< Job 4 >

1 Then Eliphaz the Thaemanite answered and said,
Eliifaaz namichi Teemaan sun akkana jedhee deebise:
2 Hast you been often spoken to in distress? but who shall endure the force of your words?
“Yoo namni tokko sitti dubbachuu yaale, ati ni komattaa? Garuu eenyutu dubbachuu dhiisa?
3 For whereas you have instructed many, and have strengthened the hands of the weak one,
Ati akka nama baayʼee barsiifte, akka harka dadhabaa illee jajjabeessite yaadadhu.
4 and have supported the failing with words, and have imparted courage to feeble knees.
Dubbiin kee warra gatantaran gargaaree dhaabeera; atis jilba laafe jabeessiteerta.
5 Yet now [that] pain has come upon you, and touched you, you are troubled.
Amma garuu rakkinni sirra gaʼe; atis abdii kutatteerta; rakkinni si miidheera; atis rifatteerta;
6 Is not your fear [founded] in folly, your hope also, and the mischief of your way?
Waaqa sodaachuun kee irkoo kee, qajeelinni karaa keetiis abdii kee mitii?
7 Remember then who has perished, being pure? or when were the true-hearted utterly destroyed?
“Ammas yaadadhu; namni qulqulluun takkumaa badee beekaa? Qajeelonni eessatti badanii beeku?
8 Accordingly as I have seen men plowing barren places, and they that sow them will reap sorrows for themselves.
Akka ani hubadhetti warri waan hamaa qotatan, kanneen waan hamaa facaasanis isuma haammatu.
9 They shall perish by the command of the Lord, and shall be utterly consumed by the breath of his wrath.
Isaanis hafuura Waaqni isaanitti baafatuun badu; hafuuraa dheekkamsa isaaniitiinis ni barbadeeffamu.
10 The strength of the lion, and the voice of the lioness, and the exulting cry of serpents are quenched.
Leenci ni aada; ni gururiʼas; ilkaan leenca saafelaa garuu ni caccaba.
11 The old lion has perished for lack of food, and the lions' whelps have forsaken one another.
Leenci jabaan waan adamsu dhabee ni duʼa; ilmaan leenca dhaltuus ni bittinnaaʼu.
12 But if there had been any truth in your words, none of these evils would have befallen you. Shall not mine ear receive excellent [revelations] from him?
“Dubbiin tokko icciitiidhaan naa fidame; gurri koos asaasa isaa dhagaʼe.
13 But [as when] terror falls upon men, with dread and a sound in the night,
Abjuu halkanii sodaachisaa keessa, yommuu hirribni cimaan nama qabatutti,
14 horror and trembling seized me, and caused all my bones greatly to shake.
sodaa fi hollachuun na qabatee lafee koo hunda raase.
15 And a spirit came before my face; and my hair and flesh quivered.
Hafuurri luffi jedhee fuula koo dura darbe; rifeensi dhagna koos kaʼee dhaabate.
16 I arose and perceived it not: I looked, and there, was no form before my eyes: but I only heard a breath and a voice, [saying],
Innis ni dhaabate; ani garuu inni maal akka taʼe hubachuu hin dandeenye. Fakkiin tokko ija koo dura dhaabate; anis sagalee tasgabbii kan akkana jedhu tokkon dhagaʼe:
17 What, shall a mortal be pure before the Lord? or a man be blameless in regard to his works?
‘Namni duʼa hin oolle, Waaqa caalaa qajeelaa taʼuu dandaʼaa? Namni Uumaa isaa caalaa qulqulluu taʼuu dandaʼaa?
18 Whereas he trust not in his servants, and perceives perverseness in his angels.
Waaqni tajaajiltoota isaa hin amanatu; ergamoota isaas balleessaa isaaniitiin ni gaafata;
19 But [as for] them that dwell in houses of clay, of whom we also are formed of the same clay, he smites them like a moth.
yoos warri manneen suphee keessa jiraatan, warri hundeen isaanii biyyoo taʼe, warri bilii caalaa burkutaaʼan immoo akkam haa taʼan ree?
20 And from the morning to evening they no longer exist: they have perished, because they can’t help themselves.
Isaan ganamaa fi galgala gidduutti burkutaaʼu; tasumas bara baraan ni badu.
21 For he blows upon them, and they are withered: they have perished for lack of wisdom.
Akka isaan ogummaa malee duʼaniif funyoon dunkaana isaanii hin luqqifamnee?’

< Job 4 >