< Judges 14 >

1 And Sampson went down to Thamnatha, and saw a woman in Thamnatha of the daughters of the Philistines.
E desceu Sansão a Timnatha: e, vendo em Timnatha a uma mulher das filhas dos philisteus,
2 And he went up and told his father and his mother, and said, I have seen a woman in Thamnatha of the daughters of the Phylistines; and now take her to me for a wife.
Subiu, e declarou-o a seu pai e sua mãe, e disse: Vi uma mulher em Timnatha, das filhas dos philisteus; agora pois, tomai-ma por mulher.
3 And his father and his mother said to him, Are there no daughters of your brethren, and [is there not] a woman of all my people, that you go to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Sampson said to his father, Take her for me, for she [is] right in my eyes.
Porém seu pai e sua mãe lhe disseram: Não há porventura mulher entre as filhas de teus irmãos, nem entre todo o meu povo, para que tu vás tomar mulher dos philisteus, daqueles incircuncisos? E disse Sansão a seu pai: tomai-me esta, porque ela agrada aos meus olhos
4 And his father and his mother knew not that it was of the Lord, that he sought to be revenged on the Philistines: and at that time the Philistines lorded it over Israel.
Mas seu pai e sua mãe não sabiam que isto vinha do Senhor; pois buscava ocasião dos philisteus: porquanto naquele tempo os philisteus dominavam sobre Israel.
5 And Sampson and his father and his mother went down to Thamnatha, and he came to the vineyard of Thamnatha; and behold, a young lion roared in meeting him.
Desceu pois Sansão com seu pai e com sua mãe a Timnatha: e, chegando às vinhas de Timnatha, eis que um filho de leão, bramando, lhe saiu ao encontro.
6 And the spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him, and he crushed him as he would have crushed a kid of the goats, and there was nothing in his hands: and he told not his father and his mother what he had done.
Então o espírito do Senhor se apossou dele tão possantemente que o fendeu do alto a baixo, como quem fende um cabrito, sem ter nada na sua mão: porém nem a seu pai nem a sua mãe deu a saber o que tinha feito.
7 And they went down and spoke to the woman, and she was pleasing in the eyes of Sampson.
E desceu, e falou àquela mulher, e agradou aos olhos de Sansão.
8 And after some time he returned to take her, and he turned aside to see the carcase of the lion; and behold, a swarm of bees, and honey [were] in the mouth of the lion.
E depois de alguns dias voltou ele para a tomar: e, apartando-se do caminho a ver o corpo do leão morto, eis que no corpo do leão havia um enxame de abelhas com mel.
9 And he took it into his hands, and went on eating, and he went to his father and his mother, and gave to them, and they did eat; but he told them not that he took the honey out of the mouth of the lion.
E tomou-o nas suas mãos, e foi-se andando e comendo dele; e foi-se a seu pai e a sua mãe, e deu-lhes dele, e comeram, porém não lhes deu a saber que tomara o mel do corpo do leão.
10 And his father went down to the woman, and Sampson made there a banquet for seven days, for so the young men are used to do.
Descendo pois seu pai àquela mulher, fez Sansão ali um banquete; porque assim o costumavam fazer os mancebos.
11 And it came to pass when they saw him, that they took thirty guests, and they were with him.
E sucedeu que, como o vissem, tomaram trinta companheiros para estarem com ele.
12 And Sampson said to them, I propound you a riddle: if you will indeed tell it me, and discover it within the seven days of the feast, I will you give thirty sheets and thirty changes of raiment.
Disse-lhes pois Sansão: Vos darei um enigma a adivinhar: e, se nos sete dias das bodas mo declarardes e descobrirdes, vos darei trinta lençois e trinta mudas de vestidos.
13 And if you can’t tell it me, you shall give me thirty napkins and thirty changes of apparel: and they said to him, Propound your riddle, and we will hear it.
E, se mo não poderdes declarar, vós me dareis a mim os trinta lençois e as trinta mudas de vestidos. E eles lhe disseram: Dá-nos o teu enigma a adivinhar, para que o ouçamos.
14 And he said to them, Meat came forth of the eater, and sweetness out of the strong: and they could not tell the riddle for three days.
Então lhes disse: Do comedor saiu comida, e doçura saiu do forte. E em três dias não puderam declarar o enigma.
15 And it came to pass on the fourth day, that they said to the wife of Sampson, Deceive now your husband, and let him tell you the riddle, lest we burn you and your father's house with fire: did you invite us to do us violence?
E sucedeu que, ao sétimo dia, disseram à mulher de Sansão: Persuade a teu marido que nos declare o enigma, para que porventura não queimemos a fogo a ti e à casa de teu pai: chamastes-nos vós aqui para possuir o que é nosso, não é assim?
16 And Sampson's wife wept before him, and said, You do but hate me, and love me not; for the riddle which you have propounded to the children of my people you have not told me: and Sampson said to her, If I have not told it to my father and my mother, shall I tell it to you?
E a mulher de Sansão chorou diante dele, e disse: Tão somente me aborreces, e não me amas; pois deste aos filhos do meu povo um enigma a adivinhar, e ainda mo não declaraste a mim. E ele lhe disse: Eis que nem a meu pai nem a minha mãe o declarei, e to declararia a ti?
17 And she wept before him the seven days, during which their banquet lasted: and it came to pass on the seventh day, that he told her, because she troubled him; and she told it to the children of her people.
E chorou diante dele os sete dias em que celebravam as bodas: sucedeu pois que ao sétimo dia lho declarou, porquanto o importunava; então ela declarou o enigma aos filhos do seu povo.
18 And the men of the city said to him on the seventh day, before sunrise, What [is] sweeter than honey? and what [is] stronger than a lion? and Sampson said to them, If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have known my riddle.
Disseram-lhe pois os homens daquela cidade, ao sétimo dia, antes de se pôr o sol: Que coisa há mais doce do que o mel? e que coisa há mais forte do que o leão? E ele lhes disse: Se vós não lavrasseis com a minha novilha, nunca terieis descoberto o meu enigma.
19 And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him powerfully, and he went down to Ascalon, and destroyed of the inhabitants thirty men, and took their garments, and gave the changes of raiment to them that told the riddle; and Sampson was very angry, and went up to the house of his father.
Então o espírito do Senhor tão possantemente se apossou dele, que desceu aos ascalonitas, e matou deles trinta homens, e tomou os seus vestidos, e deu as mudas de vestidos aos que declararam o enigma: porém acendeu-se a sua ira, e subiu à casa de seu pai
20 And the wife of Sampson was [given] to one of his friends, with whom he was on terms of friendship.
E a mulher de Sansão foi dada ao seu companheiro que o acompanhava.

< Judges 14 >