< Job 15 >
1 Then Eliphaz the Thaemanite answered and said,
Respondens autem Eliphaz Themanites, dixit:
2 Will a wise man give for answer a [mere] breath of wisdom? and does he fill up the pain of his belly,
Numquid sapiens respondebit quasi in ventum loquens, et implebit ardore stomachum suum?
3 reasoning with improper sayings, and with words wherein is no profit?
Arguis verbis eum, qui non est aequalis tibi, et loqueris quod tibi non expedit.
4 Hast not you moreover cast off fear, and accomplished such words before the Lord?
Quantum in te est evacuasti timorem, et tulisti preces coram Deo.
5 You are guilty by the words of your mouth, neither have you discerned the words of the mighty.
Docuit enim iniquitas tua os tuum, et imitaris linguam blasphemantium.
6 Let your own mouth, and not me, reprove you: and your lips shall testify against you.
Condemnabit te os tuum, et non ego: et labia tua respondebunt tibi.
7 What! are you the first man that was born? or were you established before the hills?
Numquid primus homo tu natus es, et ante colles formatus?
8 Or have you heard the ordinance of the Lord? or has God used you as [his] counsellor? and has wisdom come [only] to you?
Numquid consilium Dei audisti, et inferior te erit eius sapientia?
9 For what know you, that, we know not? or what understand you, which we do not also?
Quid nosti quod ignoremus? quid intelligis quod nesciamus?
10 Truly among us [are] both the old and very aged man, more advanced in days than your father.
Et senes, et antiqui sunt in nobis multo vetustiores quam patres tui.
11 You have been scourged for [but] few of your sins: you have spoken haughtily [and] extravagantly.
Numquid grande est ut consoletur te Deus? sed verba tua prava hoc prohibent
12 What has your heart dared? or what have your eyes [aimed at],
Quid te elevat cor tuum, et quasi magna cogitans, attonitos habes oculos?
13 that you have vented [your] rage before the Lord, and delivered such words from [your] mouth?
Quid tumet contra Deum spiritus tuus, ut proferas de ore tuo huiuscemodi sermones?
14 For who, being a mortal, [is such] that he shall be blameless? or, [who that is] born of a woman, that he should be just?
Quid est homo, ut immaculatus sit, et ut iustus appareat natus de muliere?
15 Forasmuch as he trusts not his saints; and the heaven is not pure before him.
Ecce inter sanctos eius nemo immutabilis, et caeli non sunt mundi in conspectu eius.
16 Alas then, abominable and unclean is man, drinking unrighteousness as a draught.
Quanto magis abominabilis et inutilis homo, qui bibit quasi aquam iniquitatem?
17 But I will tell you, listen to me; I will tell you now what I have seen;
Ostendam tibi, audi me: quod vidi narrabo tibi.
18 things wise men say, and their fathers have not hidden.
Sapientes confitentur, et non abscondunt patres suos.
19 To them alone the earth was given, and no stranger came upon them.
Quibus solis data est terra, et non transivit alienus per eos.
20 All the life of the ungodly [is spent] in care, and the years granted to the oppressor are numbered.
Cunctis diebus suis impius superbit, et numerus annorum incertus est tyrannidis eius.
21 And his terror is in his ears: just when he seems to be at peace, his overthrow will come.
Sonitus terroris semper in auribus illius: et cum pax sit, ille semper insidias suspicatur.
22 Let him not trust that he shall return from darkness, for he has been already made over to the power of the sword.
Non credit quod reverti possit de tenebris ad lucem, circumspectans undique gladium.
23 And he has been appointed to be food for vultures; and he knows within himself that he is doomed to be a carcass: and a dark day shall carry him away as with a whirlwind.
Cum se moverit ad quaerendum panem, novit quod paratus sit in manu eius tenebrarum dies.
24 Distress also and anguish shall come upon him: he shall fall as a captain in the first rank.
Terrebit eum tribulatio, et angustia vallabit eum, sicut regem, qui praeparatur ad praelium.
25 For he has lifted his hands against the Lord, and he has hardened his neck against the Almighty Lord.
Tetendit enim adversus Deum manum suam, et contra Omnipotentem roboratus est.
26 And he has run against him with insolence, on the thickness of the back of his shield.
Cucurrit adversus eum erecto collo, et pingui cervice armatus est.
27 For he has covered his face with his fat, and made layers of fat upon his thighs.
Operuit faciem eius crassitudo, et de lateribus eius arvina dependet.
28 And let him lodge in desolate cities, and enter into houses without inhabitant: and what they have prepared, others shall carry away.
Habitavit in civitatibus desolatis, et in domibus desertis, quae in tumulos sunt redactae.
29 Neither shall he at all grow rich, nor shall his substance remain: he shall not cast a shadow upon the earth.
Non ditabitur, nec perseverabit substantia eius, nec mittet in terra radicem suam.
30 Neither shall he in any wise escape the darkness: let the wind blast his blossom, and let his flower fall off.
Non recedet de tenebris: ramos eius arefaciet flamma, et auferetur spiritu oris sui.
31 Let him not think that he shall endure; for his end shall be vanity.
Non credet frustra errore deceptus, quod aliquo pretio redimendus sit.
32 His harvest shall perish before the time, and his branch shall not flourish.
Antequam dies eius impleantur, peribit: et manus eius arescent.
33 And let him be gathered as the unripe grape before the time, and let him fall as the blossom of the olive.
Laedetur quasi vinea in primo flore botrus eius, et quasi oliva proiiciens florem suum.
34 For death is the witness of an ungodly man, and fire shall burn the houses of them that receive gifts.
Congregatio enim hypocritae sterilis, et et ignis devorabit tabernacula eorum, qui munera libenter accipiunt.
35 And he shall conceive sorrows, and his end shall be vanity, and his belly shall bear deceit.
Concepit dolorem, et peperit iniquitatem, et uterus eius praeparat dolos.