< Leviticus 1 >

1 And the Lord called Moses again and spoke to him out of the tabernacle of witness, saying, Speak to the children of Israel, and you shall say to them,
Hina Gode da Ea Abula Diasuga esala, Mousesema misa: ne wele sia: i. E da Mousesema amo gobele salasu iasu sema olelei.
2 If [any] man of you shall bring gifts to the Lord, you shall bring your gifts of the cattle and of the oxen and of the sheep.
“Isala: ili dunu da gobele salasu hou hamomusa: dawa: sea, ilia da agoane hamoma: ne sia: ma, ‘Nowa da ohe gobele salasu imunusa: dawa: sea, e da ea bulamagau afae o sibi afae o goudi afae lale ima: mu.
3 If his gift be a whole burnt offering, he shall bring an unblemished male of the herd to the door of the tabernacle of witness, he shall bring it as acceptable before the Lord.
E da ea bulamagau afae gobele salimusa: dawa: sea, e da bulamagau gawali afae ida: iwane gala, ledo hamedafa gala, gaguli misa: ne sia: ma. Hina Gode da amo dunu hahawane gousa: ma: ne, e da amo bulamagau gawali, Gode Ea Abula Diasu amo ea holeiga ima: ne sia: ma.
4 And he shall lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering as a thing acceptable for him, to make atonement for him.
Amo dunu da ea lobo amo bulamagau gawali ea dialuma da: iya ligisima: mu. Amasea, Hina Gode da amo bulamagau gobele salasu liligi amo dunu ea wadela: i hou fadegale fasima: ne sia: mu.
5 And they shall kill the calf before the Lord; and the sons of Aaron the priests shall bring the blood, and they shall pour the blood round about on the altar, which [is] at the doors of the tabernacle of witness.
E da amogawi bulamagau medole legema: mu. Amola Elane ea gobele salasu dunu ilia da bulamagau ea maga: me lale, Hina Godema imunu. Amasea, ilia da amo maga: me oloda (amo da Abula Diasu ea holeiga diala) amo ea la: idi biyadu gala amoga sogaga: la: gaganomu.
6 And having flayed the whole burnt offering, they shall divide it by its limbs.
Amasea, gobele salasu iabe dunu, e da bulamagau ea gadofo houga: le, ea da: i hodo dadega: mu.
7 And the sons of Aaron the priests shall put fire on the altar, and shall pile wood on the fire.
Amola gobele salasu dunu ilia da oloda da: iya lalu habei gilisili, didima: mu.
8 And the sons of Aaron the priests shall pile up the divided parts, and the head, and the fat on the wood on the fire, [the wood] which is on the altar.
Ilia da amo ohe ea dadega: i fifi (huluane, dialuma amola sefe) laluga ligisimu.
9 And the entrails and the feet they shall wash in water, and the priests shall put all on the altar: it is a burnt offering, a sacrifice, a smell of sweet savor to the Lord.
Gobele salasu iabe dunu da ohe ea iga amola emo amo dodofemu. Amasea, gobele salasu ouligisu dunu da amo liligi huluanedafa oloda da: iya gobesimu. Hina Gode da amo ha: i manu gobele salasu iasu ea gabusiga: hahawane naba.
10 And if his gift [be] of the sheep to the Lord, or of the lambs, or of the kids for whole burnt offerings, he shall bring it a male without blemish.
Isala: ili dunu afae da sibi o goudi gobele salimusa: dawa: sea, e da gawali ida: iwane gala, ledo hamedei, ilegema: ne sia: ma.
11 And he shall lay his hand on its head; and they shall kill it by the side of the altar, toward the north before the Lord, and the sons of Aaron the priests shall pour its blood on the altar round about.
E da amo ohe oloda la: idi gagoe (north) amoga medole legemu. Amasea, gobele salasu dunu da ea maga: me oloda ea la: idi biyaduyale gala amoga sogaga: la: gaganoma: mu.
12 And they shall divide it by its limbs, and its head and its fat, and the priests shall pile them up on the wood which is on the fire, on the altar.
Amasea, dunu hi da amo ohe ea da: i hodo dadega: le, gobele salasu ouligisu dunu da dadega: i fifi (huluane, amola dialuma amola sefe) amo laluma gobesimu.
13 And they shall wash the entrails and the feet with water, and the priest shall bring all the [parts] and put them on the altar: it is a burnt offering, a sacrifice, a smell of sweet savor to the Lord.
Gobele salasu iabe dunu da amo ohe ea iga amola emo dodofemu. Amasea, gobele salasu ouligisu dunu da amo gobele salasu Hina Godema ianu, oloda da: iya laluma gobesimu. Hina Gode da amo ha: i manu gobele salasu ea gabusiga: hahawane naba.
14 And if he bring his gift, a burnt offering to the Lord, of birds, then shall he bring his gift of doves or pigeons.
Isala: ili dunu da sio amo gobele salasu imunusa: dawa: sea, e da dafe sio o musuni gaguli misa: ne sia: ma.
15 And the priest shall bring it to the altar, and shall wring off its head; and the priest shall put it on the altar, and shall wring out the blood at the bottom of the altar.
Gobele salasu ouligisu dunu da amo sio oloda amogawi Hina Godema ianu, ea asogoa dugini, ea dialuma amo oloda da: iya gobesimu. E da ea maga: me oloda beba: le soga: sisimu.
16 And he shall take away the crop with the feathers, and shall cast it forth by the altar toward the east to the place of the ashes.
E da sio ea wa amola amo ganodini liligi dialebe fadegale, oloda ea gusudili la: idiga (nasubu ligisisu) amoga galagamu.
17 And he shall break it off from the wings and shall not separate it, and the priest shall put it on the altar on the wood which is on the fire: it is a burnt offering, a sacrifice, a sweet smelling savor to the Lord.
E da sio ea ougia aduna dodobole gaguli, amo mae fadegale, ea da: i hodo dudugale, mae dadega: le, amo oloda da: iya gobesimu. Hina Gode da amo ha: i manu gobele salasu ea gabusiga: hahawane naba.

< Leviticus 1 >