< Job 37 >
1 At this also my heart is troubled, and moved out of its place.
Ta, over dette forfærdes mit Hjerte og farer op fra sit Sted.
2 Hear you a report by the anger of the Lord's wrath, and a discourse shall come out of his mouth.
Hører, ja hører hans Røsts Drøn og Bulderet, der udgaar af hans Mund.
3 His dominion is under the whole heaven, and his light is at the extremities of the earth.
Han lader det fare ud under al Himmelen og sit Lys over Jordens Flige.
4 After him shall be a cry with a [loud] voice; he shall thunder with the voice of his excellency, yet he shall not cause men to pass away, for one shall hear his voice.
Efter ham brøler Røsten, han tordner med sin Højheds Røst; og han holder dem ikke tilbage, naar hans Røst høres.
5 The Mighty One shall thunder wonderfully with his voice: for he has done great things which we knew not;
Gud tordner vidunderligt med sin Røst; han gør store Ting, og vi kunne ikke kende dem.
6 commanding the snow, Be you upon the earth, and the stormy rain, and the storm of the showers of his might.
Thi han siger til Sneen: Fald til Jorden! og ligesaa til Regnskyllene, ja til hans Vældes Regnskyl.
7 He seals up the hand of every man, that every man may know his own weakness.
Han forsegler hver Mands Haand, at alle Folk, som ere hans Skabning, skulle kende det.
8 And the wild beasts come in under the covert, and rest in [their] lair.
Da gaa de vilde Dyr i Hule og blive i deres Boliger.
9 Troubles come on out of the secret chambers, and cold from the mountain-tops.
Fra Syden kommer Stormen, og med Nordenvindene kommer Kulden.
10 And from the breath of the Mighty One he will send frost; and he guides the water in whatever way he pleases.
Ved Guds Aande kommer Is, og det brede Vand snævres ind.
11 And [if] a cloud obscures [what is] precious [to him], his light will disperse the cloud.
Ja, med Fugtighed fylder han Skyen; han udbreder sin lysopfyldte Sky.
12 And he will carry round the encircling [clouds] by his governance, to [perform] their works: whatever he shall command them,
Og den vender sig i Kredse, alt som han styrer den til dens Gerning, til alt, hvad han byder den, hen over Jordens Kreds:
13 this has been appointed by him on the earth, whether for correction, [or] for his land, or if he shall find him [an object] for mercy.
Enten til Revselse eller til hans Lands Bedste eller til Velgerning lader han den ramme.
14 Listen to this, O Job: stand still, and be admonished of the power of the Lord.
Job, vend dine Øren til dette; staa stille og agt paa Guds underfulde Ting!
15 We know that god has disposed his works, having made light out of darkness.
Ved du, naar Gud tænker derpaa, og naar han lader sin Skys Lys skinne?
16 And he knows the divisions of the clouds, and the signal overthrows of the ungodly.
Ved du hvorledes Skyerne svæve? de underfulde Ting af ham, som er fuldkommen i al Kundskab?
17 But your robe is warm, and there is quiet upon the land.
du, hvis Klæder blive varme, naar han gør Landet lummert fra Sønden?
18 Will you establish with him [foundations] for the ancient [heavens? they are] strong as a molten mirror.
Udspænder du med ham de øverste Skyer, der ere faste som et støbt Spejl?
19 Therefore teach me, what shall we say to him? and let us cease from saying much.
Lad os vide, hvad vi skulle sige til ham! vi kunne ikke fremføre noget ud fra Mørket.
20 Have I a book or a scribe my me, that I may stand and put man to silence?
Skal det fortælles ham, at jeg taler? eller mon nogen har ønsket, at han maatte blive opslugt?
21 But the light is not visible to all: it shines afar off in the heavens, as that which is from him in the clouds.
Og nu, ser man ikke Lyset, som straaler i de øverste Skyer: Saa farer et Vejr frem og renser dem.
22 From the [north] come the clouds shining like gold: in these great are the glory and honor of the Almighty;
Af Norden kommer Guld; over Gud er der forfærdelig Majestæt.
23 and we do not find another his equal in strength: [as for] him that judges justly, do you not think that he listens?
Den Almægtige, ham kunne vi ikke naa til, ham, som er stor i Kraft; Ret og Retfærdigheds Fylde undertrykker han ikke.
24 Therefore men shall fear him; and the wise also in heart shall fear him.
Derfor frygte Folkene ham; han ser ikke til nogen, som er viis i Hjertet.