< Joshua 18 >

1 And all the congregation of the children of Israel were assembled at Selo, and there they pitched the tabernacle of witness; and the land was subdued by them.
Na ka huihui te whakaminenga katoa o nga tama a Iharaira ki Hiro, a whakaturia ana e ratou ki reira te tapenakara o te whakaminenga: a i taea hoki te whenua e ratou.
2 And the sons of Israel remained, [even] those who [had] not received their inheritance, seven tribes.
Na ka toe e whitu nga iwi o nga tama a Iharaira, kahore nei i wehea to ratou kainga tupu ki a ratou.
3 And Joshua said to the sons of Israel, How long will you be slack to inherit the land, which the Lord our God has given you?
Na ka mea a Hohua ki nga tama a Iharaira, Kia pehea ake te roa o to koutou nei mangere ki te haere ki te tango i te whenua kua hoatu nei ki a koutou e Ihowa, e te Atua o o koutou matua?
4 Appoint of yourselves three men of each tribe, and let them rise up and go through the land, and let them describe it before me, as it will be proper to divide it.
Whakaritea mo koutou kia tokotoru mo ia iwi: a maku ratou e tono, a ka whakatika ratou, ka haere i te whenua, a ka tuhituhi kia rite ki o ratou wahi; a ka haere mai ai ratou ki ahau.
5 And they came to him: and he divided to them seven portions, [saying], Juda shall stand to them a border southward, and the sons of Joseph shall stand to them northward.
Me wehe hoki e ratou kia whitu nga wahi: me noho a Hura ki tona wahi ki te tonga, me noho ano hoki te whare o Hohepa ki tona wahi ki te raki.
6 And do you divide the land into seven parts, and bring the description hither to me, and I will give you a lot before the Lord our God.
Na me tuhituhi e koutou te whenua kia whitu nga wahi, ka kawe mai ai i te pukapuka ki ahau ki konei, a maku e maka o koutou rota ki konei ki te aroaro o Ihowa, o to tatou Atua.
7 For the sons of Levi have no part among you; for the priesthood of the Lord [is] his portion; and Gad, and Ruben, and the half tribe of Manasse, have received their inheritance beyond Jordan eastward, which Moses the servant of the Lord gave to them.
Otira kahore he wahi mo nga Riwaiti i roto i a koutou; ko te mahi tohunga ki a Ihowa te wahi mo ratou: a ko Kara, ko Reupena, ko tetahi taanga hoki o te iwi o Manahi, kua whiwhi ratou ki to ratou wahi i tawahi o Horano whaka te rawhiti, ki ta Moh i, ki ta te pononga a Ihowa i hoatu ai ki a ratou.
8 And the men rose up and went; and Joshua charged the men who went to explore the land, saying, Go and explore the land, and come to me, and I will bring you forth a lot here before the Lord in Selo.
Na ka whakatika aua tangata, a ka haere: a i whakahau a Hohua i te hunga i haere ki te tuhituhi i te whenua, i mea, Turia atu, haereerea hoki te whenua, tuhituhia hoki, ka hoki mai ai ki ahau, a maku e maka o koutou rota ki konei, ki te aroaro o Ihowa, ki Hiro.
9 And they went, and explored the land: and they viewed it, and described it according to the cities, seven parts in a book, and brought [the book] to Joshua.
Na ka turia atu e aua tangata, ka haere a puta noa te whenua, a tuhituhia iho e ratou ki te pukapuka, e whitu nga wahi, he mea whakaaro ki nga pa, a haere ana ki a Hohua, ki te puni ki Hiro.
10 And Joshua cast the lot for them in Selo before the Lord.
A maka ana e Hohua he rota mo ratou i Hiro, i te aroaro o Ihowa: na ka wehea e Hohua te whenua i reira mo nga tama a Iharaira, kia rite ki o ratou wehenga.
11 And the lot of the tribe of Benjamin came forth first according to their families: and the borders of their lot came forth between the children of Juda and the children of Joseph.
I puta ake te rota o te iwi o nga tama a Pineamine, ara o o ratou hapu: i haere te rohe o to ratou wahi i te takiwa o to nga tama a Hura, o to nga tama a Hohepa.
12 And their borders were northward: the borders shall go up from Jordan behind Jericho northward, and shall go up to the mountain westward, and the issue of it shall be Baethon of Mabdara.
A ko to ratou rohe ki te taha ki te raki i Horano; na i haere te rohe ki runga, ki te taha o Heriko, ki te raki, a i haere whakarunga, na te whenua pukepuke whaka te hauauru, a puta tonu atu i te koraha o Peteawene.
13 And the borders will go forth thence to Luz, behind Luz, from the south of it; this is Baethel: and the borders shall go down to Maatarob Orech, to the hill country, which is southward of Baethoron the lower.
