< Judges 5 >
1 And Debbora and Barac son of Abineem sang in that day, saying,
Tad Debora un Baraks, Abinoama, dēls, tai dienā dziedāja un sacīja:
2 A revelation was made in Israel when the people were made willing: Praise you the Lord.
Ka Israēla varenie spēcīgi rādījušies, ka ļaudis labprātīgi cēlušies, teiciet To Kungu!
3 Hear, you kings, and listen, rulers: I will sing, it is I [who will sing] to the Lord, it is I, I will sing a psalm to the Lord the god of Israel.
Klausāties, ķēniņi, ņemiet vērā, lielie kungi! Tam Kungam es dziedāšu, Tam Kungam, Israēla Dievam, es dziedāšu dziesmas.
4 O Lord, in your going forth on Seir, when you went forth out of the land of Edom, the earth quaked and the heaven dropped dews, and the clouds dropped water.
Kungs, kad Tu izgāji no Seīra un atnāci no Edoma lauka, tad zeme drebēja, un debesis pilēja, un padebeši pilēja ar ūdeni.
5 The mountains were shaken before the face of the Lord Eloi, this Sina before the face of the Lord God of Israel.
Kalni izkusa Tā Kunga priekšā, pats Sinaī Tā Kunga, Israēla Dieva, priekšā.
6 In the days of Samegar son of Anath, in the days of Jael, they deserted the ways, and went in by-ways; they went in crooked paths.
Zamgara, Anata dēla, dienās, Jaēles dienās, ceļi bija klusi, un ceļa ļaudis gāja aplinkus.
7 The mighty men in Israel failed, they failed until Debbora arose, until she arose a mother in Israel.
Klusi bija ciemi iekš Israēla, tie bija klusi, kamēr es, Debora, cēlos, kamēr es cēlos, māte iekš Israēla.
8 They chose new gods; then the cities of rulers fought; there was not a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel.
Jaunus dievus izredzējās, tad radās karš vārtos. Vai gan redzēja bruņas, vai šķēpus pie četrdesmit tūkstošiem iekš Israēla?
9 My heart [inclines] to the orders given in Israel; you that are willing among the people, bless the Lord.
Mana sirds pieder Israēla valdniekiem, tiem ļaudīm, kas labprātīgi cēlušies. Teiciet To Kungu!
10 You that mount a she-ass at noon-day, you that sit on the judgment-seat, and walk by the roads of them that sit in judgment by the way; declare
Kas jājat uz baltām ēzelienēm, kas sēžat uz audumiem, kas staigājat pa ceļu, dziedājiet!
11 [you that are delivered] from the noise of disturbers among the drawers of water; there shall they relate righteous acts: O Lord, increase righteous acts in Israel: then the people of the Lord went down to the cities.
Kur strēlnieku balss skanēja pie ūdens akām, tur slavē Tā Kunga taisnos darbus, tos taisnos darbus pie Viņa ciemiem iekš Israēla. Tad Tā Kunga ļaudis pārgāja savos vārtos.
12 Awake, awake, Debbora; awake, awake, utter a song: arise, Barac, and lead your captivity captive, son of Abineem.
Modies, modies, Debora! modies, modies, dziedi dziesmu! Celies, Barak, un ved savus gūstītos, Abinoama dēls.
13 Then went down the remnant to the strong, the people of the Lord went down for him among the mighty ones from me.
Tad nonāca atlikums no tiem tautas vareniem; Tas Kungs nonāca man līdz starp tiem spēcīgiem.
14 Ephraim rooted them out in Amalec, behind you was Benjamin among your people: the inhabitants of Machir came down with me searching out the enemy, and from Zabulon came they that draw with the scribe's pen of record.
No Efraīma tie, kam sakne ir iekš Amaleka, aiz tevis Benjamins starp taviem ļaudīm; no Mahira valdnieki nāca un no Zebulona, kas tur (nes) vadoņa zizli.
15 And princess in Issachar were with Debbora and Barac, thus she sent Barac on his feet in the valleys into the portions of Ruben; great [pangs] reached to the heart.
Un Īsašara virsnieki bija ar Deboru, un Īsašars tā kā Baraks, lejā nesti savām kājām. Pie Rūbena upēm bija lieli sirds padomi.
16 Why did they sit between the sheepfolds to hear the bleating of flocks for the divisions of Ruben? [there were] great searchings of heart.
