< Job 6 >

1 But Job answered and said,
A Job progovori i reče:
2 Oh that one would indeed weigh the wrath that is upon me, and take up my griefs in a balance together!
“O, kad bi se jad moj izmjeriti mog'o, a nevolje moje stavit' na tezulju!
3 And verily they would be heavier than the sand by the seashore: but, as it seems, my words are vain.
Teže one jesu od sveg pijeska morskog, i stoga mi riječi zastraniti znaju.
4 For the arrows of the Lord are in my body, whose violence drinks up my blood: whenever I am going to speak, they pierce me.
Strijele Svesilnoga u mojem su mesu, ljuti otrov njihov ispija mi dušu, Božje se strahote oborile na me.
5 What then? will the wild ass bray for nothing, if he is not seeking food? or again, will the ox low at the manger, when he has a fodder?
TÓa, kraj svježe trave njače li magarac, muče li goveče kraj punih jasala?
6 Shall bread be eaten without salt? or again, is there taste in empty words?
Zar hranu bljutavu jedemo bez soli? Zar kakove slasti ima u bjelancu?
7 For my wrath can’t cease; for I perceive my food as the smell of a lion [to be] loathsome.
Al' ono što mi se gadilo dotaći, to mi je sada sva hrana u bolesti.
8 For oh that he would grant [my desire], and my petition might come, and the Lord would grant my hope!
O, da bi se molba moja uslišala, da mi Bog ispuni ono čem se nadam!
9 Let the Lord begin and wound me, but let him not utterly destroy me.
O, kada bi me Bog uništiti htio, kada bi mahnuo rukom da me satre!
10 Let the grave be my city, upon the walls of which I have leaped: I will not shrink from it; for I have not denied the holy words of my God.
Za mene bi prava utjeha to bila, klicati bih mog'o u mukama teškim što se ne protivljah odluci Svetoga.
11 For what is my strength, that I continue? what is my time, that my soul endures?
Zar snage imam da mogu čekati? Radi kakve svrhe da ja duže živim?
12 Is my strength the strength of stones? or is my flesh of brass?
Zar je snaga moja k'o snaga kamena, zar je tijelo moje od mjedi liveno?
13 Or have I not trusted in him? but help is [far] from me.
Na što se u sebi osloniti mogu? Zar mi svaka pomoć nije uskraćena?
14 Mercy has rejected me; and the visitation of the Lord has disregarded me.
Tko odbija milost bližnjemu svojemu, prezreo je strah od Boga Svesilnoga.
15 My nearest relations have not regarded me; they have passed me by like a failing brook, or like a wave.
Kao potok me iznevjeriše braća, kao bujice zimske svoje korito.
16 They who used to reverence me, now have come against me like snow or congealed ice.
Od leda mutne vode im se nadimlju, 'bujaju od snijega što se topit' stao;
17 When it has melted at the approach of heat, it is not known what it was.
al u doba sušno naskoro presahnu, od žege ishlape tada iz korita.
18 Thus I also have been deserted of all; and I am ruined, and become an outcast.
Karavane zbog njih skreću sa putova, u pustinju zađu i u njoj se gube.
19 Behold the ways of the Thaemanites, you that mark the paths of the Sabaeans.
Karavane temske očima ih traže, putnici iz Šebe nadaju se njima.
20 They too that trust in cities and riches shall come to shame.
A kad do njih dođu, nađu se u čudu, jer su se u nadi svojoj prevarili.
21 But you also have come to me without pity; so that beholding my wound you are afraid.
U ovom ste času i vi meni takvi: vidjeste strahotu pa se preplašiste.
22 What? have I made any demand of you? or do I ask for strength from you,
Rekoh li vam možda: 'Darujte mi štogod, poklonite nešto od svojega blaga;
23 to deliver me from enemies, or to rescue me from the hand of the mighty ones?
iz šake dušmanske izbavite mene, oslobodite me silnikova jarma?'
24 Teach you me, and I will be silent: if in anything I have erred, tell me.
Vi me poučite, pa ću ušutjeti, u čem je moj prijestup, pokažite meni.
25 But as it seems, the words of a true man are vain, because I do not ask strength of you.
O, kako su snažne besjede iskrene! Al' kamo to vaši smjeraju prijekori?
26 Neither will your reproof cause me to cease my words, for neither will I endure the sound of your speech.
Mislite li možda prekoriti riječi? TÓa u vjetar ide govor očajnikov!
27 Even because you attack the fatherless, and insult your friend.
Nad sirotom kocku zar biste bacali i sa prijateljem trgovali svojim?
28 But now, having looked upon your countenances, I will not lie.
U oči me sada dobro pogledajte, paz'te neću li vam slagati u lice.
29 Sit down now, and let there not be unrighteousness; and unite again with the just.
Povucite riječ! Kakve li nepravde! Povucite riječ, neporočan ja sam!
30 For there is no injustice in my tongue; and does not my throat meditate understanding?
Zar pakosti ima na usnama mojim? Zar nesreću svaku okusio nisam?

< Job 6 >