A i tika atu te rohe i reira ki Rutu, ki te taha o Rutu, ara ki Peteere whaka te tonga; na i anga whakararo te rohe ki Ataroto Arara, tatu tonu ki te pukepuke e tu ana i te tonga o Petehorono ki raro.
14 And the borders shall pass through and proceed to the part that looks toward the sea, on the south, from the mountain in front of Baethoron southward, and its termination shall be at Cariath-Baal, this is Cariath-Jarin, a city of the children of Juda; this is the part toward the west.
Na ka whakatakotoria atu te rohe, a ka wahio haere ma te taha hauauru whaka te tonga, atu i te pukepuke e tu ana i te ritenga atu o Petehorono whaka te tonga; a ko ona putanga i Kiriatapaara, ara i Kiriata Tearimi, he pa no nga tama a Hura: ko t e taha tenei ki te hauauru.
15 And the south side on the part of Cariath-Baal; and the borders shall go across to Gasin, to the fountain of the water of Naphtho.
A ko te taha ki te tonga i te pito rawa o Kiriata Tearimi, a i puta atu te rohe whaka te hauauru, a puta tonu atu ki te puna wai i Nepetoa:
16 And the borders shall extend down on one side, this is in front of the forest of Sonnam, which is on the side of Emec Raphain northward, and it shall come down to Gaeenna behind Jebusai southward: it shall come down to the fountain of Rogel.
A i anga whakararo te rohe ki te pito rawa o te maunga e tu ana i mua i te raorao o te tama a Hinomo, ki tera i te raorao o Repaima whaka te raki; na i heke ki te raorao o Hinimo, ki te taha o te Iepuhi ki te tonga, a i heke ki Enerokere;
17 And [the borders] shall go across to the fountain of Baethsamys:
Na i whakatakotoria atu te raki. a ka puta atu ki Enehemehe, a ka puta atu ki Keriroto, ki te ritenga atu o te pinakitanga ki Arumine; a heke noa ki te kohatu o Pohana, o te tama o Reupena,
18 and shall proceed to Galiloth, which is in front by the going up of Aethamin; and they shall come down to the stone of Baeon of the sons of Ruben; and shall pass over behind Baetharaba northward, and shall go down to the borders behind the sea northward.
Na i haere tonu i te tahi ki te raki ki te ritenga atu o Arapa, a i heke tonu atu ki Arapa;
19 And the termination of the borders shall be at the creek of the salt sea northward to the side of Jordan southward: these are their southern borders.
Na i here tonu te rohe ki te taha ki te raki o Petehokora: a i pakaru rawa atu te rohe ki te kokoru whaka te raki o te Moana Toto i te pito ki te tonga o Horano: ko te rohe tenei ki te tonga.
20 And Jordan shall be their boundary on the east: this [is] the inheritance of the children of Benjamin, these [are] their borders round about according to their families.
A ko Horano tona rohe i te taha ki te rawhiti. Ko te kainga tupu tenei o nga tama a Pineamine, ko nga rohe hoki o reira a tawhio noa, ara o o ratou hapu.
21 And the cities of the children of Benjamin according to their families [were] Jericho, and Bethagaeo, and the Amecasis,
Na, ko nga pa o te iwi o nga tama a Pineamine, o o ratou hapu, ko Heriko, ko Petehokora, me Emekeketiti;
22 and Baethabara, and Sara, and Besana,
Ko Petearapa, ko Temaraima, ko Peteere;
23 and Aeein, and Phara, and Ephratha,
Ko Awimi, ko Paraha, ko Opora;
24 and Carapha, and Cephira, and Moni, and Gabaa, twelve cities and their villages:
Ko Kepara Hamonai, ko Oponi, ko Kepa: kotahi tekau ma rua nga pa me nga kainga o aua pa:
25 Gabaon, and Rama, and Beerotha;
Ko Kipeono, ko Rama, ko Peeroto;
26 and Massema, and Miron, and Amoke;
Ko Mihipe, ko Kepira, ko Motaha;
27 and Phira, and Caphan, and Nacan, and Selecan, and Thareela,
Ko Rekeme, ko Iripeere, ko Tarara;
28 and Jebus (this is Jerusalem); and Gabaoth, Jarim, thirteen cities, and their villages; this [is] the inheritance of the sons of Benjamin according to their families.
Ko Heraha, ko Erepe, ko Iepuhi, ara ko Hiruharama, ko Kipeata, ko Kiriata; kotahi tekau ma wha nga pa me nga kainga. Ko te kainga tupu tenei o nga tama a Pineamine, o o ratou hapu.

< Joshua 18 >