< Michaeas 4 >

1 And at the last days the mountain of the Lord shall be manifest, established on the tops of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and the peoples shall hasten to it.
Na mikolo oyo ekoya, ngomba ya Tempelo ya Yawe ekolendisama ngwi na songe ya bangomba, ekoleka bangomba mikuse nyonso na molayi, mpe bikolo ekokende kotondana kuna.
2 And many nations shall go, and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and they shall show us his way, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Sion shall go forth a law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
Bato ya bikolo ebele bakokende kuna mpe bakoloba: « Boya, tomata na ngomba ya Yawe, na Tempelo ya Nzambe ya Jakobi! Akoteya biso banzela na Ye mpo ete tolanda banzela mike na Ye. » Pamba te Mobeko ekowuta na Siona, mpe Liloba na Yawe ekowuta na Yelusalemi.
3 And he shall judge among many peoples, and shall rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into sickles; and nation shall no more lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn to war any more.
Akozala Mosambisi kati na bikolo ebele, akokata makambo ya kowelana kati na mabota ya nguya, ezala oyo ezalaka mosika. Bakotumba mipanga na bango na moto mpo na kosala bakongo, mpe makonga na bango mpo na kosala bambeli. Ekolo moko te ekotombola lisusu mopanga mpo na kobundisa ekolo mosusu, bato bakoyekola lisusu te kobunda bitumba.
4 And every one shall rest under his vine, and every one under his fig tree; and there shall be none to alarm [them]: for the mouth of the Lord Almighty has spoken these [words].
Moto nyonso akovanda na kimia kati na bilanga na ye ya vino mpe na se ya nzete na ye ya figi. Moto moko te akobangisa ye, pamba te Yawe, Mokonzi ya mampinga, nde alobi.
5 For all [other] nations shall walk everyone in his own way, but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.
Ekolo na ekolo ekotambola na kombo ya nzambe na yango, kasi biso tokotambola na Kombo na Yawe oyo azali Nzambe na biso, mpo na libela.
6 In that day, says the Lord, I will gather her that is bruised, and will receive her that is cast out, and those whom I rejected.
« Na mokolo yango, » elobi Yawe, « Nakosangisa libota na Ngai, oyo ezali kotambola tengu-tengu; nakoyamba oyo ezalaki na bowumbu, mosika na Ngai, mpe oyo natiaki pasi likolo na yango.
7 And I will make her that was bruised a remnant, and her that was rejected a mighty nation: and the Lord shall reign over them in mount Sion from henceforth, even for ever.
Nakosala ete libota oyo ezali kotambola tengu-tengu ekoma batikali, mpe oyo bazalaki na bowumbu mosika na Ngai, libota ya nguya. Yawe akozala Mokonzi na bango, na ngomba Siona, kobanda na mokolo yango kino libela na libela.
8 And you, dark tower of the flock, daughter of Sion, on you the dominion shall come and enter in, [even] the first kingdom from Babylon to the daughter of Jerusalem.
Mpo na yo, ndako molayi ya bakengeli bibwele, ngomba ya Siona, mboka kitoko, bakozongisela yo bokonzi na yo ya kala, bakozongisa bokonzi ya Yelusalemi, mboka kitoko. »
9 And now, why have you known calamities? was there not a king to you? or has your counsel perished that pangs as of a woman in travail have seized upon you?
Sik’oyo, mpo na nini ozali koganga? Boni, ozali lisusu na mokonzi te? Boni, mopesi toli na yo asili kokufa mpo ete pasi ekanga yo lokola mwasi oyo azali na pasi ya kobota?
10 Be in pain, and strengthen yourself, and draw near, O daughter of Sion, as a woman in travail: for now you shall go forth out of the city, and shall lodge in the plain, and shall reach even to Babylon: thence shall the Lord your God deliver you, and thence shall he redeem you out of the hand of your enemies.
Oh Siona, mboka kitoko, lela lokola mwasi oyo azali na pasi ya kobota! Pamba te sik’oyo, okobima na engumba mpe okovanda kati na zamba, okokende kino na Babiloni; mpe kuna, Yawe akokangola yo na maboko ya monguna na yo.
11 And now have many nations gathered against you, saying, We will rejoice, and our eyes shall look upon Sion.
Kasi sik’oyo, bikolo ebele esangani mpo na kotelemela yo; bazali koloba: « Tika ete bosantu ya Siona esambwa mpe miso esepela komona kobebisama na yango! »
12 But they know not the thought of the Lord, and have not understood his counsel: for he has gathered them as sheaves of the floor.
Kasi bayebi makanisi na Yawe te mpe bazali kososola mabongisi na Ye te, Ye oyo asangisaki bango lokola maboke ya matiti ya ble na etando oyo batutelaka yango.
13 Arise, and thresh them, O daughter of Sion: for I will make your horns iron, and I will make your hoofs brass: and you shall utterly destroy many nations, and shall consecrate their abundance to the Lord, and their strength to the Lord of all the earth.
Oh Siona, mboka kitoko, telema mpe tuta ble, pamba te nakopesa yo maseke ya bibende mpe basapato ya bronze, bongo okobuka bikolo ebele mike-mike mpe okopesa bomengo na bango, oyo bazwaki na nzela ya mabe, lokola likabo epai na Yawe, mpe bozwi na bango epai na Mokonzi ya mokili mobimba.

< Michaeas 4 >