< Jeremias 48 >
1 Now it came to pass in the seventh month that Ismael the son of Nathanias the son of Eleasa of the seed royal, came, and ten men with him, to Godolias to Massepha: and they ate bread there together.
論摩押。萬軍之耶和華-以色列的上帝如此說: 尼波有禍了!因變為荒場。 基列亭蒙羞被攻取; 米斯迦蒙羞被毀壞;
2 And Ismael rose up, and the ten men that were with him, and struck Godolias, whom the king of Babylon had appointed [governor] over the land,
摩押不再被稱讚。 有人在希實本設計謀害她,說: 來吧!我們將她剪除,不再成國。 瑪得緬哪,你也必默默無聲; 刀劍必追趕你。
3 and all the Jews that were with him in Massepha, and all the Chaldeans that were found there.
4 And it came to pass on the second day after he had struck Godolias, and no man knew [of it],
摩押毀滅了! 她的孩童發哀聲,使人聽見。
5 that there came men from Sychem, and from Salem, and from Samaria, [even] eighty men, having their beards shaven, and their clothes tore, and beating their breasts, and [they had] manna and frankincense in their hands, to bring [them] into the house of the Lord.
人上魯希坡隨走隨哭, 因為在何羅念的下坡聽見毀滅的哀聲。
6 And Ismael went out to meet them; [and] they went on and wept: and he said to them, Come in to Godolias.
你們要奔逃,自救性命, 獨自居住,好像曠野的杜松。
7 And it came to pass, when they had entered into the midst of the city, [that] he killed them [and cast them] into a pit.
你因倚靠自己所做的和自己的財寶必被攻取。 基抹和屬他的祭司、首領也要一同被擄去。
8 But ten men were found there, and they said to Ismael, Slay us not: for we have treasures in the field, wheat and barley, honey and oil. So he passed by, and killed them not in the midst of their brethren.
行毀滅的必來到各城, 並無一城得免。 山谷必致敗落, 平原必被毀壞; 正如耶和華所說的。
9 Now the pit into which Ismael cast all whom he struck, is the great pit, which king Asa had made for fear of Baasa king of Israel: [even] this Ismael filled with slain men.
要將翅膀給摩押, 使她可以飛去。 她的城邑必致荒涼, 無人居住。 (
10 And Ismael brought back all the people that were left in Massepha, and the king's daughter, whom the captain of the guard had committed in charge to Godolias the son of Achicam: and he went away beyond the children of Ammon.
11 And Joanan the son of Caree, and all the leaders of the host that were with him, heard of all the evil deeds which Ismael had done.
摩押自幼年以來常享安逸, 如酒在渣滓上澄清, 沒有從這器皿倒在那器皿裏, 也未曾被擄去。 因此,它的原味尚存, 香氣未變。
12 And they brought all their army, and went to fight against him, and found him near much water in Gabaon.
13 And it came to pass, when all the people that was with Ismael saw Joanan, and the leaders of the host that was with him,
14 that they returned to Joanan.
你們怎麼說: 我們是勇士,是有勇力打仗的呢?
15 But Ismael escaped with eight men and went to the children of Ammon.
摩押變為荒場, 敵人上去進了她的城邑。 她所特選的少年人下去遭了殺戮; 這是君王-名為萬軍之耶和華說的。
16 And Joanan, and all the leaders of the host that were with him, took all the remnant of the people, whom he [had] brought back from Ismael, mighty men in war, and the women, and the other [property], and the eunuchs, whom they [had] brought back from Gabaon:
摩押的災殃臨近; 她的苦難速速來到。
17 and they departed, and lived in Gaberoch-amaa, that is by Bethleem, to go into Egypt, for fear of the Chaldeans:
凡在她四圍的和認識她名的, 你們都要為她悲傷,說: 那結實的杖和那美好的棍, 何竟折斷了呢?
18 for they were afraid of them, because Ismael had struck Godolias, whom the king of Babylon made [governor] in the land.
住在底本的民哪, 要從你榮耀的位上下來, 坐受乾渴; 因毀滅摩押的上來攻擊你, 毀壞了你的保障。
住亞羅珥的啊, 要站在道旁觀望, 問逃避的男人和逃脫的女人說: 是甚麼事呢?
摩押因毀壞蒙羞; 你們要哀號呼喊, 要在亞嫩旁報告說: 摩押變為荒場!
摩押的居民哪, 要離開城邑,住在山崖裏, 像鴿子在深淵口上搭窩。
我們聽說摩押人驕傲, 是極其驕傲; 聽說他自高自傲, 並且狂妄,居心自大。
耶和華說: 我知道他的忿怒是虛空的; 他誇大的話一無所成。
因此,我要為摩押哀號, 為摩押全地呼喊; 人必為吉珥‧哈列設人歎息。
西比瑪的葡萄樹啊,我為你哀哭, 甚於雅謝人哀哭。 你的枝子蔓延過海, 直長到雅謝海。 那行毀滅的已經臨到你夏天的果子 和你所摘的葡萄。
肥田和摩押地的歡喜快樂都被奪去; 我使酒醡的酒絕流, 無人踹酒歡呼; 那歡呼卻變為仇敵的吶喊。
耶和華如此說: 仇敵必如大鷹飛起, 展開翅膀,攻擊摩押。
加略被攻取,保障也被佔據。 到那日,摩押的勇士心中疼痛如臨產的婦人。
耶和華說:摩押的居民哪, 恐懼、陷坑、網羅都臨近你。
躲避恐懼的必墜入陷坑; 從陷坑上來的必被網羅纏住; 因我必使追討之年臨到摩押。 這是耶和華說的。
躲避的人無力站在希實本的影下; 因為有火從希實本發出, 有火焰出於西宏的城, 燒盡摩押的角和鬨嚷人的頭頂。
摩押啊,你有禍了! 屬基抹的民滅亡了! 因你的眾子都被擄去, 你的眾女也被擄去。
耶和華說: 到末後,我還要使被擄的摩押人歸回。 摩押受審判的話到此為止。