< Jeremias 9 >

1 Who will give water to my head, and a fountain of tears to my eyes? then would I weep for this my people day and night, [even] for the slain of the daughter of my people.
Da ma kaina maɓulɓulan ruwa ne idanuna kuma maɓulɓulan hawaye! Da sai in yi kuka dare da rana saboda mutanena da aka kashe.
2 Who would give me a most distant lodge in the wilderness, that I might leave my people, and depart from them? for they all commit adultery, an assembly of treacherous men.
Da ma a hamada ina da wurin da matafiye za su sauka, don in bar mutanena in tafi in bar su; gama dukansu mazinata ne, taron mutane marasa aminci.
3 And they have bent their tongue like a bow: falsehood and not faithfulness has prevailed upon the earth; for they have gone on from evil to evil, and have not known me, says the Lord.
“Sun tanƙwasa harshensu kamar baka, don su harba ƙarya; ba da gaskiya ba ne suke nasara a cikin ƙasar. Sukan tashi daga wannan zunubi zuwa wancan; ba su san ni ba,” in ji Ubangiji.
4 Beware you each of his neighbor, and trust you not in your brethren: for every one will surely supplant, and every friend will walk craftily.
“Ka yi hankali da abokanka; kada ka amince da’yan’uwanka. Gama kowane ɗan’uwa munafuki ne, kowane aboki kuma mai kushe ne.
5 Every one will mock his friend; they will not speak truth: their tongue has learned to speak falsehoods; they have committed iniquity, they ceased not, so as to return.
Aboki kan ruɗi aboki, ba mai faɗar gaskiya. Sun koya wa harshensu faɗar ƙarya; sun gajiyar da kansu da yin zunubi.
6 [There is] usury upon usury, and deceit upon deceit: they would not know me, says the Lord.
Kai kana zama a tsakiyar ruɗu; cikin ruɗunsu sun ƙi su san ni,” in ji Ubangiji.
7 Therefore thus says the Lord, Behold, I will try them with fire, and prove them; for I will do [thus] because of the wickedness of the daughter of my people.
Saboda haka ga abin da Ubangiji Maɗaukaki yana cewa, “Ga shi zan tace in kuma gwada su, gama me kuwa zan yi saboda zunubin mutanena?
8 Their tongue is a wounding arrow; the words of their mouth are deceitful: [one] speaks peaceably to his neighbor, but in himself retains enmity.
Harshensu kibiya ce mai dafi; yana magana da ruɗu. Da bakinsa kowa yana maganar alheri da maƙwabcinsa, amma a zuciyarsa ya sa masa tarko.
9 Shall I not visit for these things? says the Lord: and shall not my soul be avenged on such a people as this?
Bai kamata in hukunta su saboda wannan ba?” In ji Ubangiji. “Bai kamata in ɗau fansa a kan irin al’umma kamar wannan ba?”
10 Take up a lamentation for the mountains, and a mournful dirge for the paths of the wilderness, for they are desolate for lack of men; they heard not the sound of life from the birds of the sky, nor the cattle: they were amazed, they are gone.
Zan yi kuka in yi kururuwa saboda duwatsu in kuma yi makoki game da wuraren kiwon hamada. Sun zama kango ba wanda yake bi cikinta, ba a kuma jin kukan shanu. Tsuntsaye sararin sama sun gudu namun jeji ma duk sun watse.
11 And I will remove the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and make it a dwelling-place of dragons; and I will utterly waste the cities of Juda, so that they shall not be inhabited.
“Zan mai da Urushalima tsibin kufai, wurin zaman diloli; zan kuma lalace garuruwan Yahuda saboda haka ba wanda zai zauna a can.”
12 Who is the wise man, that he may understand this? and he that has the word of the mouth of the Lord [addressed] to him, let him tell you therefore the land has been destroyed, has been ravaged by fire like a desert, so that no one passes through it.
Wane mutum ne yana da isashiyar hikimar fahimtar wannan? Wa Ubangiji ya umarta da zai iya yin bayani? Me ya sa aka lalace ƙasar ta zama kufai kamar hamada da ba wanda zai iya ratsa ta?
13 And the Lord said to me, Because they have forsaken my law, which I set before them, and have not listened to my voice;
Ubangiji ya ce, “Domin sun bar dokata, wadda na sa a gabansu; ba su yi biyayya da ni ko su bi dokata ba.
