< Numbers 4 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,
И рече Господь к Моисею и Аарону, глаголя:
2 Take the sum of the children of Caath from the midst of the sons of Levi, after their families, according to the houses of their fathers' households;
возми сочисление сынов Каафовых от среды сынов Левииных, по сонмом их, по домом отечеств их,
3 from twenty-five years old and upward until fifty years, every one that goes in to minister, to do all the works in the tabernacle of witness.
от двадесяти и пяти лет и вышше, даже до пятидесяти лет, всяк входяй служити, творити вся дела в скинии свидения.
4 And these are the works of the sons of Caath in the tabernacle of witness; it is most holy.
И сия дела сынов Каафовых от среды сынов Левииных, по сонмом их, по домом отечеств их, в скинии свидения Святое Святых.
5 And Aaron and his sons shall go in, when the camp is about to move, and shall take down the shadowing veil, and shall cover with it the ark of the testimony.
И да внидут Аарон и сынове его, егда воздвигнется полк, и да снимут завесу осеняющую, и да обвиют в ню кивот свидения,
6 And they shall put on it a cover, even a blue skin, and put on it above a garment all of blue, and shall put the staves through [the rings].
и да покрыют его покровом кожаным синим, и да возложат нань одежду всю синетную сверху, и да вложат носила:
7 And they shall put on the table set forth for show-bread a cloth all of purple, and the dishes, and the censers, and the cups, and the vessels with which one offers drink-offerings; and the continual loaves shall be upon it.
и на трапезе предложения да положат на ней одежду всю багряную и блюда, и кадилницы и чашы, и возливалницы, имиже возливают, и хлебы на ней всегда да будут:
8 And they shall put upon it a scarlet cloth, and they shall cover it with a blue covering of skin, and they shall put the staves into it.
и да возложат на ню одежду червлену, и да покрыют ю покровом кожаным синим, и да вложат носила ея:
9 And they shall take a blue covering, and cover the candlestick that gives light, and its lamps, and its snuffers, and its funnels, and all the vessels of oil with which they minister.
и да возмут одежду синю, и покрыют светилник светящий и свещы его, и щипцы его и очищала его, и вся сосуды елеа его, имиже служат в них:
10 And they shall put it, and all its vessels, into a blue skin cover; and they shall put it on bearers.
и да вложат его и вся сосуды его в покров кожан синий, и да возложат его на носила:
11 And they shall put a blue cloth for a cover on the golden altar, and shall cover it with a blue skin cover, and put in its staves.
и на олтарь златый да положат одежду синю, и да покрыют его покровом кожаным синим, и да вложат носила его:
12 And they shall take all the instruments of service, with which they minister in the sanctuary: and shall place them in a cloth of blue, and shall cover them with blue skin covering, and put them upon staves.
и да возмут вся сосуды служебныя, еликими служат в них во святых, и вложат во одежду синю, и да покрыют их покровом кожаным синим, и да возложат на носила:
13 And he shall put the covering on the altar, and they shall cover it with a cloth all of purple.
и покров да возложат на олтарь, и покрыют его одеждою всею багряною:
14 And they shall put upon it all the vessels with which they minister upon it, and the fire-pans, and the flesh hooks, and the cups, and the cover, and all the vessels of the altar; and they shall put on it a blue cover of skins, and shall put in its staves; and they shall take a purple cloth, and cover the laver and its foot, and they shall put it into a blue cover of skin, and put it on bars.
и да возложат на него вся сосуды его, еликими служат на нем в них, и кадилники, и вилицы и чашы, и покров и вся сосуды олтаря, и да возложат на него покров кожан синь и да вложат носила его: и да возмут одежду багряну, и да покрыют умывалницу и стояла ея: и да вложат ю в покров кожаный синий, и да возложат на носила.
15 And Aaron and his sons shall finish covering the holy things, and all the holy vessels, when the camp begins to move; and afterwards the sons of Caath shall go in to take up [the furniture]; but shall not touch the holy things, lest they die: these shall the sons of Caath bear in the tabernacle of witness.
И совершат Аарон и сынове его, покрывающе святая и вся сосуды святыя, внегда воздвизатися полку: и по сих да внидут сынове Каафовы воздвизати, и да не прикоснутся святых, да не умрут. Сия да воздвизают сынове Каафовы в скинии свидения.
