< Job 28 >

1 For there is a place for the silver, whence it comes, and a place for the gold, whence it is refined.
He rua hoki to te hiriwa e puta mai ai, he wahi ano to te koura e whakarewaina ai.
2 For iron comes out of the earth, and brass is hewn out like stone.
He mea tango mai te rino no roto i te whenua; no te kamaka te parahi, he mea whakarewa.
3 He has set a bound to darkness, and he searches out every limit: a stone [is] darkness, and the shadow of death.
E whakatakotoria ana e te tangata he mutunga mai mo te pouri, e rapua ana e ia ki te tino tutukitanga atu nga kohatu o te pouri, o te atarangi o te mate.
4 There is a cutting off the torrent by reason of dust: so they that forget the right way are weakened; they are removed from [among] men.
E pakaruhia mai ana e ia he rua i ko ake o nga nohoanga tangata; kua wareware ratou i te waewae e haere ana; he tawhiti i te tangata to ratou tarenga, e piu atu ana, e piu ana mai.
5 [As for] the earth, out of it shall come bread: under it has been turned up as it were fire.
Ko te whenua, e puta mai ana he taro i roto i a ia: a e hurihia ake ana a raro iho ano he ahi.
6 Her stones are the place of the sapphire: and [her] dust [supplies] man with gold.
Hei wahi mo nga hapira ona kohatu, he puehu koura ano tona.
7 [There is] a path, the fowl has not known it, neither has the eye of the vulture seen it:
He ara tena kahore i mohiotia e te manu, kiano i kitea e te kanohi o te whatura.
8 neither have the sons of the proud trodden it, a lion has not passed upon it.
Kahore nga kirehe whakahi kia takahi i taua ara kahore hoki a reira kia haerea e te raiona tutu.
9 He has stretched forth his hand on the sharp [rock], and turned up mountains by the roots:
E pa atu ana tona ringa ki te kiripaka; hurihia ake e ia nga take o nga maunga.
10 and he has interrupted the whirlpools of rivers, and mine eye has seen every precious thing.
E tapahia ana e ia he awa i roto i nga kamaka, a e kite ana tona kanohi i nga mea utu nui katoa.
11 And he has laid bare the depths of rivers, and has brought his power to light.
E herea ana e ia nga awa kei maturuturu; e whakaputa mai ana hoki i nga mea ngaro ki te marama.
12 But whence has wisdom been discovered? and what is the place of knowledge?
E kitea ia ki hea te whakaaro nui? kei hea hoki te wahi o te mohio?
13 A mortal has not known its way, neither indeed has it been discovered among men.
E kore te tangata e mohio ki tona utu, e kore ano taua hanga e kitea ki te whenua o te ora.
14 The depth said, It is not in me: and the sea said, It is not with me.
E ki ake ana te rire, Kahore i ahau; e ki mai ana hoki te moana, Kahore i ahau.
15 One shall not give fine gold instead of it, neither shall silver be weighed in exchange for it.
E kore e hokona ki te koura, e kore ano hoki e taea te pauna te hiriwa hei utu mona.
16 Neither shall it be compared with gold of Sophir, with the precious onyx and sapphire.
E kore e taea te whakarite ki te koura o Opira, ki te onika utu nui, ki te hapira.
17 Gold and crystal shall not be equalled to it, neither shall vessels of gold be its exchange.
E kore e rite te koura, te kohatu piata ki a ia: e kore e hokona ki nga oko koura parakore.
18 Coral and fine pearl shall not be mentioned: but do you esteem wisdom above the most precious things.
E kore e whakahuatia te kaoa, nga peara ranei; hira ake hoki te utu o te whakaaro nui i to te rupi.
19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not be equalled to it; it shall not be compared with pure gold.
E kore te topaha o Etiopia e rite ki a ia, e kore e tau te koura parakore hei utu.
20 Whence then is wisdom found? and of what kind is the place of understanding?
Ka haere mai ra i hea te whakaaro nui? Kei hea te wahi o te matau?
21 It has escaped the notice of every man, and has been hidden from the birds of the sky.
He mea huna atu na hoki i nga kanohi o nga mea ora katoa, ngaro rawa i nga manu o te rangi.
22 Destruction and Death said, We have heard the report of it.
E ki ake ana te whakangaromanga raua ko te mate, i hakiri o maua taringa ki tona rongo.
23 God has well ordered the way of it, and he knows the place of it.
E mohio ana te Atua ki tona ara, kua kite ano ia i tona wahi.
24 For he surveys the whole [earth] under heaven, knowing the things in the earth:
E titiro ana hoki ia ki nga pito o te whenua, e kite ana ia i nga mea i raro i te rangi, a puta noa;
25 all that he has made; the weight of the winds, the measures of the water.
E mea ana i te whakataimaha mo te hau; ae, e mehua ana ia i nga wai ki te mehua.
26 When he made [them], thus he saw and numbered them, and made a way for the pealing of the thunder.
I a ia e whakatakoto ana i te tikanga mo te ua, i te huarahi mo te uira o te whatitiri,
27 Then he saw it, and declared it: he prepared it [and] traced it out.
Ka kitea e ia i reira, a whakapuakina mai ana; i whakaukia e ia, a ata rapua ana e ia.
28 And he said to man, Behold, godliness is wisdom: and to abstain from evil is understanding.
A ka mea ia ki te tangata, Na, ko te wehi ki te Ariki, ko te whakaaro nui tena; a ko te mawehe atu i te kino, koia te matauranga.

< Job 28 >