< Joshua 13 >

1 And Joshua [was] old and very advanced in years; and the Lord said to Joshua, You are advanced in years, and there is much land left to inherit.
Yashuuca waa da' weynaa, gaboowna wuu la dhacay, oo kolkaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu isagii ku yidhi, Adigu waad da' weyn tahay oo gaboowna waad la dhacday, laakiinse weliba waxaa hadhay dal badan in la hantiyo.
2 And this [is] the land that is left: the borders of the Phylistines, the Gesirite, and the Chananite,
Oo dalka weli hadhay waxa weeye kan: gobollada reer Falastiin oo dhan iyo reer Geshuur oo dhan,
3 from the wilderness before Egypt, as far as the borders of Accaron on the left of the Chananites [the land] is reckoned to the five principalities of the Phylistines, to the inhabitant of Gaza, and of Azotus, and of Ascalon, and of Geth, and of Accaron, and to the Evite;
tan iyo Shiixoorta ku taal Masar horteeda, iyo xataa tan iyo soohdinta Ceqroon ee xagga woqooyi, ee loo tiriyo reer Kancaan, iyo shanta amiir ee reer Falastiin oo u taliya reer Gaasa, iyo reer Ashdood, iyo reer Ashqeloon, iyo reer Gad, iyo reer Ceqroon,
4 from Thaeman even to all the land of Chanaan before Gaza, and the Sidonians as far as Aphec, as far as the borders of the Amorites.
iyo xataa reer Caw oo xagga koonfureed xiga, iyo dalka reer Kancaan oo dhan, iyo Mecaaraah tan ay reer Siidoon leeyihiin, iyo ilaa Afeeq, iyo tan iyo soohdinta reer Amor,
5 And all the land of Galiath of the Phylistines, and all Libanus eastward from Galgal, under the mountain Aermon as far as the entering in of Emath;
iyo dalka reer Gebal iyo Lubnaan oo dhan, xagga qorrax ka soo baxa, inta laga bilaabo Bacal Gaad tan ku taal Buur Xermoon hoosteeda, iyo tan iyo meesha laga galo Xamaad.
6 every one that inhabits the hill country from Libanus as far as Masereth Memphomaim. All the Sidonians, I will destroy them from before Israel; but do you give them by inheritance to Israel, as I charged you.
Dadka deggan dalka buuraha leh oo dhan, tan iyo Lubnaan iyo ilaa Misrefood Mayim, iyo xataa reer Siidoon oo dhan kulligood waxaan ka eryi doonaa reer binu Israa'iil hortooda; laakiinse waa inaad dhaxal ahaan ugu qori riddaa reer binu Israa'iil sidaan kugu amray.
7 And now divide this land by lot to the nine tribes, and to the half tribe of Manasse.
Haddaba dalkan dhaxal ahaan ugu qaybi sagaalka qabiil iyo qabiilka reer Manaseh badhkiis,
8 From Jordan to the great sea westward you shall give it [them]: the great sea shall be the boundary. [But] to the two tribes and to the half tribe of Manasse, to Ruben and to Gad Moses gave [an inheritance] beyond Jordan: Moses the servant of the Lord gave [it] to them eastward,
Kuwaasoo ay reer Ruubeen iyo reer Gaadba la heleen dhaxalkoodii uu Muuse ka siiyey xagga bari oo Webi Urdun ka shishaysa, xataa sidii addoonkii Rabbiga oo Muuse ahaa uu u siiyey iyaga,
9 from Aroer, which is on the bank of the brook of Arnon, and the city in the midst of the valley, and all Misor from Maedaban.
tan iyo Carooceer oo ku taal dooxadii Arnoon darafkeeda, iyo magaalada ku taal dooxada dhexdeeda, iyo banka Meedebaa oo dhan iyo xataa tan iyo Diibon,
10 All the cities of Seon king of the Amorites, who reigned from Esebon to the coasts of the children of Ammon;
iyo dhammaan magaalooyinkii Siixon oo boqor u ahaa reer Amor uu ku xukumi jiray Xeshboon, tan iyo soohdinta reer Cammoon,
11 and the region of Galaad, and the borders of the Gesirites and the Machatites, the whole mount of Aermon, and all the land of Basan to Acha.