16 Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest is overseer—the oil of the light, and the incense of composition, and the daily meat-offering and the anointing oil, are his charge; even the oversight of the whole tabernacle, and all things that are in it in the holy place, in all the works.
Надсмотритель Елеазар, сын Аарона жерца, елей светилный, и фимиам сложения, и жертва яже по вся дни, и елей помазания, надсмотрение всея скинии и елика суть в ней во святем, во всех делех.
17 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,
И рече Господь к Моисею и Аарону, глаголя:
18 You shall not destroy the family of Caath from the tribe out of the midst of the Levites.
не потребите сонм племене Каафова от среды левитов:
19 This do you to them, and they shall live and not die, when they approach the holy of holies: Let Aaron and his sons advance, and they shall place them each in his post for bearing.
сие сотворите им, и живи будут и не умрут: приходящым им ко Святым Святых, Аарон и сынове его да внидут и да устроят их коегождо по ношению его,
20 And [so] they shall by no means go in to look suddenly upon the holy things, and die.
и да не внидут внезапу видети святая, и умрут.
21 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
И рече Господь к Моисею, глаголя:
22 Take the sum of the children of Gedson, and these according to the houses of their lineage, according to their families.
возми сочисление сынов Гирсоних, и иже по домом отечеств их, по сонмом их и по племенем их,
23 Take the number of them from five and twenty years old and upwards until the age of fifty, every one that goes in to minister, to do his business in the tabernacle of witness.
от двадесяти и пяти лет и вышше, даже до пятидесяти лет, соглядайте я, всяк входяй служити и творити дела в скинии свидения.
24 This [is] the public service of the family of Gedson, to minister and to bear.
Сия служба сонма Гирсонова, служити и воздвизати.
25 And they shall bear the skins of the tabernacle, and the tabernacle of witness, and its veil, and the blue cover that was on it above, and the cover of the door of the tabernacle of witness.
И да воздвигнет опоны скинии и скинию свидения, и покров ея и покров синий сущий сверх ея, и опону дверий скинии свидения,
26 And all the curtains of the court which were upon the tabernacle of witness, and the appendages, and all the vessels of service that they minister with they shall attend to.
и опоны двора, и завесу дверий двора, елика над скиниею свидения, и яже окрест олтаря, и прочая их, и вся сосуды служебныя, еликими служат в них, да сотворят.
27 According to the direction of Aaron and his sons shall be the ministry of the sons of Gedson, in all their ministries, and in all their works; and you shall take account of them by name in all things borne by them.
По слову Аарона и сынов его да будет вся служба сынов Гирсоновых по всем службам их и по всем делам их: и да соглядаеши их по именам, вся носимая ими.
28 This is the service of the sons of Gedson in the tabernacle of witness, and their charge by the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
Сия служба сонма сынов Гирсоновых в скинии свидения, и стражба их рукою Ифамара, сына Аароня жерца.
29 The sons of Merari according to their families, according to the houses of their lineage, take you the number of them.
Сынове Мерарины по сонмом их, по домом отечеств их, соглядайте их,
30 Take the number of them from five and twenty years old and upwards until fifty years old, every one that goes in to perform the services of the tabernacle of witness.
от двадесяти и пяти лет и вышше, даже до пятидесяти лет, соглядайте их, всяк входяй служити дела скинии свидения.
31 And these are the charges of the things borne by them according to all their works in the tabernacle of witness: they shall bear the chapiters of the tabernacle, and the bars, and its pillars, and its sockets, and the veil, and [there shall be] their sockets, and their pillars, and the curtain of the door of the tabernacle.
И сия хранения воздвизаемых ими, по всем делом их в скинии свидения: главицы скинии и вереи ея, и столпы ея и стояла ея, и покров и стояла их, и столпы их, и покров дверий скинии,
32 And they shall bear the pillars of the court round about, and [there shall be] their sockets, and [they shall bear] the pillars of the veil of the door of the court, and their sockets and their pins, and their cords, and all their furniture, and all their instruments of service: take you their number by name, and all the articles of the charge of the things borne by them.
