, and the priest having taken it shall cast it into the water.
Oo markaas wadaadku waa inuu biyo quduus ah weel dhoobo ah ku qaadaa, oo ciidda taambuugga dhulkiisa taalna waa in wadaadku qaadaa oo biyaha ku shubaa,
18 And the priest shall cause the woman to stand before the Lord, and shall uncover the head of the woman, and shall put into her hands the sacrifice of memorial, the sacrifice of jealousy; and in the hand of the priest shall be the water of this conviction that brings the curse.
oo markaas waa in wadaadku naagta keenaa Rabbiga hortiisa, oo naagta timaheeduna ha furfurnaadaan, oo qurbaankii xusuuseedna gacmaheeda ha ku rido, kaasoo ah qurbaankii masayrka. Wadaadkuna gacanta ha ku haysto biyaha qadhaadhka ah oo habaarka kiciyo.
19 And the priest shall adjure her, and shall say to the woman, If no one has lain with you, and if you have not transgressed so as to be polluted, being under the power of your husband, be free from this water of the conviction that causes the curse.
Oo markaas wadaadku iyada ha dhaariyo, oo ha ku yidhaahdo naagta, Hadduusan nin kale kula jiifsan, oo aadan nijaaso ku leexan, adoo ninkaaga ka dambayn lahaa, ka xorow biyahan qadhaadhka ah oo habaarka kiciyo,
20 But if being a married woman you have transgressed, or been polluted, and any one has lain with you, beside your husband:
laakiinse haddaad gees u leexatay adigoo ninkaaga ka dambayn lahaa, oo aad markaas nijaasowday, oo haddii nin kale kula jiifsaday ninkaaga mooyaane,
21 then the priest shall adjure the woman by the oaths of this curse, and the priest shall say to the woman, The Lord bring you into a curse and under an oath in the midst of your people, in that the Lord should cause your thigh to rot and your belly to swell;
markaas wadaadku waa inuu naagta ku dhaariyaa dhaar habaar ah, oo wadaadku naagta ha ku yidhaahdo, Markuu Rabbigu bowdadaada hilib beeliyo oo uu calooshaada barariyo, dadkaaga dhexdiisa ha kaaga dhigo habaar iyo dhaar,
22 and this water bringing the curse shall enter into your womb to cause your belly to swell, and your thigh to rot. And the woman shall say, So be it, So be it.
oo biyahan habaarka kiciyaa way ku geli doonaan, oo calooshaaday bararin doonaan, bowdadaadana way hilib beelin doonaan. Oo naagtuna waa inay tidhaahdaa, Aamiin, Aamiin.
23 And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and shall blot them out with the water of the conviction that brings the curse.
Oo wadaadkiina waa inuu habaarradaas buug ku qoraa, oo uu biyaha qadhaadhka ah ku baabbi'iyaa.
24 And he shall cause the woman to drink the water of the conviction that brings the curse; and the water of the conviction that brings the curse shall enter into her.
Oo waa inuu naagta cabsiiyaa biyaha qadhaadhka ah oo habaarka kiciya, oo biyaha habaarka kiciyaa ayaa iyada geli doona oo qadhaadh bay noqon doonaan.
25 And the priest shall take from the hand of the woman the sacrifice of jealousy, and shall present the sacrifice before the Lord, and shall bring it to the altar.
Oo markaas wadaadku waa inuu qurbaankii masayrka naagta gacanteeda ka qaadaa oo Rabbiga hortiisa ku ruxruxaa, oo markaas waa inuu meesha allabariga keenaa.
26 And the priest shall take a handful of the sacrifice as a memorial of it, and shall offer it up upon the altar; and afterwards he shall cause the woman to drink the water.
Oo markaas wadaadku waa inuu qaadaa cantoobo muggeed oo qurbaanka xusuuseed ah, oo waa inuu meesha allabariga ku dul gubaa, oo haddana naagta biyaha cabsiiyaa.
27 And it shall come to pass, if she be defiled, and have altogether escaped the notice of her husband, then the water of the conviction that brings the curse shall enter into her; and she shall swell in her belly, and her thigh shall rot, and the woman shall be for a curse in the midst of her people.
Oo markuu iyada biyaha cabsiiyo markaas hadday iyadu nijaasowday, oo ay ninkeeda ku xadgudubtay, biyaha habaarka kiciya iyaday geli doonaan oo qadhaadh bay noqon doonaan, oo caloosheedu way barari doontaa oo bowdadeeduna way hilib beeli doontaa; oo naagtu waxay dadkeeda ku dhex ahaan doontaa habaar.
28 But if the woman have not been polluted, and be clean, then shall she be guiltless and shall conceive seed.
Laakiinse naagtu haddaanay nijaasoobin illowse ay daahir tahay, markaas iyadu xor bay ahaanaysaa, wayna uuraysanaysaa.
29 This is the law of jealousy, wherein a married woman should happen to transgress, and be defiled;
Kanu waa sharciga ku saabsan masayrka haddii naagu iyadoo ninkeeda ka dambayn lahayd ka leexato oo ay nijaasowdo,
30 or in the case of a man on whoever the spirit of jealousy should come, and he should be jealous of his wife, and he should place his wife before the Lord, and the priest shall execute towards her all this law.
ama haddii masayr ku soo dego nin, oo uu naagtiisa ka masayro, de markaas waa inuu naagta Rabbiga hor keenaa, oo wadaadku waa inuu iyada sharcigaas oo dhan ku oofiyaa.
31 Then the man shall be clear from sin, and that woman shall bear her sin.
Oo markaas ninku dembi xor buu ka ahaanayaa, oo naagtaasuna dembigeeda way qaadan doontaa.

< Numbers 5 >