< Job 29 >

1 And Job continued and said in his parable,
Ankò, Job te reprann diskou. Li te di:
2 Oh that I were as in months past, wherein God preserved me!
“O ke m te menm jan ke m te ye nan mwa lontan yo! Kon nan jou ke Bondye te bay rega sou mwen yo;
3 As when his lamp shone over my head; when by his light I walked through darkness.
Lè lanp Li yo te briye sou tèt mwen, e pa limyè Li, mwen te mache pase nan fènwa a;
4 [As] when I steadfastly pursued my ways, when God took care of my house.
Jan mwen te ye nan pi bèl nan jou mwen yo, lè amitye Bondye te sou tant mwen an;
5 When I was very fruitful, and my children were about me;
lè Toupwisan an te toujou avè m, e pitit mwen yo te antoure mwen;
6 when my ways were moistened with butter, and the mountains flowed for me with milk.
lè pa mwen yo te benyen nan bè e wòch la t ap vide ban mwen gwo flèv lwil!
7 When I went forth early in the city, and the seat was placed for me in the streets.
Lè m te konn sòti nan pòtay lavil la, pou m te gen chèz mwen sou plas la.
8 The young men saw me, and hid themselves: and all the old men stood up.
Jennonm yo te wè m, e te kache kò yo, e granmoun yo te konn leve kanpe.
9 And the great men ceased speaking, and laid their finger on their mouth.
Prens yo te sispann pale e te mete men yo sou bouch yo.
10 And they that heard [me] blessed me, and their tongue clave to their throat.
Vwa a moun pwisan yo te rete, e lang yo te kole anlè nan bouch yo.
11 For the ear heard, and blessed me; and the eye saw me, and turned aside.
Paske lè zòrèy la te tande m, li te rele m beni, e lè zye a te wè m, li te fè temwayaj benediksyon,
12 For I saved the poor out of the hand of the oppressor, and helped the fatherless who had no helper.
akoz mwen te delivre malere ki te kriye pou sekou, avèk òfelen ki pa t gen moun pou ede l la.
13 Let the blessing of the perishing one come upon me; yes, the mouth of the widow has blessed me.
Benediksyon a sila ki te prèt pou peri yo te rive sou mwen e mwen te fè kè vèv la chante avèk jwa.
14 Also I put on righteousness, and clothed myself with judgment like a mantle.
Mwen te abiye nan ladwati e li te kouvri m; jistis mwen te tankou yon manto, avèk yon tiban.
15 I was the eye of the blind, and the foot of the lame.
Mwen te sèvi kon zye pou avèg yo, e pye pou sila bwate yo.
16 I was the father of the helpless; and I searched out the cause which I knew not.
Mwen te yon papa pou malere a, e ka ke m pa konnen an, mwen te chache twouve bout li.
17 And I broke the jaw teeth of the unrighteous; I plucked the spoil out of the midst of their teeth.
Mwen te kase machwè a mechan an e mwen te retire viktim nan anba dan l.
18 And I said, My age shall continue as the stem of a palm tree; I shall live a long while.
Konsa, mwen te reflechi, “Mwen va mouri nan pwòp kay mwen, e mwen va kontwole jou m yo anpil tankou sab.”
19 [My] root was spread out by the water, and the dew would lodge on my crop.
Rasin mwen gaye tankou dlo e lawouze kouche tout lannwit sou branch mwen yo.
20 My glory was fresh in me, and by bow prospered in his hand.
Fòs mwen toujou nèf, e banza m renouvle nan men m.’
21 [Men] heard me, and gave heed, and they were silent at my counsel.
“Moun yo te koute e te tann. Yo te sispann pale pou tande konsèy mwen.
22 At my word they spoke not again, and they were very gland whenever I spoke to them.
Apre pawòl pa m, yo pa t pale ankò, e pawòl mwen yo te etonnen yo.
23 As the thirsty earth expecting the rain, so they [waited for] my speech.
Yo te tann mwen tankou lapli. Yo te ouvri bouch yo pou bwe, konsi se pou lapli nan sezon prentan.
24 Were I to laugh on them, they would not believe [it]; and the light of my face has not failed.
Mwen te souri sou yo lè yo pa t kwè, e limyè a figi m pa t janm vin ba.
25 I chose out their way, and sat chief, and lived as a king in the midst of warriors, as one comforting mourners.
Mwen te chwazi yon chemen pou yo, te chita tankou chèf, e te demere tankou wa pami sòlda yo, tankou yon moun ki bay rekonfò a sila ki andèy yo.”

< Job 29 >