< Numbers 22 >

1 And the children of Israel departed, and encamped on the west of Moab by Jordan toward Jericho.
Israaʼeloonni gara dirree Moʼaabitti qajeelanii Yerikoon gama qarqara Yordaanos qubatan.
2 And when Balac son of Sepphor saw all that Israel did to the Amorite,
Baalaaq ilmi Ziphoori waan Israaʼel Amoorotatti hojjete hunda arge;
3 then Moab feared the people exceedingly because they were many; and Moab was grieved before the face of the children of Israel.
Moʼaabis waan sabni sun akka malee baayʼee taʼeef ni sodaate. Moʼaabis sababii Israaʼelootaatiif raafame.
4 And Moab said to the elders of Madiam, Now shall this assembly lick up all that are round about us, as a calf would lick up the green [herbs] of the field: —and Balac son of Sepphor was king of Moab at that time.
Warri Moʼaabis maanguddoota Midiyaaniin, “Namoonni baayʼeen kunneen akkuma qotiyyoon marga bakkee dheedee fixu sana waan naannoo keenya jiru dheedee fixa” jedhan. Kana irratti Baalaaq ilmi Ziphoori kan yeroo sana mootii Moʼaab ture sun,
5 And he sent ambassadors to Balaam the son of Beor, to Phathura, which is on a river of the land of the sons of his people, to call him, saying, Behold, a people is come out of Egypt, and behold it has covered the face of the earth, and it has encamped close to me.
akka isaan Balaʼaam ilma Beʼoor kan biyyuma itti dhalate keessa laga Efraaxiis bira Phetoori keessa jiraachaa ture sana waamaniif ergamoota erge. Baalaaqis akkana jedhe: “Kunoo, sabni tokko biyya Gibxii baʼee dhufeera; kunoo isaan lafa guutanii natti aananii qubataniiru.
6 And now come, curse me this people, for it is stronger than we; if we may be able to strike some of them, and I will cast them out of the land: for I know that whoever you do bless, they are blessed, and whoever you do curse, they are cursed.
Sababii isaan na caalaa humna qabaniif amma kottuutii isaan abaari. Yoos ani isaan moʼadhee biyya keessaa ariʼee isaan baasuu nan dandaʼa taʼa. Ani akka warri ati eebbiftu eebbifaman, warri ati abaartus abaaraman nan beekaatii.”
7 And the elders of Moab went, and the elders of Madiam, and their divining [instruments were] in their hands; and they came to Balaam, and spoke to him the words of Balac.
Maanguddoonni Moʼaabii fi Midiyaan sun kaʼanii kaffaltii mortuu sanaa fudhatanii deeman. Isaanis yommuu Balaʼaam bira gaʼanitti waan Baalaaq jedheen sana itti himan.
8 And he said to them, Tarry here the night, and I will answer you the things which the Lord shall say to me; and the princes of Moab stayed with Balaam.
Balaʼaamis, “Halkan kana asuma bulaa; anis deebii Waaqayyo naaf kennu isinitti nan hima” jedheen. Qondaaltonni Moʼaab sun isuma bira turan.
9 And God came to Balaam, and said to him, Who are these men with you?
Waaqni gara Balaʼaam dhufee, “Namoonni si wajjin jiran kunneen eenyu?” jedhee gaafate.
10 And Balaam said to God, Balac son of Sepphor, king of Moab, sent them to me, saying,
Balaʼaamis akkana jedhee Waaqaaf deebii kenne; “Baalaaq ilmi Ziphoori, mootichi Moʼaab akkana jedhee ergaa kana natti erge:
11 Behold, a people has come forth out of Egypt, and has covered the face of the land, and it has encamped near to me; and now come, curse it for me, if indeed I shall be able to strike it, and cast it out of the land.
‘Kunoo, sabni biyya Gibxii baʼee dhufe tokko lafa guuteera; ati amma kottuutii isaan naaf abaari. Yoos ani isaan lolee ariʼee biyyaa baasuu nan dandaʼa taʼaatii.’”
12 And God said to Balaam, You shall not go with them, neither shall you curse the people; for they are blessed.
Waaqayyo garuu Balaʼaamiin, “Isaan wajjin hin deemin. Sababii isaan eebbifamoo taʼaniif ati saba sana hin abaarin” jedhe.
13 And Balaam rose up in the morning, and said to the princes of Balac, Depart quickly to your lord; God does not permit me to go with you.
Balaʼaam ganama itti aanu kaʼee qondaaltota Baalaaqiin, “Sababii Waaqayyo isin wajjin deemuu na dhowweef, isin amma kaʼaa biyya keessanitti deebiʼaa” jedhe.
