< Job 31 >

1 I made a covenant with mine eyes, and I will not think upon a virgin.
“Mwen te fè yon akò ak zye m; alò kòman konsa mwen ta kab voye rega mwen sou yon vyèj?
2 Now what portion has God given from above? and is there an inheritance [given] of the Mighty One from the highest?
Paske se kisa ki pòsyon Bondye soti anwo a, ak eritaj a Toupwisan an soti anwo a?
3 Alas! destruction to the unrighteous, and rejection to them that do iniquity.
Èske li pa yon malè pou sila ki pa dwat yo, ak yon dezas pou sila ki fè inikite yo?
4 Will he not see my way, and number all my steps?
Èske Li pa wè chemen mwen yo e kontwole tout pa mwen yo?
5 But if I had gone with scorners, and if too my foot has hasted to deceit:
“Si mwen te mache nan sa ki fo, e pye m te kouri dèyè twonpe moun,
6 (for I am weighed in a just balance, and the Lord knows my innocence: )
(kite Li peze mwen nan yon balans ki jis e kite Bondye konnen entegrite m).
7 if my foot has turned aside out of the way, or if mine heart has followed mine eye, and if too I have touched gifts with my hands;
Si pa m yo te vire kite chemen an, oswa kè m te swiv zye m, oswa si gen yon tach ki kole sou men m,
8 then let me sow, and let others eat; and let me be uprooted on the earth.
kite mwen simen pou yon lòt ta manje, e kite tout sa m plante vin rache.
9 If my heart has gone forth after another man's wife, and if I laid wait at her doors;
“Si kè m te sedwi pa yon fanm, oswa mwen te mize nan pòtay vwazen mwen,
10 then let my wife also please another, and let my children be brought low.
kite madanm mwen graje pou yon lòt e kite lòt yo vin kouche sou li.
11 For the rage of anger is not to be controlled, [in the case] of defiling [another] man's wife.
Paske sa ta yon krim sansyèl; anplis, li ta yon inikite ki ta dwe jije.
12 For it is a fire burning on every side, and whoever it attacks, it utterly destroys.
Paske li ta yon dife ki pou limen jis rive nan Sejou Lanmò yo e ta derasine tout byen mwen ranmase yo.
13 And if too I despised the judgment of my servant or [my] handmaid, when they pleaded with me;
Si mwen te refize demand esklav mwen an, gason kon fanm, lè l te fè yon plent kont mwen,
14 what then shall I do if the Lord should try me? and if also he should at all visit me, can I make an answer?
alò, kisa mwen ta kab fè lè Bondye leve? Konsa, lè L rele m pou jijman, ki repons mwen ta kab bay Li?
15 Were not they too formed as I also was formed in the womb? yes, we were formed in the same womb.
Èske Sila ki te fè m nan vant lan pa t fè li menm tou? Se pa Li sèl ki te fòme nou nan vant lan?
16 But the helpless missed not whatever need they had, and I did not cause the eye of the widow to fail.
Si mwen te anpeche malere yo nan dezi yo, oswa te fè zye a vèv la pa wè klè,
17 And if too I ate my morsel alone, and did not impart [of it] to the orphan;
oswa te manje pòsyon pa mwen pou kont mwen san òfelen an pa jwen ladann,
18 (for I nourished [them] as a father from my youth and guided [them] from my mother's womb.)
(Men depi jenès mwen, òfelen an te grandi avè m tankou papa l e soti nan anfans lan, mwen te fè gid pou vèv la),
19 And if too I overlooked the naked as he was perishing, and did not clothe him;
si mwen te wè yon moun peri akoz mank rad, oswa ke sila ak bezwen pa t gen anyen pou kouvri l,
20 and if the poor did not bless me, and their shoulders were [not] warmed with the fleece of my lambs;
si kè li pa t beni m, si li pa t chofe ak lenn mouton mwen an,
21 if I lifted my hand against an orphan, trusting that my strength was far superior [to his]:
si mwen te leve men m kont òfelen an, akoz mwen te wè soutyen mwen nan pòtay la,
22 let them my shoulder start from the blade-bone, and my arm be crushed off from the elbow.
alò, kite zepòl mwen tonbe sòti nan zepòl li, e bra m kase soti nan zo li.
