< Job 42 >

1 Then Job answered and said to the Lord,
Тада Јов одговори Господу и рече:
2 I know that you can do all things, and nothing is impossible with you.
Знам да све можеш, и да се не може смести шта наумиш.
3 For who is he that hides counsel from you? or who keeps back his words, and thinks to hide them from you? and who will tell me what I knew not, great and wonderful things which I understood not?
Ко је то што замрачује савет неразумно? Зато кажем да нисам разумевао; чудесно је то за ме, те не могу знати.
4 But hear me, O Lord, that I also may speak: and I will ask you, and do you teach me.
Слушај кад узговорим, и кад запитам, кажи ми.
5 I have heard the report of you by the ear before; but now mine eye has seen you.
Ушима слушах о Теби, а сада Те око моје види.
6 Therefore I have counted myself vile, and have fainted: and I esteem myself dust and ashes.
Зато поричем, и кајем се у праху и пепелу.
7 And it came to pass after the Lord had spoken all these words to Job, [that] the Lord said to Eliphaz the Thaemanite, You have sinned, and your two friends: for you have not said anything true before me, as my servant Job [has].
А кад Господ изговори оне речи Јову, рече Господ Елифасу Теманцу: Распалио се гнев мој на тебе и на два пријатеља твоја што не говористе о мени право као слуга мој Јов.
8 Now then take seven bullocks, and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and he shall offer a burnt offering for you. And my servant Job shall pray for you, for I will only accept him: for but his sake, I would have destroyed you, for you have not spoken the truth against my servant Job.
Зато сада узмите седам телаца и седам овнова, и идите к слузи мом Јову и принесите жртве паљенице за се, и слуга мој Јов нека се помоли за вас, јер ћу доиста погледати на њ да не учиним с вама по вашој лудости, јер не говористе о мени право као слуга мој Јов.
9 So Eliphaz the Thaemanite, and Baldad the Sauchite, and Sophar the Minaean, went and did as the Lord commanded them: and he pardoned their sin for the sake of Job.
И тако отиде Елифас Теманац и Вилдад Сушанин и Софар Намаћанин, и учинише како им заповеди Господ. И погледа Господ на Јова.
10 And the Lord prospered Job: and when he prayed also for his friends, he forgave them [their] sin: and the Lord gave Job twice as much, even the double of what he had before.
И Господ врати што беше узето Јову пошто се помоли за пријатеље своје; и умножи Господ Јову двојином све што беше имао.
11 And all his brethren and his sisters heard all that had happened to him, and they came to him, and [so did] all that had known him from the first: and they ate and drank with him, and comforted him, and wondered at all that the Lord had brought upon him: and each one gave him a lamb, and four drachmas' weight of gold, even of unstamped [gold].
И дођоше к њему сва браћа његова и све сестре његове и сви пређашњи знанци његови, и једоше с њим у његовој кући и жалећи га тешише га за све зло што беше Господ пустио на њ, и дадоше му сваки по новац и по гривну златну.
12 And the Lord blessed the latter end of Job, [more] than the beginning: and his cattle were fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen, a thousand she-asses of the pastures.
И Господ благослови последак Јовов више него почетак, те имаше четрнаест хиљада оваца и шест хиљада камила и хиљаду јармова волова и хиљаду магарица.
13 And there were born to him seven sons and three daughters.
И имаше седам синова и три кћери.
14 And he called the first Day, and the second Casia, and the third Amalthaea's horn.
И првој наде име Јемима, а другој Кесија а трећој Керен-апуха.
15 And there were not found in comparison with the daughters of Job, fairer [women] than they in all the world: and their father gave them an inheritance among their brethren.
И не нахођаше се у свој земљи тако лепих девојака као кћери Јовове, и отац им даде наследство међу браћом њиховом.
16 And Job lived after [his] affliction a hundred and seventy years: and all the years he lived were two hundred and forty: and Job saw his sons and his sons' sons, the fourth generation.
И после поживе Јов сто и четрдесет година, и виде синове и унуке до четвртог колена.
17 And Job died, an old man and full of days.
И умре Јов стар и сит живота.

< Job 42 >