< Job 12 >

1 And Job answered and said,
Sai Ayuba ya amsa,
2 So then you [alone] are men, and wisdom shall die with you?
“Ba shakka ku ne mutanen nan, hikima za tă mutu tare da ku!
3 [But] I also have a heart as well as you.
Amma ni ma ina da hankali kamar ku; ba ku fi ni ba. Wane ne bai san duk waɗannan abubuwan ba?
4 For a righteous and blameless man has become a subject for mockery.
“Na zama abin dariya ga abokaina, ko da yake na yi kira ga Allah ya kuwa amsa mini, duk da haka suka yi mini riya ko da yake ni mai adalci ne kuma marar laifi!
5 For it had been ordained that he should fall under others at the appointed time, and that his houses should be spoiled by transgressors: let not however any one trust that, being evil, he shall be [held] guiltless,
Mutanen da ba su da damuwa suna jin daɗin ganin waɗanda suke dab da fāɗuwa.
6 even as many as provoke the Lord, as if there were indeed to be no inquisition [made] of them.
Amma wurin zaman’yan fashi yana nan ba mai damunsu, waɗanda kuma suke saɓa wa Allah suna zamansu lafiya, har ma da masu ɗaukar allahnsu a hannuwansu.
7 But ask now the beasts, if they may speak to you; and the birds of the air, if they may declare to you.
“Amma ka tambayi dabbobi, za su kuma koya maka, ko kuma tsuntsayen sararin sama kuma za su gaya maka.
8 Tell the earth, if it may speak to you: and the fishes of the sea shall explain to you.
Ko ka yi magana da duniya, za tă kuma koya maka, ko kuma ka bar kifin teku su sanar da kai.
9 Who then has not known in all these things, that the hand of the Lord has made them?
Wane ne cikin waɗannan bai san cewa hannun Ubangiji ne ya yi wannan ba?
10 Whereas the life of all living things is in his hand, and the breath of every man.
Ran kowace halitta yana a hannunsa, haka kuma numfashin dukan’yan adam.
11 For the ear tries words, and the palate tastes meats.
Ko kunne ba ya gwada kalmomi kamar yadda harshe yake ɗanɗana abinci?
12 In length of time is wisdom, and in long life knowledge.
Ko ba a wurin tsofaffi ake samun hikima ba? Ba tsawon rai yana kawo ganewa ba?
13 With him are wisdom and power, with him counsel and understanding.
“Allah ne mai iko da kuma hikima, shawara da ganewa nasa ne.
14 If he should cast down, who will build up? if he should shut up against man, who shall open?
Abin da ya rushe ba a iya ginawa ba; in ya kulle mutum ba a iya buɗe shi a sake shi ba.
15 If he should withhold the water, he will dry the earth: and if he should let it loose, he overthrows and destroys it.
Idan ya hana ruwan sama, za a yi fări; in kuma ya saki ruwa za a yi ambaliya.
16 With him are strength and power: he has knowledge and understanding.
Shi ne mai ƙarfi da kuma mai nasara; mai ruɗi da wanda aka ruɗa, duk nasa ne.
17 He leads counselors away captive, and maddens the judges of the earth.
Yakan sa mashawarta su zama marasa hikima yă kuma sa wawaye su zama masu shari’a.
18 He seats kings upon thrones, and girds their loins with a girdle.
Yana cire sarƙar da sarakuna suka ɗaura yă kuma ɗaura musu wata tsumma a kwankwaso.
19 He sends away priests into captivity, and overthrows the mighty ones of the earth.
Yakan ƙasƙantar da firistoci yă kuma tumɓuke masu ikon da aka kafa tun da daɗewa.
20 He changes the lips of the trusty, and he knows the understanding of the elders.
Yana sa amintattun mashawarta su yi shiru yakan kawar da hikimar dattawa.
21 He pours dishonor upon princes, and heals the lowly.
Yakan sa masu iko su ji kunya yă kuma ƙwace ƙarfin masu ƙarfi.
22 Revealing deep things out of darkness: and he has brought into light the shadow of death.
Yana buɗe abubuwan da suke cikin duhu yă kuma kawo haske a wuraren da ba haske;
23 Causing the nations to wander, and destroying them: overthrowing the nations, and leading them [away].
yana sa al’ummai su zama manya, sai kuma yă hallaka su; yana sa al’ummai su ƙasaita, yă kuma watsar da su.
24 Perplexing the minds of the princes of the earth: and he causes them to wander in a way, they have not known, [saying],
Yana hana shugabannin duniya ganewa; Ya bar su su yi ta makuwa, su ruɗe, su ɓata.
25 Let them grope [in] darkness, and [let there be] no light, and let them wander as a drunken man.
Suna lallube cikin duhu ba haske; yă sa su yi ta tangaɗi kamar bugaggu.

< Job 12 >