< Malachias 1 >

1 The burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by the hand of his messenger. Lay [it], I pray you, to heart.
BAWIPA ni Isarelnaw koe Malakhi hno lahoi a dei e profet lawk teh;
2 I have loved you, says the Lord. And you said, Wherein have you loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? says the Lord: yet I loved Jacob,
Kai ni lung na pataw awh toe. Bangtelamaw lung na pataw awh telah na pacei awh pawiteh, Esaw teh Jakop e a hmau nahoehmaw. Hateiteh Jakop teh ka lungpataw.
3 and hated Esau and laid waste his borders, and made his heritage as dwellings of the wilderness?
Esaw teh ka maithoe. Ahni onae monnaw ayawn lah kacoungsak toe. Râw lah a coe thai kawi talai hah kahrawnguinaw koe yo ka poe toe telah BAWIPA ni a ti.
4 Because one will say, Idumea has been overthrown, but let us return and rebuild the desolate places; thus says the Lord Almighty, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall be called The borders of wickedness, and, The people against whom the Lord has set himself for ever.
Edom miphunnaw ni kaimanaw teh karawk awh ei nakunghai, kingdinae hmuennaw hah bout ka pathoup awh han ati awh navah, ransahu BAWIPA ni a dei e lawk teh ahnimanaw ni bout a sak awh nakunghai ka raphoe han. Ahnimanaw teh kahawihoeh hno apapnae ram, BAWIPA lungkhueknae miphun telah ati awh han.
5 And your eyes shall see, and you shall say, The Lord has been magnified upon the borders of Israel.
Hote hno nangmouh ni na hmu awh navah Bawipa teh Isarel ram, alawilah a lentoe poung telah ati awh han.
6 A son honors [his] father, and a servant his master: if then I am a father, where is mine honor? and if I am a master, where is my fear? says the Lord Almighty. You the priests are they that despise my name: yet you said, Wherein have we despised your name?
A capa ni a na pa ouk a bari e patetlah a san ni hai a bawipa ouk a taki. Kai teh nangmae na pa lah kaawm pawiteh, apinimaw kai na bari. Na Bawipa lah kaawm pawiteh apinimaw kai na taki telah ka lentoe poung e ransahu BAWIPA ni amae min ka dudam e vaihmanaw a pacei. Kaimanaw ni na min bangtelamaw ka dudam awh vaw telah na pacei awh navah,
7 In that you bring to mine altar polluted bread; and you said, Wherein have you polluted it? In that you say, The table of the Lord is polluted, and that which was set thereon you have despised.
Kakhin e rawca thuengnae khoungroe koe na thokhai awh bo vaw. Kaimouh ni nang teh bangtelamaw na dudam awh vaw telah na pacei awh navah, BAWIPA e caboi teh thoung hoeh telah na ti awh dawkvah, kai na dudam awh toe.
8 For if you bring a blind [victim] for sacrifices, [is it] not evil? and if you bring the lame or the sick, [is it] not evil? offer it now to your ruler, [and see] if he will receive you, if he will accept your person, says the Lord Almighty.
A mit ka dawn e saring hah na thueng pawiteh a yon nahoehmaw. Khokkhem hoi ka pataw e saringnaw hoi thuengnae na sak pawiteh a yon nahoehmaw. Khobawi koe poe haw, khobawi a lungyouk han na ou telah ka lentoe poung e ransahu BAWIPA ni a ti.
9 And now entreat the face of your God, and make supplication to him. These things have been done by your hands; shall I accept you? says the Lord Almighty.
Atuvah Cathut pahrennae coe awh nahanelah Cathut koe ratoum awh. Nangmouh na coe awh dawkvah hettelah ouk na sak awh. Nangmae minhmai ka khet han namaw telah ransahu BAWIPA ni a ti.
10 Because even among you the doors shall be shut, and [one] will not kindle [the fire of] mine altar for nothing, I have no pleasure in you, says the Lord Almighty, and I will not accept a sacrifice at your hands.
Nangmanaw dawk apimaw kaie takhangnaw ka khan han. Nangmanaw ni kaie thuengnae khoungroe van ayawmyin lah hmai na patawi awh mahoeh. Nangmanaw na panki hoeh, nangmouh ni thuengnae na sak e hah kai ni ka dâw mahoeh telah ransahu BAWIPA ni a ti.
11 For from the rising of the sun even to the going down [thereof] my name has been glorified among the Gentiles; and in every place incense is offered to my name, and a pure offering: for my name is great among the Gentiles, says the Lord Almighty.
Kanîtho koehoi kanîloum totouh alouke miphunnaw koe ka min a lentoe han. Bangpatet e hmuen koehai ka min lahoi hmuitui sawi awh vaiteh, kathounge thuengnae hoi a bawk awh han. Kaie ka min teh alouke miphunnaw koe a lentoe han telah ransahu BAWIPA ni a ti.
12 But you profane it, in that you say, The table of the Lord is polluted, and his meats set thereon are despised.
Nangmouh ni BAWIPA e caboi na khin sak awh. Na thueng awh teh banglahai na noutna awh hoeh.
13 And you said, These [services] are troublesome: therefore I have utterly rejected them with scorn, says the Lord Almighty: and you brought in torn victims, and lame, and sick: if then you should bring an offering, shall I accept them at your hands? says the Lord Almighty.
Nangmouh ni thaw na tawk awh e dawkvah, ka tawn toe telah na dei teh, pacekpahleknae lawk na dei awh, telah ransahu BAWIPA ni ati. Lawp e naw, khokkhem e ka pataw e naw hah na thokhai awh toe. Nangmouh koe e kai ni ka daw han namaw telah BAWIPA ni a ti.
14 And cursed [is the man] who had the power, and possessed a male in his flock, and whose vow is upon him, and who sacrifices a corrupt thing to the Lord: for I am a great King, says the Lord Almighty, and my name is glorious among the nations.
Tutan poe hanlah lawk kam hnukkhu, atan ao nahlangva na dum awh teh, BAWIPA koe kacuhoehe hoi thuengnae ka sak e tami teh, yawthoenae awmseh. Kai teh ka lentoe poung e siangpahrang lah ka o. Kaie ka min teh miphunnaw ni taki e lah ao han, telah ransahu BAWIPA ni a ti.

< Malachias 1 >