< Joshua 21 >

1 And the heads of the families of the sons of Levi drew near to Eleazar the priest, and to Joshua the [son] of Naue, and to the heads of families of the tribes of Israel.
Da gik Øversterne for Leviternes Fædrenehuse frem til Eleasar, Præsten, og til Josva, Nuns Søn, og til Øversterne for Fædrenehusene blandt Israels Børns Stammer,
2 And they spoke to them in Selo in the land of Chanaan, saying, The Lord gave commandment by Moses to give us cities to dwell in, and the country round about for our cattle.
og de talede til dem i Silo i Kanaans Land og sagde: Herren bød ved Mose, at man skulde give os Stæder at bo udi og deres Marker til vort Kvæg.
3 So the children of Israel gave to the Levites in their inheritance by the command of the Lord the cities and the country round.
Da gave Israels Børn Leviterne af deres Arv, efter Herrens Mund, disse Stæder og deres Marker.
4 And the lot came out for the children of Caath; and the sons of Aaron, the priests the Levites, had by lot thirteen cities out of the tribe of Juda, and out of the tribe of Symeon, and out of the tribe of Benjamin.
Og Lodden kom ud for Kahathiternes Slægter; og Arons, Præstens Børn af Leviterne fik af Judas Stamme og Simeons Stamme og af Benjamins Stamme ved Lodkastningen tretten Stæder.
5 And to the sons of Caath that were left were [given by] lot ten cities, out of the tribe of Ephraim, and out of the tribe of Dan, and out of the half tribe of Manasse.
Men de øvrige Kahaths Børn fik af Efraims Stammes Slægter og af Dans Stamme og af den halve Manasse Stamme ved Lodkastningen ti Stæder.
6 And the sons of Gedson had thirteen cities, out of the tribe of Issachar, and out of the tribe of Aser, and out of the tribe of Nephthali, and out of the half tribe of Manasse in Basan.
Og Gersons Børn fik af Isaskars Stammes Slægter og af Asers Stamme og af Nafthali Stamme og af den halve Manasse Stamme i Basan ved Lodkastningen tretten Stæder.
7 And the sons of Merari according to their families had by lot twelve cities, out of the tribe of Ruben, and out of the tribe of Gad, and out of the tribe of Zabulon.
Merari Børn efter deres Slægter fik af Rubens Stamme og af Gads Stamme og af Sebulons Stamme tolv Stæder.
8 And the children of Israel gave to the Levites the cities and their suburbs, as the Lord commanded Moses, by lot.
Saa gave Israels Børn Leviterne ved Lodkastning disse Stæder og deres Marker, ligesom Herren havde budet ved Mose.
9 And the tribe of the children of Juda, and the tribe of the children of Symeon, and [part] of the tribe of the children of Benjamin gave these cities, and they were assigned
Og de gave dem af Judas Børns Stamme og af Simeons Børns Stamme disse Stæder, som man nævnede ved Navn.
10 to the sons of Aaron of the family of Caath of the sons of Levi, for the lot fell to these.
Og Arons Børn af Kahathiternes Slægter, af Levi Børn, fik disse — thi den første Lod var deres —
11 And they gave to them Cariatharboc the metropolis of the sons of Enac; this is Chebron in the mountain [country] of Juda, and the suburbs round it.
og de gave ham Arba, Anoks Faders Stad, det er Hebron paa Judas Bjerg, og dens Agerland rundt omkring den.
12 But the lands of the city, and its villages Joshua gave to the sons of Chaleb the son of Jephonne for a possession.
Og Stadens Mark og dens Landsbyer gave de Kaleb, Jefunne Søn, til hans Ejendom.
13 And to the sons of Aaron he gave the city of refuge for the slayer, Chebron, and the suburbs belonging to it; and Lemna and the suburbs belonging to it;
Og de gave Arons, Præstens Børn Tilflugtsstaden for Manddrabere Hebron og dens Marker og Libna og dens Marker
14 and Aelom and its suburbs; and Tema and its suburbs;
og Jathir og dens Marker og Esthemoa og dens Marker
15 and Gella and its suburbs; and Dabir and its suburbs;
og Holon og dens Marker og Debir og dens Marker
16 and Asa and its suburbs; and Tany and its suburbs; and Baethsamys and its suburbs: nine cities from these two tribes.
og Ajin og dens Marker og Jutta og dens Marker og Beth-Semes og dens Marker, ni Stæder af disse to Stammer;
17 And from the tribe of Benjamin, Gabaon and its suburbs; and Gatheth and its suburbs;
men af Benjamins Stamme: Gibeon og dens Marker, Geba og dens Marker,
18 and Anathoth and its suburbs; and Gamala and its suburbs; four cities.
Anathoth og dens Marker og Almon og dens Marker, fire Stæder.
19 All the cities of the sons of Aaron the priests, thirteen.
Alle Præsternes, Arons Børns, Stæder vare tretten Stæder og deres Marker.
20 And to the families, [even] the sons of Caath the Levites, that were left of the sons of Caath, there was [given] their priests' city,
Men Kahaths Børns Slægter, af Leviterne, de andre af Kahaths Børn, fik de Stæder, som hørte til deres Lod, af Efraims Stamme.
