< Jeremias 49 >

1 Then came all the leaders of the host, and Joanan, and Azarias the son of Maasaeas, and all the people great and small,
Waaʼee Amoonotaa: Waaqayyo akkana jedha: “Israaʼel ilmaan hin qabuu? Inni nama isa dhaalu hin qabuu? Yoos Moolek maaliif Gaadin dhalche ree? Namoonni isaa maaliif magaalaa ishee keessa jiraatu?
2 to Jeremias the prophet, and said to him, Let now our supplication come before your face, and pray you to the Lord your God for this remnant; for we are left few out of many, as your eyes see.
Garuu barri ani itti Rabbaa Amoonotaatti sagalee waca waraanaa dhageessisu tokko ni dhufa” jedha Waaqayyo. “Isheen tuullaa badiisaa ni taati; gandoonni naannoo ishee jiranis ibiddaan gubamu. Ergasii Israaʼel warra ishee ariʼee baase sana ariitee biyyaa ni baafti,” jedha Waaqayyo.
3 And let the Lord your God declare to us the way wherein we should walk, and the thing which we should do.
“Yaa Heshboon wawwaadhu, Aayi barbadoofteertii! Yaa jiraattota Rabbaa iyyaa! Wayyaa gaddaa uffadhaatii booʼaa; dallaa keessa asii fi achi fiigaa; Moolek lubootaa fi qondaaltota isaa wajjin boojiʼamee ni fudhatamaatii.
4 And Jeremias said to them, I have heard [you]; behold, I will pray for you to the Lord our God, according to your words; and it shall come to pass, [that] whatever word the Lord God shall answer, I will declare [it] to you; I will not hide anything from you.
Ati maaliif sulula keetiin boonta? Maaliif sulula kee gabbataa sanaan boonta? Yaa intala hin amanamne ati sooruma kee abdattee, ‘Eenyutu na tuqa?’ jetta.
5 And they said to Jeremias, Let the Lord be between us for a just and faithful witness, if we do not according to every word which the Lord shall send to us.
Ani warra naannoo kee jiraatan hunda irraa sodaa sitti nan fida” jedha Gooftaan, Waaqayyoon Waan Hunda Dandaʼu. “Tokkoon tokkoon keessan ni ariʼamtu; namni baqattoota walitti qabu tokko iyyuu hin jiru.
6 And whether [it be] good, or whether [it be] evil, we will listen to the voice of the Lord our God, to whom we send you; that it may be well with us, because we shall listen to the voice of the Lord our God.
“Taʼu illee ani ergasii hambaawwan Amoonotaa deebisee nan dhaaba” jedha Waaqayyo.
7 And it came to pass after ten days, [that] the word of the Lord came to Jeremias.
Waaʼee Edoom: Waaqayyo Waan Hunda Dandaʼu akkana jedha: “Siʼachi Teemaan keessa ogummaan hin jiruu? Hubattoota duraa gorsi badeeraa? Ogummaan isaanii sameeraa?
8 And he called Joanan, and the leaders of the host, and all the people from the least even to the greatest,
Warri Deedaan keessa jiraattan garagalaa, baqadhaatii holqa gad fagoo keessa dhokadhaa; ani yeroo Esaawun adabutti badiisa isatti nan fidaatii.
9 and he said to them, Thus says the Lord;
Warri gumaa wayinii guuran utuu gara kee dhufanii silaa qarmii wayii hin hambisanii? Hattuun yoo halkan dhufte, Isaan hammuma barbaadan qofa fudhatanii hin deemanii?
10 If you will indeed dwell in this land, I will build you, and will not pull [you] down, but will plant you, and in no wise pluck you up: for I have ceased from the calamities which I brought upon you.
Ani garuu Esaawun qullaa nan hambisa; akka inni itti hin daʼanneef ani iddoo inni itti dhokatu ifatti nan baasa. Ijoolleen isaa, firoonni isaatii fi olloonni isaa ni badu; innis siʼachi hin jiraatu.
11 Be not afraid of the king of Babylon, of whom you are afraid; be not afraid of him, says the Lord: for I am with you, to deliver you, and save you out of their hand.
