< Job 9 >
1 Then Job answered and said,
A LAILA olelo mai la o Ioba, i mai la,
2 I know of a truth that it is so: for how shall a mortal man be just before the Lord?
Ua ike no au, he oiaio no: A, pehea la e hoaponoia'i ke kanaka imua o ke Akua?
3 For if he would enter into judgment with him, [God] would not listen to him, so that he should answer to one of his charges of a thousand.
Ina makemake oia e hoopaapaa me ia, Aole e hiki ke hoapono imua ona i kekahi hapa tausani.
4 For he is wise in mind, and mighty, and great: who has hardened himself against him and endured?
He akamai ia ma ka naau, a ua nui ka ikaika: Owai la ka mea hoopaakiki ku e ia ia, a ua pomaikai?
5 Who wears out the mountains, and [men] know it not: who overturns them in anger.
Oia ka mea hoonee aku i na mauna, aole lakou i ike; Ka mea hoohiolo ia lakou ma kona inaina;
6 Who shakes the [earth] under heaven from its foundations, and its pillars totter.
Ka mea hoonaue i ka honua mai kona wahi aku, A haalulu kona mau kukulu;
7 Who commands the sun, and it rises not; and he seals up the stars.
Ka mea olelo aku i ka la, aole ia i puka mai, A hoopaa aku hoi ia i na hoku;
8 Who alone has stretched out the heavens, and walks on the sea as on firm ground.
O ka mea wale no nana i hohola na lani, A hele hoi maluna o na ale kiekie o ke kai;
9 Who makes Pleias, and Hesperus, and Arcturus, and the chambers of the south.
O ka mea nana i hana o Uresa nui, me Oriona, A me Peleiade, a me ke kukuluhema loa aku;
10 Who does great and unsearchable things; glorious also and excellent things, innumerable.
O ka mea i hana i na mea nui hiki ole ke huliia; A me na mea kupanaha hiki ole ke heluia.
11 If ever he should go beyond me, I shall not see him: if he should pass by me, neither thus have I known [it].
Aia hoi, maalo ae ia ma o'u nei, aole au i ike: Hele mai hoi oia, aka, aole au i hoomaopopo ia ia.
12 If he would take away, who shall turn him back? or who shall say to him, What have you done?
Aia hoi, lawe wale aku no ia, owai la ke pale aku ia ia? Owai la ka mea e olelo aku ia ia, Heaha kau e hana nei?
13 For [if] he has turned away [his] anger, the whales under heaven have stooped under him.
I hoopau ole ae ke Akua i kona inaina, Kulou iho na kokua haaheo malalo ona.
14 Oh then that he would listen to me, or judge my cause.
Pehea la hoi wau e olelo aku ai ia ia, A e wae ae i na huaolelo imua ona?
15 For though I be righteous, he will not listen to me: I will entreat his judgment.
Ina he pono ko'u, aole au e olelo aku ia ia, E nonoi aku no wau i kuu lunakanawai.
16 And if I should call and he should not listen, I can’t believe that he has listened to my voice.
Ina ua kahea aku au, a ua lohe mai kela; Aole au e hooiaio, na hoolohe mai ia i ko'u leo.
17 Let him not crush me with a dark storm: but he has made by bruises many without cause.
O ka mea e ulupa mai ia'u me ka ino, A hoonui wale mai ia i ko'u mau palapu.
18 For he suffers me not to take breath, but he has filled me with bitterness.
Aole ia e ae mai ia'u e hanu i kuu hanu, Aka, hoopiha mai no ia ia'u i na mea awaawa.
19 For indeed he is strong in power: who then shall resist his judgment?
Ina [e olelo iho au] no ka ikaika, aia hoi, oia ka ikaika: A ina no ka hooponopono ana, Owai la ke hai mai i ka manawa?
20 For though I should seem righteous, my mouth will be profane: and though I should seem blameless, I shall be proved perverse.
Ina owau e hoapono ia'u iho, hoohewa mai kuu waha ia'u; Ina [olelo iho au, ] Ua hala ole, ina ua hookahuli mai ia ia'u.
21 For even if I have sinned, I know it not [in] my soul: but my life is taken away.
Ina ua hala ole au, aole hoi au e ike i kuu uhane: E hoowahawaha no au i kuu ola.
22 Therefore I said, Wrath slays the great and mighty man.
Ua hookahi no ia, nolaila e olelo aku au, Ke luku nei no ia i ka mea hala ole a me ka mea hewa.
23 For the worthless die, but the righteous are laughed to scorn.
Ina e pepehi koke mai ka mea uhau, E akaaka mai no ia i ka eha ana o ka poe hala ole.
24 For they are delivered into the hands of the unrighteous [man]: he covers the faces of the judges [of the earth]: but if it be not he, who is it?
Ua haawiia'ku ka honua iloko o ka lima o ka poe hewa: Ua uhi mai ia i na maka o kona mau lunakanawai; A i ole ia, auhea la, owai la hoi oia?
25 But my life is swifter than a post: [my days] have fled away, and they knew it not.
Ua oi ka mama o kuu mau la mamua o ka mea holo: Ke holo ae nei lakou, Ke ike ole nei lakou i ka maikai.
26 Or again, is there a trace of [their] path [left] by ships? or is there one of the flying eagle as it seeks [its] prey?
Ua hala aku la lakou e like me na moku holo: E like me ka aeto e lele ana i ka mea ai.
27 And if I should say, I will forget to speak, I will bow down my face and groan;
Ina olelo iho au, e hoopoina no wau i kuu kanikau ana, E waiho aku au i kuu maka kaumaha, a e hooluolu ia'u iho;
28 I quake in all my limbs, for I know that you will not leave me alone [as] innocent.
Makau iho la au i kuu mea ehaeha a pau, Ua ike au, aole oe e hoapono mai ia'u, he hala ole.
29 But since I am ungodly, why have I not died?
Ina ua hewa au, No ke aha la hoi wau e luhi make hewa nei?
30 For if I should wash myself with snow, and purge myself with pure hands,
Ina e holoi au ia'u iho i ka wai hau, A e hoomaemae au i kuu mau lima i ka sopa;
31 you had thoroughly plunged me in filth, and my garment had abhorred me.
Alaila, e kiola iho oe ia'u iloko o ka lua lepo, A e hoopailua ko'u mau kapa ia'u.
32 For you are not man like me, with whom I could contend, that we might come together to judgment.
No ka mea, aole ia he kanaka e like me au, e paio aku ai au ia ia, A halawai maua i ka hookolokolo ana.
33 Would that [he] our mediator were [present], and a reprover, and one who should hear [the cause] between both.
Aole hoi he mea nana e uwao iwaena o maua, I kau mai ai ia i kona lima maluna o maua elua.
34 Let him remove [his] rod from me, and let not his fear terrify me:
E lawe aku ia i kona kookoo mai o'u aku nei, A mai hooweliweli mai kona makau ia'u.
35 so shall I not be afraid, but I will speak: for I am not thus conscious [of guilt].
Alaila e olelo aku au, aole hoi wau e makau ia ia, Aka, aole pela wau ia'u iho.