< Numbers 23 >

1 And Balaam said to Balac, Build me here seven altars, and prepare me here seven calves, and seven rams.
И рече Валам Валаку: Начини ми овде седам олтара, и приправи ми овде седам телаца и седам овнова.
2 And Balac did as Balaam told him; and he offered up a calf and a ram on [every] altar.
И учини Валак како му рече Валам; и принесе Валак с Валамом на сваком олтару по једно теле и овна.
3 And Balaam said to Balac, Stand by your sacrifice, and I will go and see if God will appear to me and meet me, and the word which he shall show me, I will report to you. And Balac stood by his sacrifice.
Па рече Валам Валаку: Стој код своје жртве паљенице; а ја идем еда бих се срео с Господом, па шта ми јави казаћу ти. И он отиде сам.
4 And Balaam went to enquire of God; and he went straight forward, and God appeared to Balaam; and Balaam said to him, I have prepared the seven altars, and have offered a calf and a ram on [every] altar.
И срете Бог Валама, а он му рече: Седам олтара спремних, и принесох по теле и овна на сваком олтару.
5 And God put a word into the mouth of Balaam, and said, you shall return to Balac, and thus shall you speak.
А Господ метну речи у уста Валаму, и рече врати се к Валаку и тако му реци.
6 And he returned to him, and moreover he stood over his whole burnt offerings, and all the princes of Moab with him; and the Spirit of God came upon him.
И врати се к њему, а он стајаше код жртве своје паљенице и сви кнезови моавски.
7 And he took up his parable, and said, Balac king of Moab sent for me out of Mesopotamia, out of the mountains of the east, saying, Come, curse me Jacob, and Come, call for a curse for me upon Israel.
А он отвори причу своју, и рече: Из Арама доведе ме Валак, цар моавски с планине источне, говорећи: Ходи, прокуни ми Јакова, ходи, наружи Израиља.
8 How can I curse whom the Lord curses not? or how can I devote whom God devotes not?
Како бих клео оног кога не куне Бог? Или како бих ружио оног кога Господ не ружи?
9 For from the top of the mountains I shall see him, and from the hills I shall observe him: behold, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.
Јер сврх стена видим га, и с хумова гледам га. Гле, овај ће народ наставати сам, и с другим народима неће се помешати.
10 Who has exactly calculated the seed of Jacob, and who shall number the families of Israel? let my soul die with the souls of the righteous, and let my seed be as their seed.
Ко ће избројати прах Јаковљев и број од четврти Израиља? Да бих ја умро смрћу праведничком, и крај мој да би био као њихов!
11 And Balac said to Balaam, What have you done to me? I called you to curse my enemies, and behold you have greatly blessed [them].
Тада рече Валак Валаму: Шта то радиш од мене? Ја те дозвах да прокунеш непријатеље моје, а гле, ти благосиљаш једнако.
12 And Balaam said to Balac, Whatsoever the Lord shall put into my mouth, shall I not take heed to speak this?
А он одговори и рече: Зар нећу пазити и говорити оно што ми је Господ метнуо у уста?
13 And Balac said to him, Come yet with me to another place where you shall not see the people, but only you shall see a part of them, and shall not see them all; and curse me them from thence.
Тада му рече Валак: Ходи са мном на друго место, одакле ћеш га видети; само му крај видиш, а свега га не видиш; прокуни ми га оданде.
14 And he took him to a high place of the field to the top of the quarried [rock], and he built there seven altars, and offered a calf and a ram on [every] altar.
И доведе га у поље Зофим, наврх Фазге, и начини седам олтара, и принесе на сваком олтару по једно теле и овна.
15 And Balaam said to Balac, Stand by your sacrifice, and I will go to enquire of God.
Тада Валам рече Валаку: Стој ту код жртве своје паљенице, а ја идем онамо на сусрет Господу.
16 And God met Balaam, and put a word into his mouth, and said, return to Balac, and thus shall you speak.
И срете Господ Валама, и метну му реч у уста, и рече: Врати се к Валаку, и тако говори.
17 And he returned to him: and he also was standing by his whole burnt sacrifice, and all the princes of Moab with him; and Balac said to him, What has the Lord spoken?
И дође к њему, а он стајаше код жртве своје паљенице и с њим кнезови моавски; и рече Валак: Шта вели Господ?
18 And he took up his parable, and said, rise up, Balac, and hear; listen as a witness, you son of Sepphor.
А он отвори причу своју, и рече: Устани Валаче, и послушај, чуј ме сине Сефоров!
19 God is not as man to waver, nor as the son of man to be threatened; shall he say and not perform? shall he speak and not keep [to his word]?
Бог није човек да лаже, ни син човечји да се покаје. Шта каже неће ли учинити, и шта рече неће ли извршити?
20 Behold, I have received [commandment] to bless: I will bless, and not turn back.
Гле, примих да благословим; јер је Он благословио, а ја нећу порећи.
21 There shall not be trouble in Jacob, neither shall sorrow be seen in Israel: the Lord his God [is] with him, the glories of rulers [are] in him.
Не гледа на безакоње у Јакову ни на неваљалство у Израиљу; Господ је његов с њим, и граја у њему као цар кад надвлада.
22 It was God who brought him out of Egypt; he has as it were the glory of a unicorn.
Бог га је извео из Мисира, Он му је као снага једнорогова.
23 For there is no divination in Jacob, nor enchantment in Israel; in season it shall be told to Jacob and Israel what God shall perform.
Јер нема чини на Јакова ни врачања на Израиља; у ово доба говориће се о Јакову и о Израиљу, што је учинио Бог.
24 Behold, the people shall rise up as a lion's whelp, and shall exalt himself as a lion; he shall not lie down till he have eaten the prey, and he shall drink the blood of the slain.
Ево, народ ће устати као силан лав, и као лавић скочиће; неће лећи докле не поједе лов и попије крв побијених.
25 And Balac said to Balaam, Neither curse the people at all for me, nor bless them at all.
Тада рече Валак Валаму: Немој га ни клети ни благосиљати.
26 And Balaam answered and said to Balac, Spoke I not to you, saying, Whatsoever thing God shall speak to me, that will I do?
А Валам одговори Валаку: Нисам ли ти казао да ћу чинити шта ми год Господ каже?
27 And Balac said to Balaam, Come [and] I will remove you to another place, if it shall please God, and curse me them from thence.
А Валак рече Валаму: Ходи, одвешћу те на друго место; да ако Богу буде воља да ми га оданде прокунеш.
28 And Balac took Balaam to the top of Phogor, which extends to the wilderness.
И одведе Валак Валама наврх Фегора, који гледа у пустињу.
29 And Balaam said to Balac, build me here seven altars, and prepare me here seven calves, and seven rams.
И рече Валам Валаку: Начини ми овде седам олтара, и приправи ми овде седам телаца и седам овнова.
30 And Balac did as Balaam told him, and offered a calf and a ram on [every] altar.
И учини Валак како рече Валам и принесе жртву по теле и овна на сваком олтару.

< Numbers 23 >