< Job 20 >

1 Then Sophar the Minaean answered and said,
Zoofaari Naaʼimaatichi akkana jedhee deebise:
2 I did not suppose that you would answer thus: neither do you understand more than I.
“Waan ani akka malee jeeqameef, yaadni koo akka ani deebii kennu na kakaasa.
3 I will hear my shameful reproach; and the spirit of my understanding answers me.
Ani dheekkamsa na qaanessu dhagaʼaan jira; qalbiin koos akka ani deebii kennu na kakaasa.
4 Hast you [not] known these things of old, from the time that man was set upon the earth?
“Ati erga namni lafa irra kaaʼamee bara duriitii jalqabee wanni kun akkam akka ture ni beekta mitii?
5 But the mirth of the ungodly is a signal downfall, and the joy of transgressors is destruction:
Burraaquun jalʼootaa yeroo gabaabaaf tura; gammachuun warra Waaqaaf hin bullees akkuma liphsuu ijaa ti.
6 although his gifts should go up to heaven, and his sacrifice reach the clouds.
Of tuulummaan isaa samiiwwan gaʼee mataan isaa duumessawwan tuqus,
7 For when he shall seem to be now established, then he shall utterly perish: and they that knew him shall say, Where is he?
inni akkuma awwaaraa bara baraan bada; warri duraan isa arganis, ‘Inni eessa jira?’ jedhu.
8 Like a dream that has fled away, he shall not be found; and he has fled like a vision of the night.
Inni akkuma abjuu fiigee bada; deebiʼees hin argamu; akkuma mulʼata halkaniis dafee dhabama.
9 The eye has looked upon him, but shall not [see him] again; and his place shall no longer perceive him.
Iji isaa argee ture deebiʼee isa hin argu; iddoon isaas siʼachi isa hin ilaalu.
10 Let [his] inferiors destroy his children, and let his hands kindle the fire of sorrow.
Ijoolleen isaa hiyyeeyyiif beenyaa baasu; harki isaas qabeenya inni saame deebisee kennuu qaba.
11 His bones have been filled with [vigour of] his youth, and it shall lie down with him in the dust.
Jabinni dargaggummaa kan lafee isaa keessa guute sun, isa wajjin biyyoo keessa ciisa.
12 Though evil be sweet in his mouth, [though] he will hide it under his tongue;
“Hamminni afaan isaa keessatti miʼaawee inni arraba isaa jala dhokfatu iyyuu,
13 though he will not spare it, and will not leave it, but will keep it in the midst of his throat:
inni afaanii baafatee gatuu jibbee afaanuma ofii isaa keessa turfatu iyyuu,
14 yet he shall not at all be able to help himself; the gall of an asp is in his belly.
nyaanni isaa garaa isaa keessatti dhangaggaaʼa; isa keessattis hadhaa bofaa taʼa.
15 [His] wealth unjustly collected shall be vomited up; a messenger [of wrath] shall drag him out of his house.
Inni qabeenya liqimse sana ni tufa; Waaqnis akka garaan isaa waan sana diddigu ni godha.
16 And let him suck the poison of serpents, and let the serpent's tongue kill him.
Inni summii bofaa xuuxa; arrabni buutiis isa ajjeesa.
17 Let him not see the milk of the pastures, nor the supplies of honey and butter.
Inni laga yaaʼu, burqaa dammaatii fi dhadhaa hin argu.
18 He has laboured unprofitably and in vain, [for] wealth of which he shall not taste: [it is] as a lean thing, unfit for food, which he can’t swallow.
Inni waan itti dadhabe utuu hin nyaatin deebisa; buʼaa daldala isaa irraa argatettis hin gammadu.
19 For he has broken down the houses of many mighty men: and he has plundered an habitation, though he built [it] not.
Inni hiyyeeyyii hacuucee harka duwwaa hambiseeraatii; mana ofii hin ijaarinis humnaan fudhateera.
20 There is no security to his possessions; he shall not be saved by his desire.
“Hawwii isaa hamaa sana irraa boqonnaa hin argatu; inni qabeenya isaatiin of oolchuu hin dandaʼu.
21 There is nothing remaining of his provisions; therefore his goods shall not flourish.
Wanni inni nyaatu tokko iyyuu hin hafuuf; badhaadhummaan isaas itti fufee hin jiraatu.
22 But when he shall seem to be just satisfied, he shall be straitened; and all distress shall come upon him.
Utuma inni waan hunda qabuu rakkinni isatti dhufa; dhiphinni cimaanis isa qabata.
23 If by any means he would fill his belly, let [God] send upon him the fury of wrath; let him bring a torrent of pains upon him.
Yeroo inni garaa isaa guutatutti, Waaqni dheekkamsa isaa sodaachisaa sana itti erga; dhaʼicha isaa illee itti roobsa.
24 And he shall by no means escape from the power of the sword; let the brazen bow wound him.
Inni miʼa lolaa sibiilaa baqatu illee, xiyya naasiitu isa waraana.
25 And let the arrow pierce through his body; and let the stars be against his dwelling-place: let terrors come upon him.
Dudga isaa keessaa xiyya, tiruu isaa keessaa immoo fiixee calaqqisu buqqisa. Sodaan guddaan isa qabata;
26 And let all darkness wait for him: a fire that burns not out shall consume him; and let a stranger plague his house.
dukkanni limixiinis riphee qabeenya isaa eeggata. Ibiddi namni tokko iyyuu hin afarsin gubee isa fixa; waan dunkaana isaa keessatti hafes ni barbadeessa.
27 And let the heaven reveal his iniquities, and the earth rise up against him.
Samiiwwan balleessaa isaa saaxilu; laftis isatti kaati.
28 Let destruction bring his house to an end; let a day of wrath come upon him.
Guyyaa dheekkamsa Waaqaatti lolaan mana isaa, bishaan yaaʼus miʼa isaa fudhatee deema.
29 This is the portion of an ungodly man from the Lord, and the possession of his goods [appointed him] by the all-seeing [God].
Carraan Waaqni cubbamootaaf kennu, dhaalli Waaqni isaaniif qoodes kanuma.”

< Job 20 >