< Michaeas 7 >

1 Alas for me! for I am become as one gathering straw in harvest, and as [one gathering] grape-gleanings in the vintage, when there is no cluster for me to eat the first-ripe fruit: alas my soul!
Ve mig! thi det er gaaet mig som ved Indsamlingen af Sommerfrugt, som ved Eftersankningen efter Vinhøsten; der er ikke en Vindrue til at æde, ingen tidlig moden Figen, som min Sjæl havde Lyst til.
2 For the godly is perished from the earth; and there is none among men that orders [his way] aright: they all quarrel even to blood: they grievously afflict every one his neighbor:
Den fromme er forsvunden fra Jorden, og der er ikke en oprigtig iblandt Menneskene: De lure alle efter Blod, jage den ene deji anden i Garnet.
3 they prepare their hands for mischief, the prince asks [a reward], and the judge speaks flattering words; it is the desire of their soul:
Til det onde ere Hænder rede for at gøre det til Gavns; Fyrsten gør Fordring, og Dommeren er villig for Gentjeneste, og den mægtige udtaler sin Sjæls Attraa, og saa sno de det sammen.
4 therefore I will take away their goods as a devouring moth, and as one who acts by a [rigid] rule in a day of visitation. Woe, woe, your times of vengeance are come; now shall be their lamentations.
Den bedste af dem er som Torn, den oprigtigste som et Tjørnegærde; dine Vægteres Dag, din Hjemsøgelse kommer; nu skal deres Forstyrrelse være der.
5 Trust not in friends, and confide not in guides: beware of your wife, so as not to commit anything to her.
Tror ikke paa en Ven, forlader eder ikke paa en fortrolig: Var din Munds Døre for hende, som ligger ved din Barm.
6 For the son dishonors his father, the daughter will rise up against her mother, the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law: those in his house [shall be] all a man's enemies.
Thi Sønnen ringeagter Faderen, Datteren sætter sig op imod sin Moder, Sønnens Hustru imod sin Mands Moder, en Mand har Fjender i sine egne Husfolk.
7 But I will look to the Lord; I will wait upon God my Saviour: my God will listen to me.
Men jeg vil skue ud efter Herren, jeg vil bie efter min Frelses Gud; min Gud vil høre mig.
8 Rejoice not against me, mine enemy; for I have fallen [yet] shall arise; for though I should sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me.
Glæd dig ikke over mig, min Modstanderinde! thi er jeg falden, skal jeg staa op igen, og sidder jeg i Mørket, skal Herren være mit Lys.
9 I will bear the indignation of the Lord, because I have sinned against him, until he make good my cause: he also shall maintain my right, and shall bring me out to the light, [and] I shall behold his righteousness.
Herrens Vrede vil jeg bære, thi jeg har syndet imod ham, — indtil han udfører min Sag og skaffer mig Ret; han skal føre mig ud til Lyset, jeg skal skue hans Retfærdighed.
10 And she that is mine enemy shall see it, and shall clothe herself with shame, who says, Where [is] the Lord your God? mine eyes shall look upon her: now shall she be for trampling as mire in the ways.
Og min Modstanderinde maa se det, og Skam skal bedække hende, idet hun siger til mig: Hvor er Herren din Gud? mine Øjne skulle se deres Lyst paa hende; nu skal hun blive til at nedtrædes som Dynd paa Gader.
11 [It is] the day of making of brick; that day shall be your utter destruction, and that day shall utterly abolish your ordinances.
Der kommer en Dag, da man skal bygge dine Mure; paa denne Dag skal Grænse være fjern.
12 And your cities shall be levelled, and parted among the Assyrians; and your strong cities shall be parted from Tyre to the river, and from sea to sea, and from mountain to mountain.
Paa den Dag, da skal man komme til dig lige fra Assur og Ægyptens Stæder, og lige fra Ægypten og indtil Floden, og til Hav fra Hav, og fra Bjerg til Bjerget.
13 And the land shall be utterly desolate together with them that inhabit it, because of the fruit of their doings.
Og Jorden skal blive til Øde for sine Beboeres Skyld, formedelst deres Idrætters Frugt.
14 Tend your people with your rod, the sheep of your inheritance, those that inhabit by themselves the thicket in the midst of Carmel: they shall feed in the land of Basan, and in the land of Galaad, as in the days of old.
Vogt med din Stav dit Folk, din Arvs Hjord, som bor ene for sig, i Skoven midt paa Karmel; lad dem græsse i Basan og Gilead som i gamle Dage!
15 And according to the days of your departure out of Egypt shall you see marvelous [things].
Som i de Dage, da du drog ud af Ægyptens Land, vil jeg lade det se underfulde Ting.
16 The nations shall see and be ashamed; and at all their might they shall lay their hands upon their mouth, their ears shall be deafened.
Hedningerne skulle se det og beskæmmes for al deres Vælde; de skulle lægge Haand paa Mund; deres Øren skulle blive døve.
17 They shall lick the dust as serpents crawling on the earth, they shall be confounded in their holes; they shall be amazed at the Lord our God, and will be afraid of you.
De skulle slikke Støv som Slangen, som Jordens Kryb skulle de komme bævende frem fra deres Borge; til Herren vor Gud skulle de skælvende komme og frygte for dig.
18 Who is a God like you, cancelling iniquities, and passing over the sins of the remnant of his inheritance? and he has not kept his anger for a testimony, for he delights in mercy.
Hvo er en Gud som du, der borttager Misgerning og gaar Overtrædelse forbi for det overblevne af sin Arv? han holder ikke fast ved sin Vrede evindelig, thi han har Lyst til Miskundhed.
19 He will return and have mercy upon us; he will sink our iniquities, and they shall be cast into the depth of the sea, [even] all our sins.
Han skal atter forbarme sig over os, han skal træde vore Misgerninger under Fødder; og du skal kaste alle deres Synder i Havets Dyb.
20 He shall give blessings truly to Jacob, and mercy to Abraam, as you sware to our fathers, according to the former days.
Du skal bevise Jakob Sandhed, Abraham Miskundhed, som du har svoret vore Fædre fra de gamle Dage af.

< Michaeas 7 >