< Joshua 5 >

1 And it came to pass when the kings of the Amorites who were beyond Jordan heard, and the kings of Phoenicia by the sea, that the Lord God had dried up the river Jordan from before the children of Israel when they passed over, that their hearts failed, and they were terror-stricken, and there was no sense in them because of the children of Israel.
To, da dukan sarakunan Amoriyawa na yammancin Urdun, da dukan sarakunan Kan’aniyawan da suke bakin teku suka ji yadda Ubangiji ya busar da kogin Urdun a gaban Isra’ilawa, har sai da dukansu suka ƙetare, zuciyarsu ta narke, suka karaya sosai har ma suka rasa samun ƙarfin hali su fuskanci Isra’ilawa.
2 And about this time the Lord said to Joshua, Make you stone knives of sharp stone, and sit down and circumcise the children of Israel the second time.
A lokacin nan Ubangiji ya ce wa Yoshuwa, “Ka yi wuƙaƙe na duwatsu ka yi wa Isra’ilawa kaciya.”
3 And Joshua made sharp knives of stone, and circumcised the children of Israel at the place called the “Hill of Foreskins.”
Sai Yoshuwa ya yi wuƙaƙe na duwatsu, ya yi wa Isra’ilawa kaciya a Gibeyat-Ha’aralot.
4 And [this is] the way in which Joshua purified the children of Israel; as many as were born in the way, and as many as were uncircumcised of them that came out of Egypt,
Dalilin da ya sa ya yi haka shi ne, dukan waɗanda suka fito daga Masar, dukan mazan da suka kai shekarun shiga soja, sun mutu a cikin jeji a hanya bayan sun bar Masar.
5 all these Joshua circumcised; for forty and two years Israel wondered in the wilderness of Mabdaris—
Dukan mutanen da suka fito daga Masar an yi musu kaciya, amma duk waɗanda aka haifa a jeji a tafiya daga Masar, ba a yi musu ba.
6 Therefore most of the fighting men that came out of the land of Egypt, were uncircumcised, who disobeyed the commands of God; concerning whom also he determined that they should not see the land, which the Lord sware to give to their fathers, [even] a land flowing with milk and honey.
Isra’ilawa sun yi tafiya a jeji shekaru arba’in, har sai da dukan mazan da suka kai shekarun shiga soja da suka bar Masar suka mutu, domin ba su yi wa Ubangiji biyayya ba. Gama Ubangiji ya rantse cewa ba zai bar su su ga ƙasar da ya yi wa iyayensu alkawari da rantsuwa cewa zai ba su ba, ƙasar da zuma da madara suke kwarara, ƙasar da take cike da albarka.
7 And in their place he raised up their sons, whom Joshua circumcised, because they were uncircumcised, having been born by the way.
Sai ya sa yaransu ne suka taso a maimakonsu, su ne waɗanda Yoshuwa ya yi wa kaciya. Sun kasance ba kaciya gama ba a yi musu ba a hanya.
8 And when they had been circumcised they rested continuing there in the camp till they were healed.
Kuma bayan da aka yi wa al’ummar kaciya dukansu, sai suka dakata a nan, sai da suka warke.
9 And the Lord said to Joshua the son of Naue, On this day have I removed the reproach of Egypt from you: and he called the name of that place Galgala.
Sai Ubangiji ya ce wa Yoshuwa, “Yau na kawar muku da zargin Masar.” Saboda haka ake kiran sunan wurin Gilgal har wa yau.
10 And the children of Israel kept the passover on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, to the westward of Jericho on the opposite side of the Jordan in the plain.
Da yamman rana ta goma sha huɗu ga wata, lokacin da suke a Gilgal a filin Yeriko, Isra’ilawa suka yi Bikin Ƙetarewa.
11 And they ate of the grain of the earth unleavened and new [corn].
A kashegarin Bikin, a wannan rana, sai suka ci daga cikin amfanin ƙasar, burodi marar yisti da hatsin da aka gasa.
12 In this day the manna failed, after they had eaten of the corn of the land, and the children of Israel no longer had manna: and they took the fruits of the land of the Phoenicians in that year.
Kashegari bayan da suka ci amfanin ƙasar kuwa, Manna ta yanke, mutanen Isra’ila kuma ba su ƙara samunta ba. A wannan shekara suka fara cin amfanin ƙasar Kan’ana.
13 And it came to pass when Joshua was in Jericho, that he looked up with his eyes and saw a man standing before him, and [there was] a drawn sword in his hand; and Joshua drew near and said to him, Are you for us or on the side of our enemies?
To, da Yoshuwa ya yi kusa da Yeriko, ya tā da idanunsa ya duba, sai ya ga wani mutum tsaye a gabansa riƙe da takobi, sai Yoshuwa ya je wurinsa ya ce masa, “Kai namu ne ko na abokan gābanmu?”
14 And he said to him, I am now come, the chief captain of the host of the Lord. And Joshua fell on his face upon the earth, and said to him, Lord, what command you your servant?
Mutumin ya ce, “Babu ko ɗaya, na dai zo ne a matsayin shugaban rundunar sojojin Ubangiji.” Sai Yoshuwa ya kwanta da fuskarsa har ƙasa, ya girmama shi, ya ce masa, “Ranka yă daɗe, wane saƙo kake da shi domin bawanka?”
15 And the captain of the Lord's host said to Joshua, Loose your shoe off your feet, for the place whereon you now stand is holy.
Shugaban rundunar sojojin Ubangiji ya amsa ya ce, “Ka cire takalmanka, gama wurin da kake tsaye, mai tsarki ne.” Sai Yoshuwa ya cire takalmansa.

< Joshua 5 >