и столпы двора окрест и стояла их, и столпы завесы дверий двора и стояла их, и колки их и верви их, и вся сосуды их и вся служения их: по именам соглядайте их и вся сосуды стражбы воздвизаемых ими.
33 This is the ministration of the family of the sons of Merari in all their works in the tabernacle of witness, by the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
Сия служба сонма сынов Мерариных во всех делех их, в скинии свидения рукою Ифамара, сына Аароня жерца.
34 And Moses and Aaron and the rulers of Israel took the number of the sons of Caath according to their families, according to the houses of their lineage;
И согляда Моисей и Аарон и князи Израилевы сыны Каафовы по сонмом их, по домом отечеств их,
35 from five and twenty years old and upwards to the age of fifty years, every one that goes in to minister and do service in the tabernacle of witness.
от двадесяти и пяти лет и вышше, даже до пятидесяти лет, всяк входяй служити и творити дела в скинии свидения.
36 And the numbering of them according to their families was two thousand, seven hundred and fifty.
И бысть соглядание их по сонмом их, две тысящы седмь сот пятьдесят.
37 This is the numbering of the family of Caath, every one that ministers in the tabernacle of witness, as Moses and Aaron numbered them by the word of the Lord, by the hand of Moses.
Сие сочтение сонма Каафова, всех служащих в скинии свидения, якоже согляда Моисей и Аарон повелением Господним, рукою Моисеовою.
38 And the sons of Gedson were numbered according to their families, according to the houses of their lineage,
И соглядани быша сынове Гирсони по сонмом своим, по домом отечеств своих,
39 from five and twenty years old and upward till fifty years old, every one that goes in to minister and to do the services in the tabernacle of witness.
от двадесяти и пяти лет и вышше, даже до пятидесяти лет, всяк входяй служити и творити дела в скинии свидения.
40 And the numbering of them according to their families, according to the houses of their lineage, [was] two thousand six hundred and thirty.
И бысть соглядание их по сонмом их, по домом отечеств их, две тысящы шесть сот тридесять.
41 This [is] the numbering of the family of the sons of Gedson, every one who ministers in the tabernacle of witness; whom Moses and Aaron numbered by the word of the Lord, by the hand of Moses.
Сие соглядание сонма сынов Гирсоновых, всех служащих в скинии свидения, ихже соглядаша Моисей и Аарон по глаголу Господню, рукою Моисеовою.
42 And also the family of the sons of Merari were numbered according to their divisions, according to the house of their fathers;
Соглядани же быша сынове Мерарины по сонмом своим, по домом отечеств своих,
43 from five and twenty years old and upward till fifty years old, every one that goes in to minister in the services of the tabernacle of witness.
от двадесяти и пяти лет и вышше, даже до пятидесяти лет, всяк входяй служити на дела скинии свидения.
44 And the numbering of them according to their families, according to the houses of their lineage, [was] three thousand and two hundred.
И бысть сочтение их по племеном их, по сонмом их, по домом отечеств их, три тысящы и двести.
45 This [is] the numbering of the family of the sons of Merari, whom Moses and Aaron numbered by the word of the Lord, by the hand of Moses.
Сие сочисление сонма сынов Мерариных, ихже согляда Моисей и Аарон по глаголу Господню, рукою Моисеовою.
46 All that were numbered, whom Moses and Aaron and the rulers of Israel numbered, [namely], the Levites, according to their families and according to the houses of their lineage,
Вси согляданнии левиты, ихже согляда Моисей и Аарон и князи сынов Израилевых, по сонмом их и по домом отечеств их,
47 from five and twenty years old and upward till fifty years old, every one that goes in to the service of the works, and the [charge of] the things that are carried in the tabernacle of witness.
от двадесяти и пяти лет и вышше, даже до пятидесяти лет, всяк входяй на дело дел, и к делам воздвизаемым в скинии свидения.
48 And they that were numbered were eight thousand five hundred and eighty.
И быша согляданнии осмь тысящ пять сот осмьдесят.
49 He reviewed them by the word of the Lord by the hand of Moses, appointing each man severally over their [respective] work, and over their burdens; and they were numbered, as the Lord commanded Moses.
Повелением Господним соглядаше их Моисей, мужа по мужу над делы их, и яже воздвизаху сии, и соглядани суть, якоже повеле Господь Моисею.

< Numbers 4 >