< Joshua 7 >

1 But the children of Israel committed a great trespass, and purloined [part] of the accursed thing; and Achar the son of Charmi, the son of Zambri, the son of Zara, of the tribe of Juda, took of the accursed thing; and the Lord was very angry with the children of Israel.
Amma Isra’ilawa ba su yi aminci game da kayan da aka hallaka ba; Akan ɗan Karmi, ɗan Zabdi, ɗan Zera, na kabilan Yahuda ya kwashi waɗansu abubuwa, saboda haka fushin Ubangiji ya sauka a kan Isra’ilawa.
2 And Joshua sent men to Gai, which is by Baethel, saying, Spy out Gai: and the men went up and spied Gai.
Sai Yoshuwa ya aika mutane daga Yeriko zuwa Ai kusa da Bet-Awen gabas da Betel, ya ce musu, “Ku je ku leƙo ku ga yadda yankin yake.” Sai mutanen suka je suka leƙo asirin ƙasar Ai.
3 And they returned to Joshua, and said to him, Let not all the people go up, but let about two or three thousand men go up and take the city by siege: carry not up there the whole people, for [the enemy] are few.
Da suka dawo wurin Yoshuwa suka ce, “Ba lalle dukan jama’a su je yaƙi da Ai ba, ka aika mutum dubu biyu ko dubu uku su je su ciwo ƙasar da yaƙi, ba sai ka dami mutane duka ba, gama mutanen wurin kaɗan ne.”
4 And there went up about three thousand men, and they fled from before the men of Gai.
Saboda haka sai kimanin mutum duba uku suka haura; amma mutanen Ai suka fatattake su,
5 And the men of Gai killed of them to the number of thirty-six men, and they pursued them from the gate, and destroyed them from the steep hill; and the heart of the people was alarmed and became as water.
suka kashe Isra’ilawa wajen mutum talatin da shida, suka fafari Isra’ilawa tun daga bakin ƙofar birnin har zuwa wurin da ake fasa duwatsu. Suka karkashe su a gangare. Wannan ya sa zuciyar Isra’ilawa ta narke suka zama kamar ruwa.
6 And Joshua tore his garments; and Joshua fell on the earth on his face before the Lord until evening, he and the elders of Israel; and they cast dust on their heads.
Sai Yoshuwa ya yaga tufafinsa ya fāɗi rubda ciki a gaban akwatin alkawarin Ubangiji, yana can har yamma. Dattawan Isra’ila ma suka yi haka, suka zuba toka a kawunansu.
7 And Joshua said, I pray, Lord, therefore has your servant brought this people over Jordan to deliver them to the Amorite to destroy us? would we had remained and settled ourselves beyond Jordan.
Yoshuwa kuma ya ce, “Ya Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka, me ya sa ka sa mutanen nan suka ƙetare Urdun don ka bari mu shiga hannun Amoriyawa su hallaka mu? Kila da mun haƙura mun zauna a ɗaya gefen Urdun da ya fi mana!
8 And what shall I say since Israel has turned his back before his enemy?
Ya Ubangiji me zan ce, yanzu da abokan gāban Isra’ilawa suka ci ƙarfinsu?
9 And when the Chananite and all the inhabitants of the land hear it, they shall compass us round and destroy us from off the land: and what will you do [for] your great name?
Yanzu Kan’aniyawa da sauran jama’a za su ji, za su zo su kewaye mu su share sunanmu daga duniya. To, yanzu me za ka yi don girman sunanka?”
10 And the Lord said to Joshua, Rise up; why have you fallen upon your face?
Ubangiji ya ce wa Yoshuwa, “Ka tashi! Me kake yi kwance rubda ciki?
11 The people has sinned, and transgressed the covenant which I made with them; they have stolen from the cursed thing, and put it into their store.
Isra’ilawa sun yi zunubi, sun karya sharaɗin da na yi musu. Sun ɗauki waɗansu abubuwan da aka keɓe; sun yi sata, sun yi ƙarya, sun ɓoye su cikin kayansu.
12 And the children of Israel will not be able to stand before their enemies; they will turn their back before their enemies, for they have become an accursed thing: I will not any longer be with you, unless you remove the cursed thing from yourselves.
Shi ne ya sa Isra’ilawa suka kāsa yin tsayayya da abokan gābansu; suka juya suka gudu domin za a hallaka su. Ba zan sāke kasancewa tare da ku ba sai in kun hallaka duk abin da aka keɓe don hallaka.
13 Rise, sanctify the people and tell them to sanctify themselves for the morrow: thus says the Lord God of Israel, The accursed thing is among you; you shall not be able to stand before your enemies, until you shall have removed the cursed thing from among you.