14 And the princes of Moab rose, and came to Balac, and said, Balaam will not come with us.
Qondaaltonni Moʼaab gara Baalaaqitti deebiʼanii, “Balaʼaam nu wajjin dhufuu dide” jedhaniin.
15 And Balac yet again sent more princes and more honorable than they.
Baalaaqis qondaaltota warra duraa sana caalaa baayʼee fi caalaa bebeekamoo kan biraa erge.
16 And they came to Balaam, and they say to him, Thus says Balac the son of Sepphor: I beseech you, delay not to come to me.
Isaanis dhufanii Balaʼaamiin akkana jedhan: “Wanni Baalaaq ilmi Ziphoori jedhu kunoo kana: ‘Maaloo wanni tokko iyyuu gara koo dhufuu si hin dhowwin;
17 For I will greatly honor you, and will do for you whatever you shall say; come then, curse me this people.
ani ulfina guddaa siif nan kennaatii; waan ati jettu hundas nan guuta. Kottuu saba kana naa abaari.’”
18 And Balaam answered and said to the princes of Balac, If Balac would give me his house full of silver and gold, I shall not be able to go beyond the word of the Lord God, to make it little or great in my mind.
Balaʼaam garuu akkana jedhee deebiseef; “Utuu Baalaaq masaraa isaa kan meetii fi warqeen guutame sana naaf kenne illee, ani ajaja Waaqayyo Waaqa kootiin alatti waan xinnaa yookaan guddaa tokko illee hojjechuu hin dandaʼu.
19 And now do you also wait here this night, and I shall know what the Lord will yet say to me.
Akka ani waan Waaqayyo natti himu kan biraa beekuu dandaʼuuf isinis akkuma warra kaanii as bulaa.”
20 And God came to Balaam by night, and said to him, If these men are come to call you, rise and follow them; nevertheless the word which I shall speak to you, it shall you do.
Halkan sana Waaqayyo gara Balaʼaam dhufee, “Sababii namoonni kunneen si waamuu dhufaniif, isaan wajjin deemi; garuu waanuma ani sitti himu qofa hojjedhu” jedheen.
21 And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ass, and went with the princes of Moab.
Balaʼaam ganamaan kaʼee harree isaa irra kooraa kaaʼatee qondaaltota Moʼaab sana wajjin deeme.
22 And God was very angry because he went; and the angel of the Lord rose up to withstand him. Now he had mounted his ass, and his two servants were with him.
Waaqni garuu inni deemnaan itti aare; ergamaan Waaqayyoo tokkos isaan mormuuf jedhee karaa irra dhaabate. Balaʼaamis harree isaa yaabbatee deemaa ture; tajaajiltoonni isaa lamaan isa wajjin turan.
23 And when the ass saw the angel of God standing opposite in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand, then the ass turned aside out of the way, and went into the field; and [Balaam] struck the ass with his staff to direct her in the way.
Harreen sun immoo ergamaa Waaqayyoo kan goraadee luqqifatee harkatti qabatee karaa irra dhaabatu arginaan of irra gara galtee karaa irraa gortee lafa qotiisaa seente. Balaʼaamis karaatti ishee deebisuudhaaf harree sana rukute.
24 And the angel of the Lord stood in the avenues of the vines, a fence [being] on this side and a fence on that.
Ergamaan Waaqayyoo sun garuu daandii dhiphoo, iddoo dhaabaa wayinii lama kanneen gama lamaan dallaa qaban gidduu baatu irra dhaabate.
25 And when the ass saw the angel of God, she thrust herself against the wall, and crushed Balaam's foot against the wall, and he struck her again.
Harreen sun ergamaa Waaqayyoo arginaan, dallaatti maxxantee miilla Balaʼaam dallaatti buufte. Inni ammas harree sana rukute.
26 And the angel of the Lord went farther, and came and stood in a narrow place where it was impossible to turn to the right or the left.
Ergamaan Waaqayyoos fuula duratti hiiqee daandii dhiphaa iddoo ittiin mirgatti yookaan bitaatti goran hin qabne tokko irra dhaabate.
27 And when the ass saw the angel of God, she lay down under Balaam; and Balaam was angry, and struck the ass with his staff.
Harreen sun ergamaa Waaqayyoo arginaan Balaʼaam jalaa gad ciifte; innis aaree ulee ofiitiin harree sana rukute.
28 And God opened the mouth of the ass, and she says to Balaam, What have I done to you, that you have struck me this third time?
Kana irratti Waaqayyo afaan harree sanaa banee harreen sun Balaʼaamiin, “Ani maal si yakkinaan ati akkas yeroo sadii na rukutte?” jette.
