< Leviticus 24 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
2 Charge the children of Israel, and let them take for you pure olive oil beaten for the light, to burn a lamp continually,
»Zapovej Izraelovim otrokom, da ti prinesejo čistega olja iz stolčenih oliv za svetlobo, da bi svetilke nenehno gorele.
3 outside the veil in the tabernacle of witness; and Aaron and his sons shall burn it from evening until morning before the Lord continually, a perpetual statute throughout your generations.
Zunaj zagrinjala pričevanja, v šotorskem svetišču skupnosti, bo Aron to nenehno ukazoval od večera do jutra pred Gospodom. To bo zakon na veke v vaših rodovih.
4 You shall burn the lamps on the pure lamp-stand before the Lord till the morrow.
Svetike bo nenehno oskrboval na čistem svečniku pred Gospodom.
5 And you shall take fine flour, and make of it twelve loaves; each loaf shall be of two tenth parts.
Vzel boš fino moko in iz nje spekel dvanajst kolačev. Dve desetinki bosta v enem kolaču.
6 And you shall put them [in] two rows, each row [containing] six loaves, on the pure table before the Lord.
Postavil jih boš v dve vrsti, šest v vrsto, na čisto mizo pred Gospodom.
7 And you shall put on [each] row pure frankincense and salt; and [these things] shall be for loaves for a memorial, set forth before the Lord.
Nad vsako vrsto boš dal čisto kadilo, da bo ta lahko na kruhu za spomin, torej ognjena daritev Gospodu.
8 On the sabbath-day they shall be set forth before the Lord continually before the children of Israel, for an everlasting covenant.
Vsak šabat ga bo nenehno postavljal v vrsto pred Gospodom, vzetega od Izraelovih otrok z večno zavezo.
9 And they shall be for Aaron and his sons, and they shall eat them in the holy place: for this is their most holy portion of the offerings made to the Lord, a perpetual statute.
To bo Aronovo in od njegovih sinov in to bodo jedli na svetem prostoru, kajti to mu je najsvetejše od daritev Gospodu, narejenih z ognjem, z večnim zakonom.«
10 And there went forth a son of an Israelitish woman, and he was son of an Egyptian man among the sons of Israel; and they fought in the camp, the son of the Israelitish woman, and a man who was an Israelite.
Sin Izraelke, katere oče je bil Egipčan, je odšel ven med Izraelove otroke in ta sin izraelske ženske in mož iz Izraela sta se skupaj prepirala v taboru.
11 And the son of the Israelitish woman named THE NAME and curse; and they brought him to Moses: and his mother's name was Salomith, daughter of Dabri of the tribe of Dan.
Sin Izraelke je izrekal bogokletje proti Gospodovemu imenu in preklinjal. Privedli so ga k Mojzesu. (In ime njegove matere je bilo Šelomíta, hči Dibríja, iz Danovega rodu.)
12 And they put him in ward, to judge him by the command of the Lord.
Dali so ga pod stražo, da bi jim bil lahko pokazan Gospodov um.
13 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
14 Bring forth him that cursed outside the camp, and all who heard shall lay their hands upon his head, and all the congregation shall stone him.
»Privedite tistega, ki je klel zunaj tabora, in naj vsi, ki so ga slišali, položijo roke na njegovo glavo in naj ga vsa skupnost kamna.
15 And speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them, Whosoever shall curse God shall bear his sin.
Izraelovim otrokom boš govoril, rekoč: ›Kdorkoli preklinja svojega Boga, bo nosil svoj greh.
16 And he that names the name of the Lord, let him die the death: let all the congregation of Israel stone him with stones; whether he be a stranger or a native, let him die for naming the name of the Lord.
Kdor preklinja Gospodovo ime, bo zagotovo usmrčen in zagotovo ga bo vsa skupnost kamnala; tako tujca, kakor tistega, ki je rojen v deželi, ko preklinja Gospodovo ime, bo usmrčen.
17 And whoever shall strike a man and he die, let him die the death.
Kdor ubija kateregakoli človeka, bo zagotovo usmrčen.
18 And whoever shall strike a beast, and it shall die, let him render life for life.
Kdor ubije žival, bo to poplačal; žival za žival.
19 And whoever shall inflict a blemish on his neighbor, as he has done to him, so shall it be done to himself in return;
Če človek povzroči madež na svojem bližnjem; kakor je storil on, tako naj bo to storjeno njemu;
20 bruise for bruise, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as any one may inflict a blemish on a man, so shall it be rendered to him.
zlom za zlom, oko za oko, zob za zob. Kakor je on na človeku povzročil pomanjkljivost, tako naj bo njemu ponovno storjeno.
21 Whosoever shall strike a man, and he shall die, let him die the death.
Kdor ubije žival, bo to povrnil, kdor pa ubije človeka, bo usmrčen.
22 There shall be one judgment for the stranger and the native, for I [am] the Lord your God.
Imeli boste eno vrsto postave, prav tako za tujca, kakor za nekoga iz svoje lastne dežele, kajti jaz sem Gospod, vaš Bog.‹«
23 And Moses spoke to the children of Israel, and they brought him that had cursed out of the camp, and stoned him with stones: and the children of Israel did as the Lord commanded Moses.
Mojzes je Izraelovim otrokom spregovoril, da naj tistega, ki je preklet, privedejo ven iz tabora in kamnajo s kamni. In Izraelovi otroci so storili tako, kakor je Gospod zapovedal Mojzesu.

< Leviticus 24 >