< Job 24 >

1 But why have the seasons been hidden from the Lord,
Gode da abuliba: le fofada: su eso hame ilegesala: ? Abuliba: le Ema hawa: hamosu dunu da moloidafa sia: ma: ne, fofada: su eso hame ilegesala: ?
2 while the ungodly have passed over the bound, carrying off the flock with the shepherd?
Dunu ilia da soge eno lama: ne, alalo legesu afadenesa. Ilia sibi wa: i gilisima: ne, eno sibi wamolasa.
3 They have led away, the ass of the fatherless, and taken the widow's ox for a pledge.
Ilia da guluba: mano ilia dougi wamolasa, amola didalo ea dabe bu ima: ne sesesa, ea bulamagau samogesa.
4 They have turned aside the weak from the right way: and the meek of the earth have hidden themselves together.
Ilia hame gagui dunu amo moloidafa hou ba: ma: ne logo hedofasa. Amola ilia hahani dunu sesebeba: le, ilia hobeale, wamoaligisa.
5 And they have departed like asses in the field, having gone forth on my account according to their own order: his bread is sweet to [his] little ones.
Amaiba: le, hame gagui dunu da sigua dougi agoane, wadela: i hafoga: i sogega ilia ha: i manu hogosa. Ilia manogili ha: i manu ima: ne, sogebi eno hame ba: sa.
6 They have reaped a field that was not their own before the time: the poor have laboured in the vineyards of the ungodly without pay and without food.
Ilia da soge hame gaguiba: le, inia ifabia dadamisa. Ilia wadela: i hamosu dunu ilia waini sagaiga waini fage faisa.
7 They have caused many naked to sleep without clothes, and they have taken away the covering of their body.
Gasia, ilia abula sosone diasu hameba: le, anegagini golasa.
8 They are wet with the drops of the mountains: they have embraced the rock, because they had no shelter.
Gibu amo da goumia daha amoga ilia da: i nanegasa. Ilia da nanegaiga anegagiba: le, igihaguga aliligisa.
9 They have snatched the fatherless from the breast, and have afflicted the outcast.
Wadela: le hamosu dunu da guluba: mano dudubu ili udigili hawa: hamoma: ne laha. Eno dunu da ilima dabe bu imunu galea, ilia da ilia mano amoga dabe imunusa: agoane samogesa.
10 And they have wrongfully caused [others] to sleep without clothing, and taken away the morsel of the hungry.
Be hame gagui dunu da da: i nabado agoane ahoa. Ilia ha: aligiwane widi ha: i manu gamisa.
11 They have unrighteously laid wait in narrow places, and have not known the righteous way.
Ilia da olife susuligi hamomusa: , olife fage banesa, amola waini hano hamoma: ne, waini fage ososa: gisa, be ilila: da hano hanai.
12 Who have cast forth [the] poor from the city and their own houses, and the soul of the children has groaned aloud.
Moilai bai bagade ganodini, fofa: gi amola bogolalebe dunu ilia se nabawane wele sia: sa. Be Gode da ilia sia: ne gadosu hame naba.
13 Why then has he not visited these? forasmuch as they were upon the earth, and took no notice, and they knew not the way of righteousness, neither have they walked in their [appointed] paths?
Wadela: i hamosu dunu da hadigidafa higasa. Ilia da amo hadigi hame dawa: digisa, amola amoma hame fa: no bobogesa.
14 But having known their works, he delivered them into darkness: and in the night one will be as a thief:
Hehebolo mabe galu, medole legesu dunu da nedigili, wa: legadole, hame gagui dunu medole legemusa: ahoa. Gasia, e da wamolasu hou hamosa.
15 and the eye of the adulterer has watched [for] the darkness, saying, Eye shall not perceive me, and he puts a covering on his face.
Inia uda adole lasu dunu da gasima: ne ouesalu, dunu eno da e mae ba: ma: ne, ea odagi dedebosa.
16 In darkness he digs through houses: by day they conceal themselves securely: they know not the light.
Gasia, wamolasu dunu da diasu fili ganodini maha. Be hayoga ilia wamoaligisa amola hadigi ganodini hame ahoa.
17 For the morning is to them all [as] the shadow of death, for [each] will be conscious of the terror of the shadow of death.
Ilia da eso ea hadigi amoma beda: i gala. Be gasia ilia beda: su hame dawa:” Soufa da amane sia: i,
18 He is swift on the face of the water: let his portion be cursed on the earth; and let their plants be laid bare.
“Wadela: le hamosu dunu da hano leda: i amoga mini asi dagoi ba: sa. Gode da ilia soge amoga gagabusu aligima: ne sia: sa. Ilia da ilia waini sagaia hawa: hamomusa: hame ahoa.
19 [Let them be] withered upon the earth; for they have plundered the sheaves of the fatherless. (Sheol h7585)
Eso da gia: sea, mugene ofo da alalolesisa. Amo defele, wadela: i hamosu dunu da dunu esalebe sogega bu mae ba: ma: ne alalolesisa. (Sheol h7585)
20 Then is his sin brought to remembrance, and he vanishes like a vapor of dew: but let what he has done be recompensed to him, and let every unrighteous one be crushed like rotten wood.
Ilia emedafa da ili gogolelesisa. Daba: da ilia da: i na dagosa. Amola ilia da ifa fili sa: i defele dasasa.
21 For he has not treated the barren woman well, and has had no pity on a feeble woman.
Bai ilia da didalo ili se nabima: ne hamoi, amola aligime uda ilima hame asigi galu.
22 And in wrath he has overthrown the helpless: therefore when he has arisen, [a man] will not feel secure of his own life.
Gode da gasa bagadeba: le, E da mimogo gasa bagade dunu gugunufinisisa. Gode Ea hamobeba: le, wadela: le hamosu dunu da bogogia: sa.
23 When he has fallen sick, let him not hope to recover: but let him perish by disease.
Gode da ili fonobahadi gaga: iwane esaloma: ne, logo doasisa. Be E da ili eso huluane ha: giwane sosodo aligisa.
24 For his exaltation has hurt many; but he has withered as mallows in the heat, or as an ear of corn falling off of itself from the stalk.
Wadela: le hamosu dunu da fonobahadi hahawane amola bagade gaguiwane esala. Be amalu ilia da gagalobo amola widi gisi damui defele, hedolo biosa.
25 But if not, who is he that says I speak falsely, and will make my words of no account?
Amo da dafawane hame, nowa da sia: ma: bela: ? Nowa da na adoi da dafawane hame sia: ma: bela: ?”

< Job 24 >