14 but went after the lusts of their evil heart, and after the idols which their fathers taught them [to worship]:
A maimako, sun bi taurin zuciyarsu; suka bi Ba’al, yadda kakanninsu suka koya musu.”
15 therefore thus says the Lord God of Israel, Behold, I will feed them with trouble and will cause them to drink water of gall:
Saboda haka, ga abin da Ubangiji Maɗaukaki, Allah na Isra’ila yana cewa, “Ga shi zan sa wannan mutane su ci abinci mai ɗaci su kuma sha ruwan dafi.
16 and I will scatter them among the nations, to them whom neither they nor their fathers knew; and I will send a sword upon them, until I have consumed them with it.
Zan watsar da su a cikin al’ummai da su da kakanninsu ba su sani ba, zan kuma fafare su da takobi sai na hallaka su.”
17 Thus says the Lord, Call you the mourning women, and let them come; and send to the wise women, and let them utter their voice;
Ga abin da Ubangiji Maɗaukaki yana cewa, “Ku lura yanzu! Ku kira mata masu makoki su zo ku aika wa gwanaye a cikinsu su zo.
18 and let them take up a lamentation for you, and let your eyes pour down tears, and your eyelids drop water.
Bari su zo da sauri su yi kuka a kanmu sai idanunmu sun cika da hawaye giranmu kuma su jiƙe sharkaf.
19 For a voice of lamentation has been heard in Sion, How are we become wretched! we are greatly ashamed, for we have forsaken the land, and have abandoned our tabernacles!
An ji karar kuka daga Sihiyona cewa, ‘Duba yadda muka lalace! Duba irin babban kunyar da muka sha! Dole mu bar ƙasar domin gidajenmu sun lalace.’”
20 Hear now, you women, the word of God, and let your ears receive the words of his mouth, and teach your daughters lamentation, and [every] woman her neighbor a dirge.
Yanzu, ya mata, ku ji maganar Ubangiji; ku buɗe kunnuwanku ga maganar bakina. Ku koya wa’yan matanku yadda za su yi kuka; ku koya wa juna makoki.
21 For death has come up through your windows, it has entered into our land, to destroy the infants without, and the young men from the streets.
Mutuwa ta haura ta tagoginmu ta kuma shiga katangarmu; ta karkashe’ya’ya a tituna ta kuma karkashe samari a dandali.
22 And the carcases of the men shall be for an example on the face of the field of your land, like grass after the mower, and there shall be none to gather [them].
Ka ce, “Ga abin da Ubangiji ya furta, “‘Gawawwakin mutane za su fāɗi kamar juji a fili, kamar hatsin da aka yanka a bayan mai girbi, da ba mai tara su.’”
23 Thus says the Lord, Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, and let not the strong man boast in his strength, and let not the rich man boast in his wealth;
Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, “Kada mai hikima ya yi fariya da hikimarsa ko mai ƙarfi ya yi fariya da ƙarfinsa ko mai arziki ya yi fariya da arzikinsa,
24 but let him that boasts boast in this, the understanding and knowing that I am the Lord that exercise mercy, and judgment, and righteousness, upon the earth; for in these things is my pleasure, says the Lord.
amma bari shi wanda yake taƙama ya yi taƙama da wannan, cewa ya fahimci ya kuma san ni, cewa ni ne Ubangiji, wanda yake yin alheri, gaskiya da kuma adalci a duniya, gama a waɗannan ne nake jin daɗi,” in ji Ubangiji.
25 Behold, the days come, says the Lord, when I will visit upon all the circumcised their uncircumcision;
“Kwanaki suna zuwa,” in ji Ubangiji, “sa’ad da zan hukunta dukan waɗanda aka yi musu kaciya kawai a jiki,
26 on Egypt, and on Idumea, and on Edom, and on the children of Ammon, and on the children of Moab, and on every one that shaves his face round about, [even] them that dwell in the wilderness; for all the Gentiles are uncircumcised in flesh, and all the house of Israel are uncircumcised [in] their hearts.
Masar, Yahuda, Edom, Ammon, Mowab da dukan waɗanda suke zaune a hamada a wurare masu nisa. Gama dukan waɗannan al’ummai marasa kaciya ne, har dukan gidan Isra’ila ma marasa kaciya ne a zuciya.”

< Jeremias 9 >