< Michaeas 1 >

1 And the word of the Lord came to Michaeas the son of Morasthi, in the days of Joatham, and Achaz, and Ezekias, kings of Juda, concerning what he saw regarding Samaria and Jerusalem.
Firman TUHAN yang datang kepada Mikha, orang Moresyet, pada zaman Yotam, Ahas dan Hizkia, raja-raja Yehuda, yakni berkenaan dengan yang dilihatnya tentang Samaria dan Yerusalem.
2 Hear [these] words, you people; and let the earth give heed, and all that are in it: and the Lord God shall be among you for a testimony, the Lord out of his holy habitation.
Dengarlah, hai bangsa-bangsa sekalian! Perhatikanlah, hai bumi serta isinya! Biarlah Tuhan ALLAH menjadi saksi terhadap kamu, yakni Tuhan dari bait-Nya yang kudus.
3 For, behold, the Lord comes forth out of his place, and will come down, and will go upon the high places of the earth.
Sebab sesungguhnya, TUHAN keluar dari tempat-Nya dan turun berjejak di atas bukit-bukit bumi.
4 And the mountains shall be shaken under him, and the valleys shall melt like wax before the fire, and as water rushing down a declivity.
Luluhlah gunung-gunung di bawah kaki-Nya, dan lembah-lembah terbelah seperti lilin di depan api, seperti air tercurah di penurunan.
5 All these [calamities are] for the transgression of Jacob, and for the sin of the house of Israel. What is the transgression of Jacob? [is it] not Samaria? and what is the sin of the house of Juda? [is it] not Jerusalem?
Semuanya ini terjadi karena pelanggaran Yakub, dan karena dosa kaum Israel. Pelanggaran Yakub itu apa? Bukankah itu Samaria? Dosa kaum Yehuda itu apa? Bukankah itu Yerusalem?
6 Therefore I will make Samaria [as] a store-house of the fruits of the field, and [as] a planting of a vineyard: and I will utterly demolish her stones, and I will expose her foundations.
Sebab itu Aku akan membuat Samaria menjadi timbunan puing di padang, menjadi tempat penanaman pohon anggur. Aku akan menggulingkan batu-batunya ke dalam lembah dan akan menyingkapkan dasar-dasarnya.
7 And they shall cut in pieces all the graven images, and all that she has hired they shall burn with fire, and I will utterly destroy all her idols: because she has gathered of the hires of fornication, and of the hires of fornication has she amassed [wealth].
Segala patungnya akan diremukkan, segala upah sundalnya akan dibakar, dan segala berhalanya akan Kuhancurkan; sebab dari upah sundal dikumpulkan semuanya itu, dan akan kembali menjadi upah sundal.
8 Therefore shall she lament and wail, she shall go barefooted, and [being] naked she shall make lamentation as [that] of serpents, and mourning as of the daughters of sirens.
Karena inilah aku hendak berkeluh kesah dan meratap, hendak berjalan dengan tidak berkasut dan telanjang, hendak melolong seperti serigala dan meraung seperti burung unta:
9 For her plague has become grievous; for it has come even to Juda; and has reached to the gate of my people, even to Jerusalem.
sebab lukanya tidak dapat sembuh, sudah menjalar ke Yehuda, sudah sampai ke pintu gerbang bangsaku, ke Yerusalem!
10 You that are in Geth, exalt not yourselves, and you Enakim, do not rebuild from [the ruins of] the house in derision: sprinkle dust [in the place of] your laughter.
Di Gat janganlah sampaikan berita, janganlah sekali-kali menangis! Baiklah gulingkan dirimu dalam debu di Bet-Le-Afra!
11 The inhabitant of Sennaar, fairly inhabiting her cities, came not forth to mourn for the house next to her: she shall receive of you the stroke of grief.
Berkemaslah, hai penduduk Safir, dengan telanjang dan malu. Tidak berani keluar penduduk Zaanan. Ratapan Bet-Haezel menghalangi engkau untuk tetap berdiri.
12 Who has begun [to act] for good to her that dwells in sorrow? for calamities have come down from the Lord upon the gates of Jerusalem,
Dengan bimbang penduduk Marot berharap akan kebaikan. Sebab malapetaka turun dari pada TUHAN sampai ke pintu gerbang Yerusalem.
13 [even] a sound of chariots and horsemen: the inhabitants of Lachis, she is the leader of sin to the daughter of Sion: for in you were found the transgressions of Israel.
Pasanglah kuda teji pada kereta, hai penduduk Lakhis! Inilah permulaan dosa bagi puteri Sion, sebab padamulah terdapat pelanggaran Israel.
14 Therefore shall he cause men to be sent forth as far as the inheritance of Geth, [even] vain houses; they are become vanity to the kings of Israel;
Sebab itu baiklah diberi hadiah perpisahan kepada Moresyet-Gat. Rumah-rumah Akhzib akan menjadi tipu daya bagi raja-raja Israel.
15 until they bring the heirs, O inhabitant of Lachis: the inheritance shall reach to Odollam, [even] the glory of the daughter of Israel.
Penakluk masih akan Kudatangkan kepadamu, hai penduduk Maresya! Kemuliaan Israel akan sampai di Adulam.
16 Shave your hair, and make yourself bald for your delicate children; increase your widowhood as an eagle; for [your people] are gone into captivity from you.
Cukurlah dan gundulkanlah kepalamu, karena anak-anak kesayanganmu! Jadikanlah kepalamu gundul seperti gundulnya burung bangkai, sebab dari padamu mereka akan masuk pembuangan.

< Michaeas 1 >