< Job 37 >
1 At this also my heart is troubled, and moved out of its place.
“Hana yangu inorova nokuda kwezvizvi, uye mwoyo wangu unotomuka uchibva panzvimbo yawo.
2 Hear you a report by the anger of the Lord's wrath, and a discourse shall come out of his mouth.
Teererai! Teererai kutinhira kwenzwi rake, nokuunga kunobva pamuromo wake.
3 His dominion is under the whole heaven, and his light is at the extremities of the earth.
Anoregedzera mheni yake pasi pedenga rose, agoituma kumigumo yenyika.
4 After him shall be a cry with a [loud] voice; he shall thunder with the voice of his excellency, yet he shall not cause men to pass away, for one shall hear his voice.
Shure kwaizvozvo inzwi rokutinhira kwake rinosvika; anotinhira nenzwi roumambo hwake.
5 The Mighty One shall thunder wonderfully with his voice: for he has done great things which we knew not;
Inzwi raMwari rinotinhira nenzira dzinoshamisa; iye anoita zvinhu zvikuru zvinopfuura kunzwisisa kwedu.
6 commanding the snow, Be you upon the earth, and the stormy rain, and the storm of the showers of his might.
Anoti kuchando, ‘Donhera panyika,’ nokumvura inonaya, ‘Naya nesimba.’
7 He seals up the hand of every man, that every man may know his own weakness.
Kuitira kuti vanhu vose vaakasika vazive basa rake, anoita kuti munhu mumwe nomumwe ambomira kushanda.
8 And the wild beasts come in under the covert, and rest in [their] lair.
Mhuka dzinovanda; dzinoramba dziri mumapako adzo.
9 Troubles come on out of the secret chambers, and cold from the mountain-tops.
Dutu rinobuda pakamuri yaro, chando chinobva pakuvhuvhuta kwemhepo.
10 And from the breath of the Mighty One he will send frost; and he guides the water in whatever way he pleases.
Kufema kwaMwari kunobudisa mazaya echando, uye mvura zhinji inooma kuita chando.
11 And [if] a cloud obscures [what is] precious [to him], his light will disperse the cloud.
Anozadza makore nounyoro; anoparadzira mheni yake nomumakore.
12 And he will carry round the encircling [clouds] by his governance, to [perform] their works: whatever he shall command them,
Anoafambisa sezvaanoda pamusoro penyika yose, kuti aite zvose zvaanoarayira.
13 this has been appointed by him on the earth, whether for correction, [or] for his land, or if he shall find him [an object] for mercy.
Anouyisa makore kuzoranga vanhu, kana kuzodiridza nyika yake kuti aratidze rudo rwake.
14 Listen to this, O Job: stand still, and be admonished of the power of the Lord.
“Teerera izvi, Jobho; imbomira ugorangarira zvishamiso zvaMwari.
15 We know that god has disposed his works, having made light out of darkness.
Unoziva here kudzorwa kwamakore naMwari nokupenyesa kwaanoita mheni yake?
16 And he knows the divisions of the clouds, and the signal overthrows of the ungodly.
Unoziva maturikirwo akaitwa makore here, izvo zvishamiso zvaiye akakwana muruzivo?
17 But your robe is warm, and there is quiet upon the land.
Iyewe unopiswa nenguo dzako nyika painonyaradzwa nemhepo yezasi,
18 Will you establish with him [foundations] for the ancient [heavens? they are] strong as a molten mirror.
ko, ungagona kubatana naye pakutatamura matenga here, iwo akaoma kunge chionioni chendarira yakaumbwa.
19 Therefore teach me, what shall we say to him? and let us cease from saying much.
“Tiudze zvatingareva kwaari; hatigoni kureva mhaka yedu nokuda kwerima redu.
20 Have I a book or a scribe my me, that I may stand and put man to silence?
Ko, anofanira kuudzwa kuti ndinoda kutaura here? Ko, pano munhu angakumbira kumedzwa here?
21 But the light is not visible to all: it shines afar off in the heavens, as that which is from him in the clouds.
Zvino hakuna munhu angatarira kuzuva, nokuvhenekera kwaro riri mumatenga, mushure mokunge mhepo yaachenesa.
22 From the [north] come the clouds shining like gold: in these great are the glory and honor of the Almighty;
Anouya nokubwinya kunoyevedza achibva nokumusoro; Mwari anouya nokubwinya kunotyisa.
23 and we do not find another his equal in strength: [as for] him that judges justly, do you not think that he listens?
Wamasimba Ose haasvikiki kwaari uye anokudzwa nesimba; mukururamisira uye nokururama kwake kukuru haadzvinyiriri.
24 Therefore men shall fear him; and the wise also in heart shall fear him.
Naizvozvo, vanhu vanomutya, ko, haana hanya navose vakachenjera pamwoyo here?”