< Joel 3 >

1 For, behold, in those days and at that time, when I shall have turned the captivity of Juda and Jerusalem,
Thi se, i de Dage og på den Tid, når jeg vender Judas og Jerusalems Skæbne,
2 I will also gather all the Gentiles, and bring them down to the valley of Josaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and my heritage Israel, who have been dispersed among the Gentiles; and [these Gentiles] have divided my land,
samler jeg alle Hedningefolk og fører dem ned i Josafats Dal. Der vil jeg holde Rettergang med dem om mit Folk og min Arvelod Israel, som de spredte blandt Folkene; og de delte mit Land,
3 and cast lots over my people, and have given [their] boys to harlots, and sold [their] girls for wine, and have drunk.
kastede Lod om mit Folk, gav en Dreng for en Skøge og solgte en Pige for Vin, som de drak.
4 And what have you to do with me, O Tyre, and Sidon, and all Galilee of the Gentiles? do you render me a recompense? or do you bear malice against me? quickly and speedily will I return your recompense on your own heads:
Og desuden, hvad vil I mig, Tyrus og Zidon og alle Filisterlands Kredse? Er der noget, I vil gengælde mig, eller vil I gøre mig noget? Hastigt og brat lader jeg Gengældelse komme over eders Hoved,
5 because you have taken my silver and my gold, and you have brought my choice ornaments into your temples;
I, som tog mit Sølv og Guld, bortførte mine kostbareste Ting til eders Borge
6 and you have sold the children of Juda and the children of Jerusalem to the children of the Greeks, that you might expel them from their coasts.
og solgte Judæerne og Jerusalems Borgere til Grækerne, for at de skulde føres langt bort fra deres Hjem.
7 Therefore, behold, I [will] raise them up out of the place whither you have sold them, and I will return your recompense on your own heads.
Se, jeg vækker dem op fra det Sted, I solgte dem til, og lader Gengældelse komme over eders Hoved.
8 And I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hands of the children of Juda, and they shall sell them into captivity to a far distant nation: for the Lord has spoken [it].
Jeg sælger eders Sønner og Døtre til Judæerne, og de skal sælge dem til Sabæerne, Folket i det fjerne Land, så sandt HERREN har talet.
9 Proclaim these things among the Gentiles; declare war, arouse the warriors, draw near and go up, all you men of war.
Råb det ud blandt Folkene, helliger en Krig, væk Heltene op! Lad alle våbenføre Mænd komme og drage op!
10 Beat your plowshares into swords, and your sickles into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.
Smed eders Plovjern om til Sværd, eders Vingårdsknive til Spyd! Svæklingen skal sige: "Jeg er en Helt!"
11 Gather yourselves together, and go in, all you nations round about, and gather yourselves there; let the timid become a warrior.
Skynd eder og kom, alle Hedningefolk viden om, og saml eder! Før dine Helte derned, HERRE!
12 Let them be aroused, let all the nations go up to the valley of Josaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the Gentiles round about.
Hedningefolkene skal vækkes op og drage til Josafats Dal; thi der vil jeg sidde til Doms over alle Hedningefolk viden om.
13 Bring forth the sickles, for the vintage is come: go in, tread [the grapes], for the press is full: cause the vats to overflow; for their wickedness is multiplied.
Sving Seglen, thi Høsten er moden; kom og stamp, thi Persekummen er fuld! Persekarrene løber over, thi stor er Folkenes Ondskab.
14 Noises have resounded in the valley of judgment: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of judgment.
Skarer på Skarer i Opgørets Dal! Thi nær er HERRENs Dag i Opgørets Dal.
15 The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their light.
Sol og Måne sortner, og Stjernerne mister deres Glans.
16 And the Lord shall cry out of Sion, and shall utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heaven and the earth shall be shaken, but the Lord shall spare his people, and shall strengthen the children of Israel.
HERREN brøler fra Zion, fra Jerusalem løfter han sin Røst; Himmelen og Jorden skælver. Men HERREN er Ly for sit Folk og Værn for Israels Børn.
17 And you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who dwell in Sion my holy mountain: and Jerusalem shall be holy, and strangers shall not pass through her anymore.
Og I skal kende, at jeg er HERREN eders Gud, som bor på Zion, mit hellige Bjerg. Jerusalem skal blive en Helligdom, og fremmede skal ikke mere drage derigennem.
18 And it shall come to pass in that day [that] the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the fountains of Juda shall flow with water, and a fountain shall go forth of the house of the Lord, and water the valley of flags.
På hin Dag skal Bjergene dryppe af Most og Højene flyde med Mælk; alle Judas Bække skal strømme med Vand, og en kilde skal vælde frem fra HERRENs Hus og vande Akaciedalen.
19 Egypt shall be a desolation, and Idumea shall be a desolate plain, because of the wrongs of the children of Juda, because they have shed righteous blood in their land.
Ægypten skal blive øde, Edom en øde Ørk for deres Vold mod Judæerne, i hvis Land de udgød uskyldigt Blod.
20 But Judea shall be inhabited for ever, and Jerusalem to all generations.
Og Juda skal være beboet evindelig, Jerusalem fra Slægt til Slægt.
21 And I will make inquisition for their blood, and will by no means leave it unavenged: and the Lord shall dwell in Sion.
Jeg hævner deres Blod, som jeg endnu ikke har hævnet; og HERREN bor på Zion.

< Joel 3 >