‘Daaʼimman kee kanneen warra hin qabne dhiisi; anatu isaan jiraachisaatii. Haadhonni hiyyeessaa kee na amanachuu dandaʼu.’”
12 And I will grant you mercy, and pity you, and will restore you to your land.
Waaqayyo akkana jedha: “Yoo warri xoofoo dhuguun isaaniif hin malin ishee dhuguu qabaatan, ati maaliif utuu hin adabamin hafta ree? Ati ishee dhuguu qabda malee utuu hin adabamin hin haftu.
13 But if you say, We will not dwell in this land, that we may not listen to the voice of the Lord;
Ani akka Bozraan diigamtee waan sodaa, waan fafaatii fi waan abaarsaa taatu maqaa kootiin nan kakadha” jedha Waaqayyo. “Magaalaawwan ishee hundis bara baraan ni diigamu.”
14 for we will go into the land of Egypt, and we shall see no war, and shall not hear the sound of a trumpet, and we shall not hunger for bread; and there we will dwell:
Ani ergaa tokko Waaqayyo irraa dhagaʼeera: Ergamaan tokko akkana jechuuf gara sabootaatti ergame; “Ishee loluuf walitti qabamaa! Waraanaafis baʼaa!”
15 then hear the word of the Lord; thus says the Lord;
“Ani amma saboota gidduutti sin xinneessa; namoota keessatti illee tuffatamaa sin godha.
16 If you set your face toward Egypt, and go in there to dwell; then it shall be, [that] the sword which you fear shall find you in the land of Egypt, and the famine to which you have regard, shall overtake you, [coming] after you in Egypt; and there you shall die.
Ati kan hallayyaa kattaa irra jiraattee fiixee tulluu qabattee jirtu, sodaan ati odeessituu fi of tuulummaan garaa keetii si gowwoomseera. Yoo ati akkuma risaa ol fageessitee mana ijaarrattu iyyuu ani achii gad sin buusa” jedha Waaqayyo.
17 And all the men, and all the strangers who have set their face toward the land of Egypt to dwell there, shall be consumed by the sword, and by the famine: and there shall not one of them escape from the evils which I bring upon them.
“Edoom waan sodaa taati; namni achiin darbu hundis sababii madaa ishee hundaatiif dinqisiifatee isheetti kolfa.
18 For thus says the Lord; As my wrath has dropped upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so shall my wrath drop upon you, when you have entered into Egypt: and you shall be a desolation, and under the power of others, and a curse and a reproach: and you shall no more see this place.
Isheen akkuma Sodoomii fi Gomoraan magaalaawwan naannoo isaanii jiran wajjin balleeffaman sana ni taati” jedha Waaqayyo, “namni tokko iyyuu achi hin jiraatu, sanyiin namaa tokkos ishee keessa hin qubatu.
19 [These are the words] which the Lord has spoken concerning you the remnant of Juda; Enter you not into Egypt: and now know you for a certainty,
“Ani akkuma leenca bosona Yordaanosii baʼee gara lafa dheedaa gabbataa dhufu tokkoo dafee Edoomin biyya isheetii nan ariʼa. Filatamaan ani waan kanaaf muudu eenyu? Kan akka koo eenyu? Eenyutus naan morkuu dandaʼa? Tiksee akkamiitu fuula koo dura dhaabachuu dandaʼa?”
20 that you have wrought wickedness in your hearts, when you sent me, saying, Pray you for us to the Lord; and according to all that the Lord shall speak to you we will do.
Kanaafuu waan Waaqayyo Edoomitti karoorfate, waan inni warra Teemaan keessa jiraatanitti yaades dhagaʼaa. Ilmaan bushaayee harkifamanii ni fudhatamu; innis sababii isaaniitiif jedhee lafa dheeda isaanii ni barbadeessa.
21 And you have not listened to the voice of the Lord, with which he sent me to you.
Sagalee kufaatii isaaniitiin lafti ni raafamti; iyyi isaanii hamma Galaana Diimaatti ni dhagaʼama.
