< Numbers 12 >

1 And Mariam and Aaron spoke against Moses, because of the Ethiopian woman whom Moses took; for he had taken an Ethiopian woman.
Miiriyaamii fi Aroon sababii Museen dubartii Itoophiyaa fuudheef isaan mormuudhaan dubbachuu jalqaban; inni dubartii Itoophiyaa fuudhee tureetii.
2 And they said, Has the Lord spoken to Moses only? has he not also spoken to us? and the Lord heard it.
Isaanis, “Waaqayyo karaa Musee qofaan dubbatee? Inni karaa keenyaanis dubbatee ture mitii?” jedhan. Waaqayyos dubbii kana dhagaʼe.
3 And the man Moses was very meek beyond all the men that were upon the earth.
Museen namoota lafa irra jiraatan hunda caalaa nama akka malee gad of qabu ture.
4 And the Lord said immediately to Moses and Aaron and Mariam, Come forth all three of you to the tabernacle of witness.
Waaqayyos yommusuma Museen, Aroonii fi Miiriyaamiin, “Isin sadanuu gara dunkaana wal gaʼiitti gad baʼaa” jedhe. Isaan sadanuus gad baʼan.
5 And the three came forth to the tabernacle of witness; and the Lord descended in a pillar of a cloud, and stood at the door of the tabernacle of witness; and Aaron and Mariam were called; and both came forth.
Ergasii Waaqayyo utubaa duumessaa keessaan gad buʼee balbala dunkaanaa irra dhaabatee Aroonii fi Miiriyaamin waame. Jarri lachuu isatti dhiʼaannaan,
6 And he said to them, Hear my words: If there should be of you a prophet to the Lord, I will be made known to him in a vision, and in sleep will I speak to him.
inni akkana jedheen; “Dubbii koo dhagaʼaa: “Yoo raajiin Waaqayyoo gidduu keessan jiraate, ani mulʼata keessa isatti of nan mulʼisa; abjuudhaanis isatti nan dubbadha.
7 My servant Moses [is] not so; he is faithful in all my house.
Garuu garbichi koo Museen akkana miti; inni mana koo hunda keessatti amanamaa dha.
8 I will speak to him mouth to mouth apparently, and not in dark speeches; and he has seen the glory of the Lord; and why were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?
Ani utuu dhoksaadhaan hin taʼin, ifaan ifatti isatti nan dubbadha; inni bifa Waaqayyoo ni arga. Yoos isin maaliif garbicha koo Museedhaan mormuudhaan dubbachuu hin sodaanne ree?”
9 And the great anger of the Lord [was] upon them, and he departed.
Aariin Waaqayyos isaan irratti bobaʼe; innis isaan dhiisee deeme.
10 And the cloud departed from the tabernacle; and, behold, Mariam was leprous, [white] as snow; and Aaron looked upon Mariam, and, behold, she [was] leprous.
Yommuu duumessi sun dunkaana gubbaadhaa ol kaʼetti kunoo, Miiriyaam lamxooftee akkuma cabbii addaattee turte. Aroonis gara isheetti garagalee akka isheen lamxii qabdu arge;
11 And Aaron said to Moses, I beseech you, my lord, do not lay sin upon us, for we were ignorant wherein we sinned.
innis Museedhaan akkana jedhe; “Maaloo yaa gooftaa ko, cubbuu nu gowwummaadhaan hojjenne sana nutti hin lakkaaʼin.
12 Let her not be as it were like death, as an abortion coming out of his mother's womb, when [the disease] devours the half of the flesh.
Akka gatata foon isaa gariin nyaatamee gadameessa haadha isaa keessaa baʼu tokkoo ishee hin godhin.”
13 And Moses cried to the Lord, saying, O God, I beseech you, heal her.
Museen Waaqayyotti booʼee, “Yaa Waaqayyo, maaloo ishee fayyisi!” jedhe.
14 And the Lord said to Moses, If her father had only spit in her face, would she not be ashamed seven days? let her be set apart seven days without the camp, and afterwards she shall come in.
Waaqayyo akkana jedhee Museedhaaf deebii kenne; “Utuu abbaan ishee fuula isheetti tufee silaa isheen bultii torba salphina keessa turti mitii ree? Isheen bultii torba qubataan ala haa turtu; ergasii deebitee dhufuu dandeessi.”
15 And Mariam was separated without the camp seven days; and the people moved not forward till Mariam was cleansed.
Miiriyaam bultii torba qubataan ala turte; sabni sunis hamma isheen deebitutti deemsa itti hin fufne.
16 And afterwards the people set forth from Aseroth, and encamped in the wilderness of Pharan.
Ergasii sabni sun Haxerootii kaʼee Gammoojjii Phaaraan keessa qubate.

< Numbers 12 >