< Job 36 >

1 And Elius further continued, and said,
Y Añadió Eliú, y dijo:
2 Wait for me yet a little while, that I may teach you: for there is yet speech in me.
Espérame un poco, y te enseñaré; porque todavía hablo por Dios.
3 Having fetched my knowledge from afar, and according to my works,
Tomaré mi sabiduría de lejos, y daré la justicia a mi hacedor.
4 I will speak just things truly, and you shall not unjustly receive unjust words.
Porque de cierto no son mentira mis palabras; antes se trata contigo con perfecta sabiduría.
5 But know that the Lord will not cast off an innocent man: being mighty in strength of wisdom,
He aquí que Dios es grande, y no aborrece; fuerte es en virtud de corazón.
6 he will not by any means save alive the ungodly: and he will grant the judgment of the poor.
No dará vida al impío, antes a los humildes dará su derecho.
7 He will not turn away his eyes from the righteous, but [they shall be] with kings on the throne: and he will establish them in triumph, and they shall be exalted.
No quitará sus ojos del justo; antes bien con los reyes los pondrá en silla para siempre, y serán ensalzados.
8 But they that are bound in fetters shall be holden in cords of poverty.
Y si estuvieren presos en grillos, y cautivos en las cuerdas de la bajeza,
9 And he shall recount to them their works, and their transgressions, for such will act with violence.
él les anunciará la obra de ellos, y que sus rebeliones prevalecieron.
10 But he will listen to the righteous: and he has said that they shall turn from unrighteousness.
Y despierta el oído de ellos para castigo, y les dice que se conviertan de la iniquidad.
11 If they should hear and serve [him], they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in honor.
Si oyeren, y le sirvieren, acabarán sus días en bien, y sus años en deleites.
12 But he preserves not the ungodly; because they are not willing to know the Lord, and because when reproved they were disobedient.
Mas si no oyeren, serán pasados a cuchillo, y perecerán sin sabiduría.
13 And the hypocrites in heart will array wrath [against themselves]; they will not cry, because he has bound them.
Pero los hipócritas de corazón lo irritarán más, y no clamarán cuando él los atare.
14 Therefore let their soul die in youth, and their life be wounded by messengers [of death].
Fallecerá el alma de ellos en su juventud, y su vida entre los fornicarios.
15 Because they afflicted the weak and helpless: and he will vindicate the judgment of the meek.
Al pobre librará de su pobreza, y en la aflicción despertará su oído.
16 And he has also enticed you out of the mouth of the enemy:
Asimismo te apartaría de la boca de la angustia a lugar espacioso, libre de todo apuro; y te asentará mesa llena de grosura.
17 [there is] a deep gulf [and] a rushing stream beneath it, and your table came down full of fatness. Judgment shall not fail from the righteous;
Mas tú has llenado el juicio del impío, contra la justicia y el juicio que lo sustentan todo.
18 but there shall be wrath upon the ungodly, by reason of the ungodliness of the bribes which they received for iniquities.
Por lo cual de temer es que no te quite con golpe, el cual no puedas apartar de ti con gran rescate.
19 Let not [your] mind willingly turn you aside from the petition of the feeble that are in distress.
¿Por ventura estimará él tus riquezas, ni del oro, ni de todas las fuerzas de la potencia?
20 And draw not forth all the mighty [men] by night, so that the people should go up instead of them.
No anheles la noche, en la cual él corta los pueblos de su lugar.
21 But take heed lest you do that which is wrong: for of this you has made choice because of poverty.
Guárdate, no mires a la iniquidad; teniéndola por mejor que la pobreza.
22 Behold, the Mighty One shall prevail by his strength: for who is powerful as he is?
He aquí que Dios es excelso con su potencia; ¿qué enseñador semejante a él?
23 And who is he that examines his works? or who can say, he has wrought injustice?
¿Quién le ha prescrito su camino? ¿Y quién le dirá: Iniquidad has hecho?
24 Remember that his works are great [beyond] those which men have attempted.
Acuérdate de engrandecer su obra, la cual contemplan los hombres.
25 Every man has seen in himself, how many mortals are wounded.
La cual vieron todos los hombres; y el hombre la ve de lejos.
26 Behold, the Mighty One is great, and we shall not know [him]: the number of his years is even infinite.
He aquí, Dios es grande, y nosotros no le conocemos; ni se puede rastrear el número de sus años.
27 And the drops of rain are numbered by him, and shall be poured out in rain to form a cloud.
Porque él detiene las goteras de las aguas, cuando la lluvia se derrama de su vapor;
28 The ancient [heavens] shall flow, and the clouds overshadow innumerable mortals: he has fixed a time to cattle, and they know the order of rest. [Yet] by all these things your understanding is not astonished, neither is your mind disturbed in [your] body.
cuando gotean de las nubes, gotean sobre los hombres en abundancia.
29 And though one should understand the outspreadings of the clouds, [or] the measure of his tabernacle;
¿Si entenderá también los extendimientos de las nubes, y los bramidos de su tienda?
30 behold he will stretch his bow against him, and he covers the bottom of the sea.
He aquí que sobre él sobre extiende su luz, y cubrió las raíces del mar.
31 For by them he will judge the nations: he will give food to him that has strength.
Con ellas castiga a los pueblos, y da comida a la multitud.
32 He has hidden the light in [his] hands, and given charge concerning it to the interposing [cloud].
Con las nubes encubre la luz, y les manda que vayan contra ella.
33 The Lord will declare concerning this [to] his friend: [but there is] a portion also for unrighteousness.
La una da nuevas de la otra; la una adquiere ira contra la que viene.

< Job 36 >