iyo Gilecaad, iyo soohdinta reer Geshuur, iyo reer Macakaad, iyo Buur Xermoon oo dhan, iyo Baashaan oo dhan iyo ilaa Salkaah,
12 All the kingdom of Og in the region of Basan, who reigned in Astaroth and in Edrain: he was left of the giants; and Moses struck him, and destroyed him.
iyo boqortooyadii Baashaan ku tiil oo dhan oo Coog ka xukumi jiray Cashtarod iyo Edrecii (Isagu wuxuu ka hadhay reer Rafaa), waayo, kuwaas waxaa laayay Muuse, wuuna eryay.
13 But the children of Israel destroyed not the Gesirite and the Machatite and the Chananite; and the king of the Gesiri and the Machatite lived among the children of Israel until this day.
Habase yeeshee reer binu Israa'iil ma ay eryin reer Geshuur iyo reer Macakaad toona; laakiinse reer Geshuur iyo reer Macakaad waxay dhex deggan yihiin reer binu Israa'iil ilaa maantadan la joogo.
14 Only no inheritance was given to the tribe of Levi: the Lord God of Israel, he [is] their inheritance, as the Lord said to them; and this [is] the division which Moses made to the children of Israel in Araboth Moab, on the other side of Jordan, by Jericho.
Oo waxaanu dhaxal siin qabiilkii reer Laawi oo keliya. Sidii Rabbigu kula hadlay isaga, waxaa dhaxal u ahaa qurbaannada loo bixiyo Rabbiga ah Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil.
15 And Moses gave the land to the tribe of Ruben according to their families.
Oo Muuse wuxuu reer Ruubeen qabiilkoodii wax u siiyey sidii reerahoodu ahaayeen.
16 And their borders were from Aroer, which is opposite the brook of Arnon, and [theirs is] the city that is in the valley of Arnon; and all Misor,
Oo xuduudkoodu wuxuu ka bilaaban jiray Carooceer taas oo ku taal dooxada Arnoon darafkeeda, iyo magaalada ku taal dooxada dhexdeeda, iyo kulli banka Meedebaa u dhow oo dhan,
17 to Esebon, and all the cities in Misor, and Daebon, and Baemon-Baal, and the house of Meelboth;
iyo Xeshboon, iyo kulli magaalooyinkeeda banka ku yaal oo dhan, kuwaasoo ah, Diibon iyo Baamood Bacal, iyo Beyd Bacal Mecoon,
18 and Basan, and Bakedmoth, and Maephaad,
iyo Yahas, iyo Qedemood, iyo Mefacad,
19 and Kariathaim, and Sebama, and Serada, and Sion in mount Enab;
iyo Qiryatayim, iyo Sibmaah, iyo Sered Shahar oo ku taal buurta dooxada,
20 and Baethphogor, and Asedoth Phasga, and Baetthasinoth,
iyo Beytfecoor, iyo dhaadhacyadii Fisgaah, iyo Beytyeshimood,
21 and all the cities of Misor, and all the kingdom of Seon king of the Amorites, whom Moses struck, even him and the princes of Madian, and Evi, and Roboc, and Sur, and Ur, and Robe prince of the spoils of Sion, and the inhabitants of Sion.
iyo kulli magaalooyinkii banka oo dhan, iyo boqorkii reer Amor oo Siixon ahaa boqortooyadiisii oo dhan, kaas oo xukumi jiray Xeshboon, oo Muuse la dilay madaxdii reer Midyaan, kuwaasoo ahaa Ewii, iyo Reqem, iyo Suur, iyo Xuur, iyo Rebac, oo ahaa amiirradii Siixon oo dalkaas degganaa.
22 And Balaam the son of Baeor the prophet they killed in the battle.
Weliba faaliyaha Balcaam oo ahaa ina Becoor ayay reer binu Israa'iil seef kula dileen dadkii kaloo ay laayeen.
23 And the borders of Ruben were—[even] Jordan [was the] boundary; this [is] the inheritance of the children of Ruben according to their families, [these were] their cities and their villages.