Kāpēc tu paliki pie laidariem, klausīties stabules pie ganāmiem pulkiem? Pie Rūbena upēm bija lieli sirds spriedumi.
17 Galaad [is] on the other side of Jordan where he pitched his tents; and why does Dan remain in ships? Aser sat down on the sea-coasts, and he will tabernacle at his ports.
Gileāds palika viņpus Jardānes, un kāpēc Dans mīt pie laivām? Ašers sēž jūrmalā un paliek savos līčos.
18 The people Zabulon exposed their soul to death, and Nephthali came to the high places of their land.
Zebulons, tā ir tauta, kas savu dvēseli nodod nāvē, un Naftalus arīdzan augstos klajumos.
19 Kings set themselves in array, then the kings of Chanaan fought in Thanaach at the water of Mageddo; they took no gift of money.
Ķēniņi nāca, tie karoja, tad Kanaāna ķēniņi karoja pie Taānakas, pie Meģidus ūdeņiem; naudas peļņu tie nedabūja.
20 The stars from heaven set themselves in array, they set themselves [to fight] with Sisara out of their paths.
No debesīm karoja, zvaigznes no saviem ceļiem karoja pret Siseru.
21 The brook of Kison swept them away, the ancient brook, the brook Kison: my mighty soul will trample him down.
Ķizonas upe viņus aizrāva, tā veclaiku upe, Ķizonas upe. Celies, mana dvēsele, ar spēku!
22 When the hoofs of the horse were entangled, his mighty ones earnestly hasted
Rībēt rībēja apakš zirgu kājām, jājot, viņu vareniem jājot.
23 to curse Meroz: Curse you [it], said the angel of the Lord; cursed [is] every one that dwells in it, because they came not to the help of the Lord, to his help among the mighty.
Lādiet Merosu, saka Tā Kunga eņģelis, lādiet lādēdami viņa iedzīvotājus, tāpēc ka tie nav nākuši palīgā Tam Kungam, palīgā Tam Kungam ar stiprajiem.
24 Blessed among women be Jael wife of Chaber the Kenite; let her be blessed above women in tents.
Svētīta pār sievām lai ir Jaēle, Hebera, tā Kenieša, sieva, svētīta pār sievām teltīs.
25 He asked for water, she gave him milk in a dish; she brought butter of princes.
Ūdeni tas prasīja, tā deva pienu; dārgā kausā tā atnesa kreimu(krējumu).
26 She stretched forth her left hand to the nail, and her right to the hand workman's hammer, and she struck Sisara with it, she nailed through his head and struck him; she nailed through his temples.
Savu roku tā izstiepa pēc naglas, un savu labo roku pēc strādnieku vesera, un sita Siseram, sašķēla viņa galvu, satrieca un izurba viņa deniņus.
27 He rolled down between her feet; he fell and lay between her feet; he bowed and fell: where he bowed, there he fell dead.
Apakš viņas kājām tas locījās, krita zemē, gulēja; apakš viņas kājām tas locījās, krita; tur, kur locījās, tas gāzās un bija pagalam.
28 The mother of Sisara looked down through the window out of the loophole, [saying], Why was his chariot ashamed? why did the wheels of his chariots wait?
Pa logu skatījās Siserus māte un kliedza caur skadriņiem: kāpēc viņa rati kavējās, ka tie nenāk? Kāpēc viņa zirgu soļi tik lēni?
29 Her wise ladies answered her, and she returned answers to herself, [saying],
Tās gudrās no viņas cienīgām tai atbild, un arī (viņa) pati tā atbild uz saviem vārdiem:
30 Will they not find him dividing the spoil? he will surely be gracious to every man: [there are] spoils of dyed garments for Sisara, spoils of various dyed garments, dyed embroidered garments, they [are] the spoils for his neck.
“Vai tad tie neatradīs un neizdalīs laupījumu, vienu, divas sievietes uz vīra galvu, raibas drēbes Siserum par laupījumu, raibas rakstītas drēbes par laupījumu, raibu drēbi, divas rakstītas raibas drēbes ap kaklu laupītajām.
31 Thus let all your enemies perish, O Lord: and they that love him shall be as the going forth of the sun in his strength. And the land had rest forty years.
Tā lai, Kungs, iet bojā visi Tavi ienaidnieki! Bet kas Viņu mīļo, lai ir, tā kā saule uzlec savā spēkā.” - Un tai zemei bija miers četrdesmit gadus.