22 Now therefore you shall perish by sword and by famine, in the place which you desire to go into to dwell there.
Ilaa! Risaan tokkoo Bozraa irratti qoochoo balʼisee furguggifamaa gad buʼaa jira. Bara sana keessa garaan loltota Edoom akkuma garaa dubartii ciniinsifachuutti jirtu tokkoo taʼa.
Waaʼee Damaasqoo: “Hamaatii fi Arfaad ni raafamu; isaan oduu hamaa dhagaʼaniiruutii. Isaan abdii kutatanii akkuma galaana boqonnaa hin qabne tokkoo jeeqamaniiru.
Damaasqoon dadhabdeerti; isheen baqachuuf gara galteerti; sodaan guddaan ishee qabateera; akkuma miixuu dubartii ciniinsifattuu, rakkinaa fi miixuun isa qabeera.
Magaalaan beekamaan, magaalaan ani itti gammadu sun akkam gatamti!
Dhugumaan dargaggoonni ishee karaa irratti dhumu; loltoonni ishee hundinuu gaafas afaan qabatu” jedha Waaqayyo.
“Ani dallaawwan Damaasqootti ibidda nan qabsiisa; ibiddi sunis daʼannoo Ben-Hadaad gubee balleessa.”
Waaʼee Qeedaariitii fi waaʼee mootummoota Haazoor kanneen Nebukadnezar mootiin Baabilon lole sanaa: Waaqayyo akkana jedha: “Kaʼaa, Qeedaarin lolaatii saba gama Baʼa Biiftuu barbadeessaa.
Dunkaanonni isaaniitii fi bushaayeen isaanii ni fudhatamu; golgaawwan isaanii miʼaa fi gaalawwan isaanii wajjin fudhatamu. Namoonnis, ‘Gama hundaan sodaatu jira!’ jedhanii iyyu.
“Isin warri Haazoor keessa jiraattan dafaa baqadhaa! Holqa gad fagoo keessa dhokadhaa” jedha Waaqayyo. “Nebukadnezar mootiin Baabilon isinitti malateera; inni daba isinitti yaadeera.
“Kaʼaatii saba nagaa qabu kan of amanatee jiraatu saba karra yookaan danqaraa karraa hin qabne sanatti duulaa; uummanni isaa kophuma ofii isaa jiraata” jedha Waaqayyo.
“Gaalawwan isaanii ni hatamu, horiin isaanii baayʼeenis ni boojiʼama. Ani warra lafa fagoo jiran qilleensatti bittinneessee gama hundaan balaa isaanitti nan fida” jedha Waaqayyo.
“Haazoor iddoo jireenyaa waangoo, lafa bara baraan onte taati. Namni tokko iyyuu achi hin jiraatu; namni tokko iyyuu ishee keessa hin qubatu.”
Jalqaba bara mootummaa Zedeqiyaa mooticha Yihuudaa keessa dubbiin Waaqayyoo waaʼee Eelaam akkana jedhee gara Ermiyaas raajichaa dhufe:
Waaqayyo Waan Hunda Dandaʼu akkana jedha: “Kunoo ani madda jabina isaanii, iddaa Eelaam nan cabsa.
Ani kutaalee samiiwwanii afran irraa bubbee afran Eelaamittan fida; ani bubbee afranitti isaan nan bittinneessa; sabni baqattoonni Eelaam itti hin galle tokko iyyuu hin jiraatu.
Ani fuula diinota isaanii, fuula warra lubbuu isaanii galaafachuu barbaadanii duratti Eelaamin nan barbadeessa; ani balaa isaanittan fida; dheekkamsa koo sodaachisaa sanas isaanittan fida; ani hamma isaan fixutti goraadeedhaan isaan ariʼa” jedha Waaqayyo.
“Ani teessoo koo Eelaam keessa dhaabbadhee mootii fi qondaaltota ishee nan barbadeessa” jedha Waaqayyo.
“Taʼu illee ani bara dhufuuf jiru keessa hambaa Eelaam deebisee nan dhaaba” jedha Waaqayyo.

< Jeremias 49 >