Reer Ruubeen dalkooduna wuxuu ahaa Urdun, iyo inta soohdintiisa ah oo dhan. Kanu waa dhaxalkii reer Ruubeen iyo sidii reerahoodu ahaayeen, iyo magaalooyinkoodii iyo tuulooyinkoodiiba.
24 And Moses gave inheritance to the sons of Gad according to their families.
Oo Muuse wax buu siiyey qabiilkii reer Gaad, oo wuxuu wax u siiyey reer Gaad sidii reerahoodu ahaayeen.
25 And their borders were Jazer, all the cities of Galaad, and half the land of the children of Ammon to Araba, which is before Arad.
Oo xuduudkooduna wuxuu ka koobnaa Yacser, iyo magaalooyinkii Gilecaad oo dhan, iyo dalkii reer Cammoon badhkiis, iyo tan iyo Carooceer oo ku hor taal Rabbaah,
26 And from Esebon to Araboth by Massepha, and Botanim, and Maan to the borders of Daebon,
iyo ilaa Xeshboon iyo tan iyo Raamad-misfaah, iyo Betoniim, iyo tan iyo Maxanayim iyo ilaa soohdinta Debiir,
27 and Enadom, and Othargai, and Baenthanabra, and Soccotha, and Saphan, and the rest of the kingdom of Sean king of Esebon: and Jordan shall be the boundary as far as part of the sea of Chenereth beyond Jordan eastward.
iyo kuwii dooxadii ku dhex yiil oo ahaa Beytaaraam, iyo Beytnimraah, iyo Sukod, iyo Saafoon oo ahaa boqorkii Xeshboon oo Siixon ahaa boqortooyadiisii intii ka hadhay, iyo Urdun iyo soohdintiisii, iyo meesha ugu fog badda Kinnered ee ka shishaysa Webi Urdun ee xagga bari ka xigta.
28 This [is] the inheritance of the children of Gad according to their families and according to their cities: according to their families they will turn their backs before their enemies, because their cities and their villages were according to their families.
Kanu waa dhaxalkii ay reer Gaad u heleen sidii reerahoodu ahaayeen iyo magaalooyinkoodii iyo tuulooyinkoodii.
29 And Moses gave to half the tribe of Manasse according to their families.
Oo Muusena wuxuu dhaxal siiyey qabiilkii reer Manaseh badhkiis. Wuxuu u ahaa qabiilkii reer Manaseh badhkiis sidii reerahoodu ahaayeen.
30 And their borders were from Maan, and all the kingdom of Basan, and all the kingdom of Og king of Basan, and all the villages of Jair, which are in the region of Basan, sixty cities:
Oo xuduudkoodu wuxuu ka koobnaa Maxanayim, iyo Baashaan oo dhan, iyo boqorkii Baashaan oo Coog ahaa boqortooyadiisii oo dhan, iyo magaalooyinkii Yaa'iir oo Baashaan ku yiil oo dhan, kuwaasoo ahaa lixdan magaalo;
31 and the half of Galaad, and in Astaroth, and in Edrain, royal cities of Og in the land of Basan, [Moses gave] to the sons of Machir the sons of Manasse, even to the half-tribe sons of Machir the sons of Manasse, according to their families.
iyo Gilecaad badhkeed, iyo Cashtarod, iyo Edrecii, kuwaas oo ahaa magaalooyinkii boqortooyadii Coog oo Baashaan ku yiil, waxaa la siiyey reer Maakiir kaasoo ahaa ina Manaseh, oo waxaa loo siiyey reer Maakiir badhkood sidii reerahoodu ahaayeen.
32 These [are] they whom Moses caused to inherit beyond Jordan in Araboth Moab, beyond Jordan by Jericho eastward.
Kuwanu waa dhaxalkii Muuse ku qaybiyey banaankii Moo'aab, oo ka shisheeya Webi Urdun, meel u dhow Yerixoo, oo xagga bari ka xigta.
Laakiinse qabiilkii reer Laawi Muuse dhaxal ma uu siin. Waxaa dhaxal u ah Rabbiga ah Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil, sidii uu kula hadlay iyaga.

< Joshua 13 >