29 And Balaam said to the ass, Because you have mocked me; and if I [had] had a sword in my hand, I would now have killed you.
Balaʼaamis harree sanaan, “Ati na gowwoomsite; ani utuu goraadee of harkaa qabaadhee silaa ammuman si ajjeesa” jedhe.
30 And the ass says to Balaam, [Am] not I your ass on which you have ridden since your youth till this day? did I ever do thus to you, utterly disregarding [you]? and he said, No.
Harreen sun amma illee Balaʼaamiin akkana jette; “Ani harree kee kan ati hamma harʼaatti guyyaa hunda yaabbattu mitii? Ani takkumaa waan akkasii sitti hojjedhee beekaa?” Innis, “Lakkii” jedhee deebiseef.
31 And God opened the eyes of Balaam, and he sees the angel of the Lord withstanding [him] in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand, and he stooped down and worshipped on his face.
Yommus Waaqayyo ija Balaʼaam bane; Balaʼaamis ergamaa Waaqayyoo kan goraadee luqqifatee karaa irra dhaabatu arge. Kana irratti inni addaan lafatti gombifamee sagade.
32 And the angel of God said to him, Why have you struck your ass this third time? and, behold, I came out to withstand you, for your way was not seemly before me; and when the ass saw me, she turned away from me this third time.
Ergamaan Waaqayyoo sun akkana jedhee isa gaafate; “Ati maaliif yeroo sadan kana harree kee rukutte? Kunoo ani waan karaan kee fuula koo duratti jalʼaa taʼeef siin mormuudhaafan dhufe.
33 And if she had not turned out of the way, surely now, I should have slain you, and should have saved her alive.
Harreen kun na argitee yeroo kana sadanuu narraa gorte. Utuu isheen narraa goruu baattee silaa ani yoona si ajjeesee ishee immoo hambisa ture.”
34 And Balaam said to the angel of the Lord, I have sinned, for I did not know that you were standing opposite in the way to meet [me]; and now if it shall not be pleasing to you [for me to go on], I will return.
Balaʼaamis ergamaa Waaqayyootiin, “Ani cubbuu hojjedheera. Ani akka ati naan mormuuf jettee karaa irra dhaabatte hin hubanne. Ammas yoo sitti hin tolin ani nan deebiʼa” jedhe.
35 And the angel of the Lord said to Balaam, Go with the men: nevertheless the word which I shall speak to you, that you shall take heed to speak. And Balaam went with the princes of Balac.
Ergamaan Waaqayyoo sunis Balaʼaamiin, “Namoota kana wajjin deemi; garuu waanuma ani sitti himu qofa dubbadhu” jedhe. Akkasiin Balaʼaam qondaaltota Baalaaq sana wajjin deeme.
36 And when Balac heard that Balaam was come, he went out to meet him, to a city of Moab, which is on the borders of Arnon, which is on the [extreme] part of the borders.
Baalaaqis akka Balaʼaam dhufaa jiru dhageenyaan, magaalaa Moʼaab kan daarii Arnoon irratti argamtutti isa simachuudhaaf kaʼee deeme.
37 And Balac said to Balaam, Did I not send to you to call you? why have you not come to me? shall I not indeed be able to honor you?
Baalaaqis Balaʼaamiin akkana jedhe; “Ani dhaamsa ariifachiisaa sitti hin erginee? Ati maaliif na bira hin dhufne? Ani dhugumaan ulfina siif kennuu hin dandaʼuu?”
38 And Balaam said to Balac, Behold, I am now come to you: shall I be able to say anything? the word which God shall put into my mouth, that I shall speak.
Balaʼaamis, “Kunoo ani si bira dhufeera. Garuu ani waanuman arge dubbachuu nan dandaʼaa? Ani waanuma Waaqni afaan koo keessa kaaʼu qofan dubbachuu qaba” jedhee deebise.
39 And Balaam went with Balac, and they came to the cities of streets.
Balaʼaamis kaʼee Baalaaq wajjin Qiiriyaati Haxoti dhaqe.
40 And Balac offered sheep and calves, and sent to Balaam and to his princes who were with him.
Baalaaq loonii fi hoolaa aarsaa dhiʼeessee gara tokko Balaʼaamii fi qondaaltota isa wajjin turaniif kenne.
41 And it was morning; and Balac took Balaam, and brought him up to the pillar of Baal, and showed him thence a part of the people.
Ganama itti aanus Baalaaq, Balaʼaamin Baamooti Baʼaalitti ol baase; innis achi dhaabatee saba Israaʼel warra daangaa gamaa irra jiran arge.

< Numbers 22 >