< Job 6 >
1 But Job answered and said,
Toda Job je odgovoril in rekel:
2 Oh that one would indeed weigh the wrath that is upon me, and take up my griefs in a balance together!
»Oh, da bi bila moja žalost temeljito stehtana in moja katastrofa skupaj položena na tehtnico!
3 And verily they would be heavier than the sand by the seashore: but, as it seems, my words are vain.
Kajti sedaj bi bila ta težja kakor morski pesek. Zato so moje besede požrte.
4 For the arrows of the Lord are in my body, whose violence drinks up my blood: whenever I am going to speak, they pierce me.
Kajti puščice Vsemogočnega so znotraj mene, njihov strup vpija mojega duha. Strahote od Boga se postrojujejo zoper mene.
5 What then? will the wild ass bray for nothing, if he is not seeking food? or again, will the ox low at the manger, when he has a fodder?
Mar divji osel riga, kadar jé travo? Mar muka vol nad svojo krmo?
6 Shall bread be eaten without salt? or again, is there taste in empty words?
Mar se lahko to, kar je neokusno, jé brez soli? Ali je sploh kaj okusa v jajčnem beljaku?
7 For my wrath can’t cease; for I perceive my food as the smell of a lion [to be] loathsome.
Stvari, ki se jih moja duša ni hotela dotikati, so kakor moja hrana žalosti.
8 For oh that he would grant [my desire], and my petition might come, and the Lord would grant my hope!
Oh, da bi lahko imel svojo zahtevo in da bi mi Bog zagotovil stvar, po kateri hrepenim!
9 Let the Lord begin and wound me, but let him not utterly destroy me.
Celo da bi to ugajalo Bogu, da me uniči, da bi popustil svojo roko in me odrezal!
10 Let the grave be my city, upon the walls of which I have leaped: I will not shrink from it; for I have not denied the holy words of my God.
Potem bi vendar imel tolažbo; da, otrdil bi se v bridkosti. Naj mi ne prizanese, kajti nisem prikrival besed Svetega.
11 For what is my strength, that I continue? what is my time, that my soul endures?
Kaj je moja moč, da bi upal? Kaj je moj konec, da bi podaljšal svoje življenje?
12 Is my strength the strength of stones? or is my flesh of brass?
Mar je moja moč moč kamnov? Ali je moje meso iz brona?
13 Or have I not trusted in him? but help is [far] from me.
Mar ni moja pomoč v meni? In ali je modrost popolnoma pregnana od mene?
14 Mercy has rejected me; and the visitation of the Lord has disregarded me.
Tistemu, ki peša, naj bi bilo izkazano usmiljenje od njegovega prijatelja, toda on zapušča strah Vsemogočnega.
15 My nearest relations have not regarded me; they have passed me by like a failing brook, or like a wave.
Moji bratje so varljivo postopali kakor potok in kakor tok potokov so prešli,
16 They who used to reverence me, now have come against me like snow or congealed ice.
ki so potemneli zaradi razloga ledu in na katerih je skrit sneg.
17 When it has melted at the approach of heat, it is not known what it was.
Kadar se ogrejejo, izginejo. Ko je vroče, so použiti iz svojega kraja.
18 Thus I also have been deserted of all; and I am ruined, and become an outcast.
Steze njihove poti so obrnjene stran; gredo v nič in izginejo.
19 Behold the ways of the Thaemanites, you that mark the paths of the Sabaeans.
Krdela iz Temá so gledala, skupine iz Sabe so čakale nanje.
20 They too that trust in cities and riches shall come to shame.
Zbegani so bili, ker so upali. Prišli so tja in bili osramočeni.
21 But you also have come to me without pity; so that beholding my wound you are afraid.
Kajti sedaj ste nič, vidite moje zavračanje in ste prestrašeni.
22 What? have I made any demand of you? or do I ask for strength from you,
Mar sem rekel: ›Prinesite k meni?‹ ali ›Dajte mi nagrado iz svojega imetja?‹
23 to deliver me from enemies, or to rescue me from the hand of the mighty ones?
ali: ›Osvobodite me pred sovražnikovo roko?‹ ali ›Odkupite med pred roko mogočnega?‹
24 Teach you me, and I will be silent: if in anything I have erred, tell me.
Účite me in držal bom svoj jezik in dajte mi razumeti, kje sem se motil.
25 But as it seems, the words of a true man are vain, because I do not ask strength of you.
Kako prepričljive so prave besede! Toda kaj vaše razpravljanje ošteva?
26 Neither will your reproof cause me to cease my words, for neither will I endure the sound of your speech.
Mar si domišljate, da grajate besede in govore tistega, ki je obupan, ki so kakor veter?
27 Even because you attack the fatherless, and insult your friend.
Da, vi nadvladate osirotelega in kopljete jamo za svojega prijatelja.
28 But now, having looked upon your countenances, I will not lie.
Zdaj torej bodite zadovoljni. Poglejte name, kajti to vam je očitno, če lažem.
29 Sit down now, and let there not be unrighteousness; and unite again with the just.
Vrnite se, prosim vas, naj to ne bo krivičnost. Da, ponovno se vrnite, moja pravičnost je v tem.
30 For there is no injustice in my tongue; and does not my throat meditate understanding?
Mar je na mojem jeziku krivičnost? Ne more moj okus razločevati sprevrženih stvari?