< Joel 1 >

1 The word of the Lord which came to Joel the son of Bathuel.
Šis ir Tā Kunga vārds, kas notika uz Joēli, Petuēļa dēlu.
2 Hear these [words], you elders, and listen all you that inhabit the land. Have such things happen in your days, or in the days of your fathers?
Klausiet šo vārdu, vecaji, un atgriežat ausis, visi zemes iedzīvotāji! Vai tāda lieta notikusi jūsu dienās vai jūsu tēvu dienās?
3 Tell your children concerning them, and [let] your children [tell] their children, and their children another generation.
Sludinājiet to saviem bērniem, un lai jūsu bērni to stāsta saviem bērniem, un atkal viņu bērni nākamam augumam.
4 The leavings of the caterpillar has the locust eaten, and the leavings of the locust has the palmerworm eaten, and the leavings of the palmerworm has the cankerworm eaten.
Ko kāpuri atlicina, to ēd siseņi, un ko siseņi atlicina, to ēd vaboles un ko vaboles atlicina, to ēd kukaiņi.
5 Awake, you drunkards, from your wine, and weep: mourn, all you that drink wine to drunkenness: for joy and gladness and removed are from your mouth.
Uzmostaties, piedzērušie, un raudiet! Un kauciet, visi vīna plītnieki, par to jauno vīnu, jo tas ir atrauts no jūsu mutes.
6 For a strong and innumerable nation is come up against my land, their teeth are lion's teeth, and their back teeth those of a [lion's] whelp.
Jo tauta ceļas pret manu zemi, varena un neskaitāma; viņas zobi ir lauvas zobi, un dzerokļi viņai ir kā vecam lauvam.
7 He has ruined my vine, and utterly broken my fig-trees: he has utterly searched [my vine], and cast it down; he has peeled its branches.
Tā ir izpostījusi manu vīna koku un par žagariem darījusi manu vīģes koku; viņa to mizot ir nomizojusi un nometusi, viņa zari ir palikuši balti.
8 Lament to me more than a virgin girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth.
Vaidi kā jumprava, ar maisu apjozusies, sava jaunības brūtgāna dēļ.
9 The meat-offering and drink-offering are removed from the house of the Lord: mourn, you priests that serve at the altar of the Lord.
Ēdamais upuris un dzeramais upuris ir atrauts no Tā Kunga nama; priesteri, Tā Kunga sulaiņi, bēdājās.
10 For the plains languish: let the land mourn, for the corn languishes; the wine is dried up, the oil becomes scarce;
Tīrums ir postīts, zeme noskumusi, jo labība ir postīta, vīns sakaltis un eļļa iet bojā.
11 the husbandmen are consumed: mourn your property on account of the wheat and barley; for the harvest has perished from off the field.
Arāji paliek kaunā, vīna dārznieki kauc par kviešiem un miežiem, jo tīruma pļaušana ir pagalam.
12 The vine is dried up, and the fig-trees are become few; the pomegranate, and palm tree, and apple, and all trees of the field are dried up: for the sons of men have have abolished joy.
Vīna koks ir sakaltis un vīģes koks iet bojā, granātābele un palmu koks un ābele, visi koki laukā ir nokaltuši, un līksmība ir nonīkusi pie cilvēku bērniem.
13 Gird yourselves [with sackcloth], and lament, you priests: mourn, you that serve at the altar: go in, sleep in sackcloths, you that minister to God: for the meat-offering and drink-offering are withheld from the house of your God.
Apjožaties un žēlojaties, priesteri, kauciet, altāra sulaiņi, ejat, paliekat maisos cauru nakti, mana Dieva sulaiņi, jo ēdamais upuris un dzeramais upuris ir atrauts no mana Dieva nama.
14 Sanctify a fast, proclaim a [solemn] service, gather the elders [and] all the inhabitants of the land into the house of your God, and cry earnestly to the Lord,
Svētījat gavēni, izsauciet sapulces dienu, sapulcinājiet vecajus, visus zemes iedzīvotājus uz Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, namu un piesauciet To Kungu.
15 Alas, Alas, Alas for the day! for the day of the Lord is near, and it will come as trouble upon trouble.
Ak vai, par to dienu! Jo Tā Kunga diena ir tuvu un nāks kā posts no tā Visuvarenā.
16 [Your] meat has been destroyed before your eyes, joy and gladness from out of the house of your God.
Vai barība priekš mūsu acīm nav atrauta, prieks un līksmība no mūsu Dieva nama?
17 The heifers have started at their mangers, the treasures are abolished, the wine presses are broken down; for the corn is withered.
Graudi apakš zemes satrūdējuši, mantu nami ir tukši, šķūņi sagruvuši, jo labība nokaltusi.
18 What shall we store up for ourselves? the herds of cattle have mourned, because they had no pasture; and the flocks of sheep have been utterly destroyed.
Ak, kā vaid lopi! Vēršu ganāmie pulki apstulbuši, jo tiem nav ganības, un avju pulki iet bojā.
19 To you, O Lord, will I cry: for fire has devoured the fair places of the wilderness, and a flame has burnt up all the trees of the field.
Tevi, ak Kungs, es piesaucu, jo uguns ir aprijis tuksneša ganības, un liesma ir iededzinājusi visus kokus laukā.
20 And the cattle of the field have looked up to you: for the fountains of waters have been dried up, and fire has devoured the fair places of the wilderness.
Pat zvēri laukā Tevi piesauc, jo ūdensupes izsīkušas, un uguns ir aprijis tuksneša ganības.

< Joel 1 >