“Tashi, ka je ka tsarkake mutane. Ka ce musu su tsarkake kansu, su yi shiri domin gobe; gama ga abin da Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila ya ce, a cikinku akwai abubuwan da aka keɓe, ya Isra’ilawa. Ba za ku iya yin tsayayya da abokan gābanku ba sai in kun rabu da abubuwan nan da aka haramta.
14 And you shall all be gathered together by your tribes in the morning, and it shall come to pass that the tribe which the Lord shall show, you shall bring by families; and the family which the Lord shall show, you shall bring by households; and the household which the Lord shall show, you shall bring man by man.
“‘Da safe ku zo kabila-kabila. Kabilar da Ubangiji ya ware, za tă zo gaba gida-gida; gidan da Ubangiji ya ware, za su zo gaba iyali-iyali. Iyalin kuma da Ubangiji ya ware, za su zo gaba mutum bayan mutum.
15 And the man who shall be pointed out, shall be burnt with fire, and all that he has; because he has transgressed the covenant of the Lord, and has wrought wickedness in Israel.
Mutumin da aka same shi da haramtattun abubuwan kuwa za a ƙone shi, duk da mallakarsa domin ya karya sharaɗin da Ubangiji ya yi muku, ya yi abin kunya a Isra’ila!’”
16 And Joshua rose up early, and brought the people by their tribes; and the tribe of Juda was pointed out.
Kashegari da sassafe Yoshuwa ya sa Isra’ilawa suka fito kabila-kabila, aka ware kabilar Yahuda.
17 And it was brought by their families, and family of the Zaraites was pointed out.
Gidan Yahuda suka zo gaba, sai aka ware gidan Zera, aka sa suka fito iyali-iyali, sai aka ware Zabdi.
18 And it was brought man by man, and Achar the son of Zambri the son of Zara was pointed out.
Yoshuwa kuwa ya sa iyalin Zabdi suka fito mutum-mutum, sai kuwa aka ware Akan ɗan Karmi, ɗan Zimri, ɗan Zera na kabilar Yahuda.
19 And Joshua said to Achar, Give glory this day to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession; and tell me what you have done, and hide it not from me.
Sai Yoshuwa ya ce wa Akan, “Ɗana, sai ka ba Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila ɗaukaka, ka yi masa yabo. Ka gaya mini abin da ka yi; kada ka ɓoye mini.”
20 And Achar answered Joshua, and said, Indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel: thus and thus have I done:
Akan kuwa ya amsa ya ce, “Gaskiya ne! Na yi wa Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila zunubi. Ga abin da na yi.
21 I saw in the spoil an embroidered mantle, and two hundred didrachmas of silver, and one golden wedge of fifty didrachmas, and I desired them and took them; and, behold, they are hid in my tent, and the silver is hid under them.
A cikin ganimar, na ga doguwar riga mai kyau irin ta Babilon, da shekel ɗari biyu na azurfa, da kuma sandan zinariya mai nauyin shekel hamsin, sai raina ya so su, na kuwa kwashe su. Na tona rami a cikin ƙasa a tentina; na ɓoye.”
22 And Joshua sent messengers, and they ran to the tent into the camp; and these things were hidden in his tent, and the silver under them.
Sai Yoshuwa ya aiki’yan aika suka tafi da gudu zuwa tenti ɗin, haka kuwa suka same su a ɓoye a tentinsa, da azurfa a ƙarƙashi.
23 And they brought them out of the tent, and brought them to Joshua and the elders of Israel, and they laid them before the Lord.
Suka kwashe kayan daga tenti ɗin suka kawo wa Yoshuwa da sauran Isra’ilawa, suka baza su a gaban Ubangiji.
24 And Joshua took Achar the son of Zara, and brought him to the valley of Achor, and his sons, and his daughters, and his calves, and his asses, and all his sheep, and his tent, and all his property, and all the people [were] with him; and he brought them to Emec Achor.
Sai Yoshuwa da dukan Isra’ilawa suka ɗauki Akan ɗan Zera, da azurfar, doguwar rigar, sandan zinariya,’ya’yansa maza da mata, shanunsa, jakuna da tumaki, tentinsa da duk abin da yake da shi, suka kai su Kwarin Akor.
25 And Joshua said to Achar, Why have you destroyed us? the Lord destroy you as at this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones.
Yoshuwa ya ce, “Me ya sa ka jawo mana wahala haka? Ubangiji zai kawo maka wahala kai ma a yau.” Sai dukan Isra’ilawa suka jajjefe shi, bayan da suka gama jifarsa sai suka ƙone sauran.
26 And they set up over him a great heap of stones; and the Lord ceased from his fierce anger. Therefore he called the place Emecachor until this day.
Suka tara manyan duwatsu a kan Akan, tarin duwatsun na nan a can har wa yau. Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya huce daga fushinsa mai zafi. Saboda haka ake kiran wurin Kwarin Akor.

< Joshua 7 >