< Judges 2 >

1 And an angel of the Lord went up from Galgal to the [place of] weeping, and to Baethel, and to the house of Israel, and said to them, Thus says the Lord, I brought you up out of Egypt, and I brought you into the land which I sware to your fathers; and I said, I will never break my covenant that I have made with you.
Og Herrens Engel kom op fra Gilgal til Bokim og sagde: Jeg har ført eder op af Ægypten og bragt eder i det Land, som jeg tilsvor eders Fædre, og jeg sagde: Jeg vil ikke rygge min Pagt med eder i Evighed.
2 And you shall make no covenant with them that dwell in this land, neither shall you worship their gods; but you shall destroy their graven images, you shall pull down their altars: but you listened not to my voice, for you did these things.
Og I skulle ikke gøre Pagt med dette Lands Indbyggere, I skulle nedbryde deres Altre; men I hørte ikke min Røst; hvad er det, I have gjort?
3 And I said, I will not drive them out from before you, but they shall be for a distress to you, and their gods shall be to you for an offense.
Da sagde jeg ogsaa: Jeg vil ikke uddrive dem fra eders Ansigt; men de skulle være eder paa Siderne, og deres Guder skulle være eder til en Snare.
4 And it came to pass when the angel of the Lord spoke these words to all the children of Israel, that the people lifted up their voice, and wept.
Og det skete, der Herrens Engel havde talet disse Ord til alle Israels Børn, da opløftede Folket sin Røst, og de græd.
5 And they named the name of that place Weepings; and they sacrificed there to the Lord.
Og de kaldte det samme Steds Navn Bokim, og de ofrede til Herren der.
6 And Joshua dismissed the people, and they went every man to his inheritance, to inherit the land.
Og der Josva lod Folket fare, og Israels Børn gik hver til sin Arv for at eje Landet,
7 And the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that lived many days with Joshua, as many as knew all the great work of the Lord, what things he had wrought in Israel.
da tjente Folket Herren, saa længe Josva levede, og saa længe de ældste levede, som levede længe efter Josva, hvilke havde set al Herrens store Gerning, som han havde gjort imod Israel.
8 And Joshua the son of Naue, the servant of the Lord, died, a hundred and ten years old.
Men der Josva, Nuns Søn, Herrens Tjener, var død, hundrede og ti Aar gammel,
9 And they buried him in the border of his inheritance, in Thamnathares, in mount Ephraim, on the north of the mountain of Gaas.
og de havde begravet ham i hans Arvs Landemærke, i Thimnat-Heres, paa Efraims Bjerg, Norden for det Bjerg Gaas,
10 And all that generation were laid to their fathers: and another generation rose up after them, who knew not the Lord, nor yet the work which he wrought in Israel.
og der hele den samme Slægt ogsaa var forsamlet til sine Fædre, da kom en anden Slægt op efter dem, som ikke kendte Herren, ej heller den Gerning, som han havde gjort mod Israel.
11 And the children of Israel wrought evil before the Lord, and served Baalim.
Da gjorde Israels Børn det onde for Herrens Øjne, og de tjente Baalerne.
12 And they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, who brought them out of the land of Egypt, and walked after other gods, of the gods of the nations round about them; and they worshipped them.
Og de forlode Herren deres Fædres Gud, som havde udført dem af Ægyptens Land, og vandrede efter andre Guder; af de Folks Guder, som vare trindt omkring dem, og tilbade dem; og de opirrede Herren.
13 And they provoked the Lord, and forsook him, and served Baal and the Astartes.
Og de forlode Herren og tjente Baal og Astharoth.
14 And the Lord was very angry with Israel; and he gave them into the hands of the spoilers, and they spoiled them; and he sold them into the hands of their enemies round about, and they could not any longer resist their enemies,
Saa optændtes Herrens Vrede over Israel, og han gav dem i Røveres Haand, og disse røvede fra dem; og han solgte dem i deres Fjenders Haand trindt omkring, og de kunde ikke ydermere bestaa for deres Fjenders Ansigt.
15 among whoever they went; and the hand of the Lord was against them for evil, as the Lord spoke, and as the Lord sware to them; and he greatly afflicted them.
I alt det, som de udgik til, var Herrens Haand imod dem til det onde, som Herren havde sagt, og som Herren havde svoret dem; og de bleve saare ængstede.
16 And the Lord raised up judges, and the Lord save them out of the hands of them that spoiled them: and yet they listened not to the judges,
Og Herren oprejste Dommere, og de frelste dem af deres Røveres Haand.
17 for they went a whoring after other gods, and worshipped them; and they turned quickly out of the way in which their fathers walked to listen to the words of the Lord; they did not so.
Men de vare heller ikke deres Dommere lydige, thi de bolede med andre Guder og tilbade dem; de vege snart fra den Vej, som deres Fædre havde vandret paa ved at lyde Herrens Bud, de gjorde ikke saaledes.
18 And because the Lord raised them up judges, so the Lord was with the judge, and saved them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge; for the Lord was moved at their groaning by reason of them that besieged them and afflicted them.
Og naar Herren oprejste dem Dommere, da var Herren med Dommeren, og han frelste dem af deres Fjenders Haand, saa længe den Dommer levede; thi Herren ynkedes over dem for deres Suk over dem, som trængte dem og fortrykte dem.
19 And it came to pass when the judge died, that they went back, and again corrupted [themselves] worse than their fathers to go after other gods to serve them an to worship them: they abandoned not their devices nor their stubborn ways.
Men det skete, naar Dommeren døde, da vendte de om og gjorde værre end deres Fædre ved at vandre efter andre Guder, at tjene dem og at tilbede dem; de lode ikke af fra deres Gerninger eller fra deres haarde Vej.
20 And the Lord was very angry with Israel, and said, Forasmuch as this nation has forsaken my covenant which I commanded their fathers, and has not listened to my voice,
Og Herrens Vrede optændtes over Israel, og han sagde: Efterdi dette Folk har overtraadt min Pagt, som jeg har budt deres Fædre, og de løde ikke min Røst,
21 therefore I will not any more cast out a man of the nations before their face, which Joshua the son of Naue left in the land. And [the Lord] left [them],
da vil jeg heller ikke ydermere fordrive fra deres Ansigt nogen af Hedningerne, som Josva efterlod, der han døde,
22 to prove Israel with them, whether they would keep the way of the Lord, to walk in it, as their fathers kept it, or no.
for at forsøge Israel ved dem, om de vilde tage Vare paa Herrens Vej, at vandre paa den, ligesom deres Fædre toge Vare derpaa, eller ej.
23 So the Lord will leave these nations, so as not to cast them out suddenly; and he delivered them not into the hand of Joshua.
Saa lod Herren disse Hedninger blive, saa at han ikke snart fordrev dem; og han havde ikke givet dem i Josvas Haand.

< Judges 2 >