23 For the fear of the Lord constrained me, and I can’t bear up by reason of his burden.
Paske m pè anpil malè Bondye a. Li tèlman gran ak majeste, m pa ka fè anyen devan L.
24 If I made gold my treasure, and if too I trusted the precious stone;
Si se nan lò mwen te mete espwa m, pou m te di lò fen a, ‘se ou ki konfyans mwen,’
25 and if too I rejoiced when my wealth was abundant, and if too I laid my hand on innumerable [treasures]:
Si mwen te rejwi akoz byen mwen yo te tèlman gran, e akoz men m te tèlman ranmase anpil;
26 (do we not see the shining sun eclipsed, and the moon waning? for they have not [power to continue]: )
si mwen te gade solèy la lè l t ap brile, oswa lalin nan lè li prale nan bèlte li,
27 and if my heart was secretly deceived, and if I have laid my hand upon my mouth and kissed it:
epi kè m te vin sedwi an sekrè, e men mwen te voye yon bo ki sòti nan bouch mwen,
28 let this also then be reckoned to me as the greatest iniquity: for I [should] have lied against the Lord Most High.
sa osi ta yon inikite ki merite jijman, paske mwen t ap abandone Bondye anwo a.
29 And if too I was glad at the fall of mine enemies, and mine heart said, Aha!
Èske mwen te rejwi lè lènmi m te vin disparèt nèt? Oswa bat men m lè mal vin rive li?
30 let then mine ear hear my curse, and let me be a byword among my people in my affliction.
Non, mwen pa t kite bouch mwen peche, ni mwen pa t mande pou l ta mouri avèk malediksyon.
31 And if too my handmaids have often said, Oh that we might be satisfied with his flesh; (whereas I was very kind:
Èske mesye nan tant mwen yo pa t di: ‘Ou pa p twouve yon moun ki pa satisfè ak vyann pa li a?’
32 for the stranger did not lodge without, and my door was opened to every one that came: )
Etranje a pa t rete deyò; mwen te ouvri pòt mwen yo a vwayajè a.
33 or if too having sinned unintentionally, I hid my sin;
Èske m te kouvri transgresyon mwen yo tankou Adam? Oswa kache inikite mwen nan kè mwen,
34 (for I did not stand in awe of a great multitude, so as not to declare boldly before them: ) and if too I permitted a poor man to go out of my door with an empty bosom:
akoz mwen te krent gwo foul la? Oswa akoz krent gwo wont lan devan lòt fanmi yo, te kenbe silans mwen e pa t sòti deyò?
35 (Oh that I had a hearer, ) and if I had not feared the hand of the Lord; and [as to] the written charge which I had against any one,
O ke m te gen yon moun ki pou tande mwen! Gade byen, men otograf mwen! Kite Toupwisan an reponn mwen! Mennen pwosè vèbal ke akizè a te ekri.
36 I would place [it] as a chaplet on my shoulders, and read it.
Anverite, mwen ta pote l sou zepòl mwen; mwen ta mare l sou mwen tankou yon kouwòn.
37 And if I did not read it and return it, having taken nothing from the debtor:
Mwen ta deklare a Li fòs kantite pa pye mwen yo pran. Tankou yon prens mwen ta parèt devan L.
38 If at any time the land groaned against me, and if its furrows mourned together;
Si menm teren mwen an rele kont mwen, e tout tranch li yo kriye ansanm;
39 and if I ate its strength alone without price, and if I too grieved the heart of the owner of the soil, by taking [anything] from [him]:
si mwen te manje fwi li san lajan, oswa te kòz ke mèt li yo te pèdi lavi yo,
40 then let the nettle come up to me instead of wheat, and a bramble instead of barley. And Job ceased speaking.
kite pikan yo grandi olye ble e zèb santi fò ranplase lòj la.” Pawòl yo a Job se fini.

< Job 31 >