21 out of the tribe of Ephraim; and they gave them the slayer's city of refuge, Sychem, and its suburbs, and Gazara and its appendages, and its suburbs;
Og de gave dem Tilflugtsstaden for Manddrabere Sikem og dens Marker, paa Efraims Bjerg, og Geser og dens Marker
22 and Baethoron and its suburbs: four cities:
og Kibzaim og dens Marker og Beth-Horon og dens Marker, fire Stæder;
23 and the tribe of Dan, Helcothaim and its suburbs; and Gethedan and its suburbs:
og af Dans Stamme: Eltheke og dens Marker, Gibbethon og dens Marker,
24 and Aelon and its suburbs; and Getheremmon and its suburbs: four cities.
Ajalon og dens Marker, Gath-Rimmon og dens Marker, fire Stæder;
25 And out of the half tribe of Manasse, Tanach and its suburbs; and Jebatha and its suburbs; two cities.
og af den halve Manasse Stamme: Thaanak og dens Marker og Gath-Rimmon og dens Marker, to Stæder.
26 In all [were given] ten cities, and the suburbs of each belonging to them, to the families of the sons of Caath that remained.
Alle Stæder vare ti og deres Marker for de andre Kahaths Børns Slægter.
27 And [Joshua gave] to the sons of Gedson the Levites out of the other half tribe of Manasse cities set apart for the slayers, Gaulon in the country of Basan, and its suburbs; and Bosora and its suburbs; two cities.
Og Gersons Børn af Leviternes Slægter gave de af den halve Manasse Stamme: Tilflugtsstaden for Manddrabere Golan i Basan og dens Marker og Beesthera og dens Marker, to Stæder;
28 And out of the tribe of Issachar, Kison and its suburbs; and Debba and its suburbs;
og af Isaskars Stamme: Kisjon og dens Marker, Dabrath og dens Marker,
29 and Remmath and its suburbs; and the well of Letters, and its suburbs; four cities.
Jarmuth og dens Marker, En-Gannim og dens Marker, fire Stæder;
30 And out of the tribe of Aser, Basella and its suburbs; and Dabbon and its suburbs;
og af Asers Stamme: Miseal og dens Marker, Abdon og dens Marker,
31 and Chelcat and its suburbs; and Raab and its suburbs; four cities.
Helkath og dens Marker, og Rehob og dens Marker, fire Stæder;
32 And of the tribe of Nephthali, the city set apart for the slayer, Cades in Galilee, and its suburbs; and Nemmath, and its suburbs; and Themmon and its suburbs; three cities.
og af Nafthali Stamme: Tilflugtsstaden for Manddrabere Kedes i Galilæa og dens Marker og Hamoth-Dor og dens Marker og Karthan og dens Marker, tre Stæder;
33 All the cities of Gedson according to their families [were] thirteen cities.
alle Gersoniternes Stæder efter deres Slægter vare tretten Stæder og deres Marker.
34 And to the family of the sons of Merari the Levites that remained, [he gave] out of the tribe of Zabulon, Maan and its suburbs; and Cades and its suburbs,
Men til Merari Børns Slægter, som vare de øvrige af Leviterne, gave de af Sebulons Stamme: Jokneam og dens Marker, Kartha og dens Marker,
35 and Sella and its suburbs: three cities.
Dimna og dens Marker, Nahalal og dens Marker, fire Stæder;
36 And beyond Jordan over against Jericho, out of the tribe of Ruben, the city of refuge for the slayer, Bosor in the wilderness; Miso and its suburbs; and Jazer and its suburbs; and Decmon and its suburbs; and Mapha and its suburbs; four cities.
og af Rubens Stamme: Bezer og dens Marker og Jahza og dens Marker,
37 And out of the tribe of Gad the city of refuge for the slayer, both Ramoth in Galaad, and its suburbs; Camin and its suburbs; and Esbon and its suburbs; and Jazer and its suburbs: the cities [were] four in all.
Kedemoth og dens Marker og Mefaath og dens Marker, fire Stæder;
og af Gads Stamme: Tilflugtsstaden for Manddrabere Ramoth i Gilead og dens Marker og Mahanajim og dens Marker,
Hesbon og dens Marker, Jaeser og dens Marker; alle de Stæder vare fire.
40 All [these] cities [were given] to the sons of Merari according to the families of them that were left out of the tribe of Levi; and their limits were the twelve cities.
Alle disse vare Merari Børns Stæder efter deres Slægter, de øvrige af Leviternes Slægter, og deres Lod var tolv Stæder.
41 All the cities of the Levites in the midst of the possession of the children of Israel, [were] forty-eight cities,
Alle Leviternes Stæder midt i Israels Børns Ejendom, vare otte og fyrretyve Stæder og deres Marker.
42 and their suburbs round about these cities: a city and the suburbs round about the city to all these cities.
Disse Stæder laa hver for sig, med deres Marker trindt omkring; saaledes havde det sig med alle disse.
43 So the Lord gave to Israel all the land which he sware to give to their fathers: and they inherited it, and lived in it.
Og Herren gav Israel alt det Land, som han havde svoret at give deres Fædre, og de toge det i Eje og boede derudi.
44 And the Lord gave them rest round about, as he sware to their fathers: not one of all their enemies maintained his ground against them; the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hands.
Og Herren gav dem Rolighed trindt omkring, efter alt det, som han havde svoret deres Fædre; og ingen bestod for deres Ansigt af alle deres Fjender; Herren gav alle deres Fjender i deres Haand.
45 There failed not one of the good things which the Lord spoke to the children of Israel; all came to pass.
Der blev ikke et Ord til intet af alle de gode Ord, som Herren havde talet til Israels Hus, det opfyldtes alt sammen.

< Joshua 21 >